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  1. FractalAudio

    Dan Campbell FTL

    Geesh dude, take the freakin' points. I'm screaming at the TV "Take the points!!!". Nope, gonna go for it even though the offense has only managed a paltry 42 yards so far in the second half. Statistics man!!! If you're offense is not performing then don't gamble the game on the chance that...
  2. FractalAudio

    G3 SITREP: Steve’s Rig Just Sht the bed

    SITREP = SITuation REPort
  3. FractalAudio

    How Good is the Fractal VH4 Model?

    The odds of that are somewhere between extremely low and nil.
  4. FractalAudio

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    No effect on latency. Increases CPU.
  5. FractalAudio

    bug? changing controller block tempo not affecting tempo based delay

    This has been fixed for the next release.
  6. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    The default values are arbitrary. When you use the real amp there is no "default value". You adjust the knobs until you get the sound you want. No difference with the amp models.
  7. FractalAudio

    bug? changing controller block tempo not affecting tempo based delay

    Not a bug. If you want Tempo to change when switching controller channels you need to set Tempo To Use to Preset rather than Global.
  8. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)
  9. FractalAudio

    Wish Harmonic generator with level controls for each harmonic

    For natural sounding (not synthesizer sounding) distortion the harmonics are not static. They change with applied amplitude. How do you propose adjusting something that is inherently dynamic. Mathematically the best you can do is an adjustable waveshaper where the user can freely define the...
  10. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    You probably have Auto Speaker Impedance turned on.
  11. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    There's a missing knob in Axe-Edit. The ODS models have two Master Volumes: Overdrive Volume and Master Volume. @Michael Pickens
  12. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    No, CPU usage is not a static quantity. It bounces around a bit. The displayed value is the average.
  13. FractalAudio

    Legacy Vs. Dyna-Cabs

    So I made some measurements of our Neve vs. API preamps. The difference is virtually nil. For a condenser mic the difference IS nil which is unsurprising since a condenser has its own built-in preamp. Here's the frequency response difference between a Neve 1073 and an API 312: If you ignore...
  14. FractalAudio

    Wish Harmonic generator with level controls for each harmonic

    What you are describing would be like a synthesizer where the guitar would do nothing more than select the note to play and modulate the level. It would be like playing a (really bad) MIDI guitar where the timbre of the note is static and all you can do is change the envelope. I doubt that's...
  15. FractalAudio

    Wish Next Gen Dyna-Cabs: Support 3D Deep Dive Audio for headphones

    Not sure why anyone would want this since IRs are close-mic'd and this wouldn't represent "amp in the room" in the slightest.
  16. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    CPU use is too high.
  17. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Because you have Feedback at 100%. Don't do that.
  18. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Don't thank me, thank Matt B. He did all the work.
  19. FractalAudio

    Wish Sample Block

    The product lacks sufficient non-volatile memory to implement this.
  20. FractalAudio


    Modeling is time consuming. Time is money. It's a cost-benefit situation. We will take your request into consideration.
  21. FractalAudio

    Wish Harmonic generator with level controls for each harmonic

    Defining the harmonic series is impossible without a constant amplitude source. You can do it with Chebyshev polynomials but the source amplitude must be constant, i.e., an oscillator in a synthesizer.
  22. FractalAudio

    Wish Harmonic generator with level controls for each harmonic

    This is not possible with a guitar signal. Google Chebyshev polynomials.
  23. FractalAudio

    Legacy Vs. Dyna-Cabs

    The mic preamp doesn't make that much difference as you will soon find out.
  24. FractalAudio

    Legacy Vs. Dyna-Cabs

    This thread is about the on-board Dyna-Cabs and you're conflating Cab-Lab IV w/ those and Axe-Edit.
  25. FractalAudio

    Legacy Vs. Dyna-Cabs

    Dyna-Cabs exclusively.
  26. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    The amount of degradation is adjustable. Simply adjust the Bit Reduction to get the desired amount. It's not complicated.
  27. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    Vintage Digital is not a 2290 model.
  28. FractalAudio

    New Gibson…err…Mesa Amps

    Not digging the tones. They sound like old designs with too much blocking distortion.
  29. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    No, just modeled it after how devices in that era worked.
  30. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    The whole point of the Vintage Digital type is the artifacts. It's modeling an early, primitive digital delay w/ an 8-bit converter.
  31. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    Here's the fix:
  32. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    I updated it because I wanted to. To get the sound of the previous model roll back to an earlier firmware.
  33. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    No. I went through all models with cathode followers and only the ones listed warranted updating.
  34. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    The D60 was updated to "Series II" specs. The other models were updated based on new parameter fits related to cathode follower modeling.
  35. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 24.04 Changed Tuner mute logic so that only selected source is muted when Mute is set to INPUT. Updated Fryette D60 models. Updated Citrus RV50 model. Updated...
  36. FractalAudio

    Vibro Verb Cabs

    You are probably either overdriving something after the iR (i.e. the preamp section of the cab block) or have a compressor or something else nonlinear after it.
  37. FractalAudio

    [already in there] USB data line protection

    The USB lines have ESD protection. All our products do.
  38. FractalAudio

    Is the Harmonic Tremolo mono only?

    What are you trying to do? If you want the left and right to alternate then set the LFO Phase to 180 degrees.
  39. FractalAudio

    Is the Harmonic Tremolo mono only?

    It should be stereo. Make sure you're not collapsing to mono somewhere after it.
  40. FractalAudio

    End of an Era

    I think it was a mistake and Kraft is going to regret it. We'll see.
  41. FractalAudio

    Bogren's IRDX core

    Probably similar to what the Axe-Fx does vis-a-vis Speaker Thump/Drive/etc.
  42. FractalAudio

    Closed VHT Pitbull Ultralead

    Schematics are not available.
  43. FractalAudio

    Implemented Would love to see and updated Brit Silver model.

    Model was updated in firmware 24.02.
  44. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug modifiers list and legacy modifiers from old presets

    You need to contact the maker of fractool. We don't support that.
  45. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug modifiers list and legacy modifiers from old presets

    How did you "migrate" these from the Axe-Fx II?
  46. FractalAudio

    Brit 800 2204 vs 2203 thoughts

    The 2204 models have a 10K dropping resistor between the B+ and PI. The 2203 models have 20K. The 2203 has about 17% more preamp gain than the 2204 as a result.
  47. FractalAudio

    axe fx 3 dynocabs not installed / noise gate
  48. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Euro Uber presence bug?

    It's not a bug. The Uber has massive amounts of negative feedback and an RLC resonant network in the feedback. If the speaker impedance is highly resonant at the same frequency as the network (as is the Recto Straight) then the power amp becomes an oscillator if you turn the Presence down...
  49. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    There is no bug related to mute modes. There seems to be an issue with control switches controlling bypass states between scene changes. A workaround has been posted until the engineers have time to investigate exactly why this particular preset is causing problems. Let's get back on topic.
  50. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    The cause of his problems is related to the control switch. Matt has posted a workaround until the engineers can take a look at exactly why this particular preset is having problems. Please stop stirring the pot needlessly.
  51. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Yes, that's the way it works.
  52. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    If only the output is muted (either Mute Out or Mute FX Out) the delay is still "listening". See the manual for details.
  53. FractalAudio

    Tonewood doesn’t matter

    If the wood didn't matter then solid body guitars would sound the same as hollow body guitars if they used the same pickups. QED
  54. FractalAudio

    Orange Rockerverb compared Axe FX 3 vs. Kemper

    Those sound nothing alike. Did you use the same cabinet for both?
  55. FractalAudio

    Axefx III USB Audio Noise - Need Help

    If your laptop works and your PC doesn't the problem isn't the Axe-Fx, it's your PC. Try a different USB port on your computer. Uninstall the driver and reinstall.
  56. FractalAudio

    Mark V preset #

    Make your own presets. Take a Mark IV preset and replace the amp with one of the Mark V models.
  57. FractalAudio

    Running out of output 2 into power amp

    Why can't you use Output 1?
  58. FractalAudio

    Need online tech support

    Support is expensive and 99% of support issues are user error.
  59. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Check your audio interface. Probably not set to stereo or panned correctly.
  60. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Spend some time on it. I highly doubt there's a bug.
  61. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Not in our wheelhouse.
  62. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    You might think it's "friendly" but the constant criticism lately has really taken the joy out of things.
  63. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Sorry the product doesn't meet your expectations. I will endeavor to do better in the future.
  64. FractalAudio

    Odd behavior

    There was an unusually high number of M and X solar flares yesterday. Your unit probably got hit by a cosmic ray which flipped a bit.
  65. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    The model is now based on a Silver Jubilee. The Lerxst is actually almost identical except for the taper of the mid control. In a Silver Jubilee the mid pot is log, in the Lerxst it's linear. Guess Alex likes mids. So if you want the sound of the old model turn up the mids. FWIW, Alex...
  66. FractalAudio

    FM9 unit background noise

    It's the fan. It keeps the processor from overheating.
  67. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Yes, it's the lead channel w/ the gain knob pushed in. The pull rhythm clip thing is this amp is an enigma. If implies that it's only active in the rhythm channel but it affects the lead channel too.
  68. FractalAudio

    All amp models have have a high frequency rasp

    16dBu is approx. 7V peak.
  69. FractalAudio

    Lions Got Robbed

    68 clearly went up to the ref and checked in as an eligible receiver. So many egregious calls this year. Makes you doubt the integrity of the league.
  70. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    What small mistakes? I'm not aware of any. The models sound great and a lot of time was spent on them, perhaps more than any other models. If they don't work for you there are hundreds of other models that may work better for you.
  71. FractalAudio

    Wish Double Click on Presence = 5

    Many amps don't have presence controls and default to zero when selected. Therefore the default value when double-clicking is zero.
  72. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    I removed the virtual resistor because it sounds better to me that way. This was a common mod for people who only used the High input.
  73. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    Plexi High 2 has a 0.68uF cap on V2A and the mixing resistor for the normal channel removed.
  74. FractalAudio

    Puzzling amp block latency

    Only measures 1ms here which is exactly as expected. Those utilities are not terribly useful for measuring things that are nonlinear.
  75. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    The crossfade triggers for ALL outputs whenever amp blocks change channels. Your amp blocks are changing channels between scenes. Not a bug.
  76. FractalAudio

    Wish Pre-amp and Power Amp distortion meter

    When the meter nears maximum the power tubes are clipping.
  77. FractalAudio

    Wish Pre-amp and Power Amp distortion meter

    There's already a meter for the power amp. That's all you need really.
  78. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Release

    I don't control that. @Admin M@
  79. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 24.03 Fixed Mr Z MZ models crashing. Fixed spurious tone in input when Noise Gate is disabled. 24.02 Improved Stack/Hold behavior in Delay block for Tape...
  80. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Release

    Turn the midrange up.
  81. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Release

    Try the new Silver Jubilee model. I'll let y'all in on a little secret later (maybe).
  82. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Release

    Link removed due to bug Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 24.02 Improved Stack/Hold behavior in Delay block for Tape types. While the echoes will still degrade over time if Stack/Hold is on the degradation is improved and only due to the losses of the virtual tape. Improved Intelligent and...
  83. FractalAudio

    Vintage Digital delay small buzz or digital artifact

    Intentional. It uses virtual crappy converters with low bit depth.
  84. FractalAudio

    Effects not working

    Ping-pong delay was fixed in 24.02. Make sure you're using the correct firmware and your output(s) are set to stereo.
  85. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1

    Works fine here. 4CM implies a mono configuration so it's not surprising it's not working correctly for you. It's a stereo effect.
  86. FractalAudio

    Will there be FM3 Mini ? Fractal answer to the new Kemper Profiler Player

    No plans for anything like this. If the FM3 is too heavy for you then you need to spend some time at the gym.
  87. FractalAudio

    Multi Delay Block to sound similar to Plex Verb... help...

    Uhhh, why not just use the Plex Verb? The Multi-Delay block doesn't have any algorithms that are very similar to the Plex Verb.
  88. FractalAudio

    Anyone else have the default input gain on their FM9 be way too high?

    The factory default value for all units is 1.0.
  89. FractalAudio

    Anyone else have the default input gain on their FM9 be way too high?

    I have mine adjusted very far from the strings otherwise it overpowers the single-coils.
  90. FractalAudio

    Anyone else have the default input gain on their FM9 be way too high?

    Depends on the guitar. On my Warmoth strat with a JB in the bridge and 9s I run around 65%. If I plug in my Tom Anderson with 10s I have to lower it to 20%. That's why it's adjustable. The alternative is to have it fixed at some very low value and then people with low output guitars would...
  91. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1

    This has been fixed for the next release. Pro Tip: in the future try not being so combative and people will be more likely to help you. I spent several hours trying to reproduce your bug to no avail. You did not tell me you had altered the factory presets and dialed in over 16dB of gain in...
  92. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1
  93. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1

    This thread is about firmware 24.02. Regardless, I cannot reproduce that error.
  94. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1

    Presets work fine here.
  95. FractalAudio

    FM3 vs Quad Cortex

    That's one of the things that the online community doesn't recognize: our drive models are as exacting as our amp models. None of the competitors products I've measured are anywhere near as accurate as our models.
  96. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1 3. Simplify the preset as much as possible. Remove any blocks that are not relevant. This is not simplified:
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