Wish Double Click on Presence = 5

Can't see the need to set the default to 5. What's wrong with the actual behaviour? Next we'll discuss why it isn't set to 6 ...
The current implementation just sets a specific value regardless of amp type, thus as the default varies widely based on amp type it's going to be "wrong" / weird for lots of amps no matter which specific value is used - some amps default to presence 0, some to 3, 5, or 7. I'm not sure why 0 was chosen here over 5, maybe because once you count the amps without a presence control (which do still have a presence knob on the ideal page) 0 might actually be the most common value.

In an ideal world I'd like to have double click on a control reset the control to the amp default. Of course that would be significantly more complex than just setting a constant on double click, as Axe Edit would have to read out the correct value for the specific control and amp from the firmware, or alternatively require an appropriate "set default" function in the firmware which could be triggered by Axe Edit...
Can't see the need to set the default to 5. What's wrong with the actual behaviour? Next we'll discuss why it isn't set to 6 ...
I believe all the other controls on the Tone page default to 5 when double-clicked.

For consistency, it makes sense.

Otherwise, none of the default values in editor makes sense and all should reset to zero...
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@Michael Pickens, maybe a triple-click on a knob sets it to it's midpoint? (No-op or set to default for switches.) Unless you already have that doing something else, like selecting/highlighting the control's label.
Many amps don't have presence controls and default to zero when selected. Therefore the default value when double-clicking is zero.
But many amps that do have presence controls also default to zero when you double click the control, even though the amp default when loaded is 5.00. I think in that case the default should be 5.00 for those amps for the most intuitive behavior.

Overall I think being able to easily return to the default value for any parameter for that amp model without resetting the channel would be a great improvement. Much easier to try e.g advanced params when you don't have to remember what the original value was since those seem to reset to seemingly random values from the user's perspective.

As a simple example, double clicking Negative Feedback on the Plexi 100W Jumped model's Power Amp page sets that param to 3.50, when the default is 5.30. Double clicking Presence Frequency sets it from 1.00 -> 10.00. None of this is intuitive behavior because the defaults are not either zero or mid-point but maybe some fallback values?
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I wondered about this for a long time …every time I’m tweaking it.

Makes sense to go to zero since there are amps with no presence.

Yet in the course of tweaking and addressing the highs …I want to double click it to go to the default setting for whatever amp i’m on and retweak it based on its default.

When it goes to zero instead of the expected 5 …I tweak with my eyes closed 😇
People don't usually move the presence control in amps with default at 0, so the vast majority of presence tweaks are in amps with a presence control that does not default to 0, therefor by pure logic the default should be 5.
Overall I think being able to easily return to the default value for any parameter for that amp model without resetting the channel would be a great improvement. Much easier to try e.g advanced params when you don't have to remember what the original value was since those seem to reset to seemingly random values from the user's perspective.
Yet in the course of tweaking and addressing the highs …I want to double click it to go to the default setting for whatever amp i’m on and retweak it based on its default.
Ideally there should be a correct (potentially unique) "double-click default" value for every parameter per each amp model, but that requires AE knowing this, which might otherwise be embedded in the FW code. If it is readable by AE, then AE could do it.

Short of that, I get @James Freeman's logic that for amps whose default presence is 0 users tend not to tweak it (tho I have), so a middle value of 5 seems like a reasonable hard-coded "double-click default". Or triple-clicking to set to midpoint regardless.
Ideally there should be a correct (potentially unique) "double-click default" value for every parameter per each amp model, but that requires AE knowing this, which might otherwise be embedded in the FW code. If it is readable by AE, then AE could do it.
The FW already has this - the initial settings for any block with a particular model loaded are the default values.

All that is needed is that Axe-Edit forms a "block ID -> model ID -> param ID -> default value" mapping. This can be done when reading block definitions since it won't ever change except after firmware updates.

Since the hardware UI does not support a "reset selected parameter" function (not that I haven't suggested changing the Reset function to that years ago already...), this only needs to be a concern for Axe-Edit. Axe-Edit could simple refer to that mapping when selecting what to use as double click reset value.

It's not a difficult problem to solve and on your computer storage or memory use won't be a real concern either.
The FW already has this - the initial settings for any block with a particular model loaded are the default values.
Of course, resetting any block resets it on the unit to defaults as set in the FW (e.g. via some internal block init() call).

All that is needed is that Axe-Edit forms a "block ID -> model ID -> param ID -> default value" mapping. This can be done when reading block definitions since it won't ever change except after firmware updates.
In theory yes.

What I'm saying is for AE to see the true "reset defaults" per every block type-subtype-parameter, the FW has to make all of those readable by AE which might be nontrivial, at least a change to the framework to expose (serialize) those as in your mapping example. To be uniform and extensible, AE would need to read all param defaults for every block type (and subtypes, if different across any of these). More data to transfer but possible.

I don't think we are disagreeing in principle, only as to how "easy" it might be (with our respective engineering hats on?). It would be great to have as a way to take guesswork out of what the true "reset defaults" are for every parameter in every block.
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