FM3 vs Quad Cortex

Had a qc when they came out. returned it due to power supply, wifi and potential quality issues. very slow updates. just tried it again. same power supply and wifi issues. <shaking my head> returned it as my spider senses were tingling. just looking up Quad cortex problems on the internet gives me chills at the sheer amount of issues. Even some of the 'yt influencers' had videos about issues. the unit is still not stable yet. it sounds fine but I'd rather retry when they have a version 2 (if they ever do)
I am completely pleased with how well the FM3 replicates the sound of real amplifiers. The serious, painstaking work is evident. I don’t need to mix several amplifiers, I’m not a mixer, but a guitarist. Add to this the mind-blowing effects and the result is that I don’t need another modeler. Thanks to all! Post's been paid (not).
I still use the current version of the Helix floor and I have to tell you that's not really accurate anymore to say its not even close. It is close!
The new amp models are very good.

I can make a direct comparison with my FM3 now. Basically the Fractal is more realistic live amp tones, maybe even effects too. What I've found is that the Helix tones sit in recorded mixes very easily whereas the Fractal tones I think are better live tones because they sound like real amps.

I think vs the quad cortex is an easier one because FM3 is a clear winner for me
I agree that the Helix sounds great. I was never able to get a satisfying high gain sound with the cabinet emulations & I could hear very little difference between the higher gain amps. I stuck with the Helix until 3.50 with the cabinet updates, but ultimately made the switch. I don't use a lot of effects, so can't really comment on them. I get great tones without a bunch of EQing, which was seldom the case with the Helix. I also like the smaller footprint of the FM3. I would have liked to keep both, but that was not feasible. Ironically, it was the quality of the Helix as vs Focusrite as an interface that started the switchover.
Did you have an issue with the Helix as an interface? Curious as to what it was.
No. It's a great interface. It convinced me to sell my Focusrite. I got a crack at an RME UCX for a good price & jumped on it. I just think the gainier amp models in the FM3 sound better than the Helix.
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Would you recommend the FM3 in a similar context to how I am using my QC; i.e. on a laptop stand next to my desk?
This is how I normally use mine. Laptop stand on the desk, with an MC6 midi controller on the floor along with an expression pedal. FM3 edit usually open on my laptop as well.
I've owned a QC for a year and now have an FM3 on the way. I'll post some thoughts on how they compare in my opinion when I've had the FM3 for a while. I've used Fractal since 2009 (Standard and Axe-FX II) and wanted to try the QC when it was time to update my gear. It looked impressive in youtube videos, the form factor was appealing and I liked the idea of supporting a Finnish company.

What I will say now is that I've been quite disappointed with Neural's glacial pace of development. I went in expecting a slower pace than Fractal, but there was a lot of talk about how the development would be faster after they got the big 2.0 update out, which made major changes to the unit. Now it's nearly a year after 2.0, and there's been very little added to the QC. Something like 4 amps, 2 delays, and a few drives. I don't really care much about adding amps or drives, but the fx (delays and reverbs especially) are so far below the standard set by Fractal and Line 6 that it's embarassing. There are so many half-baked or simply missing basic features with no word on if they are even being worked on. There's no transparency on things like FX loop levels or latency performance. They are working on plugin support, but I'd rather not have to pay for extra content.
There’s a local guy near my house that selling an AxeFx III Mk2 (non turbo) for $1750.

Might take a chance.
Do it. You will not regret it.
I own an Axe III, I own a FM3 and I've owned a Kemper, HX Stomp, Tonex and Quad Cortex.

Short story - the QC does not sound as good as the Fractal. There is a harshness on the top end that I could never get rid of.
There are some graphs showing that the QC does in fact have some harshness. Some say they don't hear it....I could never NOT hear it.
The UI was fun, their dowload community was fun.....but the sound was just not amazing.

I was happy when I sold it.
Yeah I looked at getting a QC for ages but ended up getting an FM3 instead, I'm glad I did because the Fractal has taken away that desire to try and find something better. I can't see what the QC has to offer for a Fractal owner, doubly so with the QC price point
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I keep ABing drives vs all my pedals with FM3 and man they can be so close and in some cases better ! Tell myself that can’t be , but now not even using outboard gear anymore….
I keep ABing drives vs all my pedals with FM3 and man they can be so close and in some cases better ! Tell myself that can’t be , but now not even using outboard gear anymore….
That's one of the things that the online community doesn't recognize: our drive models are as exacting as our amp models. None of the competitors products I've measured are anywhere near as accurate as our models.
I've owned a QC for a year and now have an FM3 on the way. I'll post some thoughts on how they compare in my opinion when I've had the FM3 for a while. I've used Fractal since 2009 (Standard and Axe-FX II) and wanted to try the QC when it was time to update my gear. It looked impressive in youtube videos, the form factor was appealing and I liked the idea of supporting a Finnish company.

What I will say now is that I've been quite disappointed with Neural's glacial pace of development. I went in expecting a slower pace than Fractal, but there was a lot of talk about how the development would be faster after they got the big 2.0 update out, which made major changes to the unit. Now it's nearly a year after 2.0, and there's been very little added to the QC. Something like 4 amps, 2 delays, and a few drives. I don't really care much about adding amps or drives, but the fx (delays and reverbs especially) are so far below the standard set by Fractal and Line 6 that it's embarassing. There are so many half-baked or simply missing basic features with no word on if they are even being worked on. There's no transparency on things like FX loop levels or latency performance. They are working on plugin support, but I'd rather not have to pay for extra content.
Yea - I don't know why, for the life of me, people care so much about the plugin support for the QC.

I mean, you can basically dial in any of the sounds you need with what is currently available on QC without needing the plugins. I get it tho, it was a launch day promise and it's been 4 years and nothing has happened on it other than them acknowledging after all this time that they need to make good on it.

I have owned the QC twice now; sent both back to Sweetwater after my 30 days with the units. The first time I was hopeful that the unit was going to blow me away (it didn't) and the second time I was hopeful that Neural had gotten their stuff together (they didn't). It's a shame. The unit has a lot of promise, but it's an afterthought by a company who's bread and butter (and bottom line) is 100% tied up with their plugins.
That's one of the things that the online community doesn't recognize: our drive models are as exacting as our amp models. None of the competitors products I've measured are anywhere near as accurate as our models.
I don't know why, but I feel like I have owned basically every modeling device on the market, but I have never taken the Fractal plunge.

Helix, HX Stomp, Quad Cortex, and Boss GT1000 Core; no Fractal. I gotta try it out.

I’ve owned several different modellers over the years too, there is a reason I have two Fractal products and nothing else.

Just can’t be beat.
I’m a bedroom player and I got none of them, but I’m in the hunt.
IMO QC doesn’t seem to be constructed like a tank. FM3 does it. Things like PSU, switches, etc make the QC look as a toy if you compare it with FM3.
About capturing amps, it only makes sense for me if you got a collection of good tube amps. Other way, go with modelling.
None of the units out there is perfect, but between QC and FM3 I would bet on Fractal
If the Quad Cortex:
  • Had the features it was marketed with
  • Wasn't cloud only
  • Had an actual power supply
  • Etc. would have been unbeatable.

But when a device has to exist/perform in the real world, FM3 (and probably Tonemaster Pro after a year of updates) are your best bets.
If the Quad Cortex:
  • Had the features it was marketed with
  • Wasn't cloud only
  • Had an actual power supply
  • Etc. would have been unbeatable.

But when a device has to exist/perform in the real world, FM3 (and probably Tonemaster Pro after a year of updates) are your best bets.
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