FM3 vs Quad Cortex

i second everything Whizzinby said.

i had a QC of the first batch and sold it last year. bought one this year again because they kinda improved with the unit and released the editor.
now like 3 weeks ago i ordered the FM3 MKII Turbo and the QC has to go again.
I have owned a QC several times and also have had several Fractal units (AX8, FM3, FM9). I currently have the QC and an FM9. There are some things I really like about the QC, Mic preamps, relatively small size - small enough to be on a desktop, easy onboard editing, and being capable of running captures. There are a few captures I've run into that I really like a lot. You can get some really great sounds from the QC.

All that being said, there are a lot of advantages to Fractal units. Right now, I really don't want to keep both units, and I have to sell one of them. I have all but totally decided to sell the QC (again). The FM9 is so much more practical - it is really made for gigging, and it has a lot of very practical useful features that the QC doesn't and may never have. All of the things mentioned above in previous posts:

  • A usable Song/Setlist feature
  • Great effects
  • So many great amp models
  • Near infinite adjustability of the models
  • Versatile routing system
  • Amazingly versatile switching system - can be most anything you want it to be
  • Better MIDI implementation
  • Reliable power supply
  • Frequent firmware updates
  • Great support from a dedicated company of musicians & tech wizards
The FM9 is winning on a lot of key issues for me. I'd love to have the power of the FM9 in a slightly smaller package, but it's a rock-solid gigging machine as it is so I'm not complaining.

I did have the FM3 a few years back and in retrospect, while I liked the smaller footprint, it was sometimes challenging to only have 3 switches. A truly genius switching system though, so it was possible to get at everything, just more button presses to get there sometimes. It was a great little modeler though and is probably enough for most things you would need to do.

If you get a Fractal, you won't be sorry...
If you're just using it as a modeler, I don't see how this is even close. If you have a bunch of great amps that you don't want to take out of your house, and some great drive pedals, then it makes a little more sense.
Owned a QC for a short period.

Details from my experience here.

TLDR; I own an AXE-FX III but needed a small format solution for a long period on the road. Tried a QC, was super underwhelmed, returned and purchased an FM3. One of the best gear decisions I’ve made.

Edit - As some have mentioned, if the core use was profiling and I was willing to accept all the other shortcomings (effects, routing, glacial development) then I might have gotten by with it.
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i've got a QC on loan that I tried for a little while, it's still awaiting to be sent back/picked up by its rightful owner actually

as you pointed out, it's the huge horsepower and potential that has been marred by lack of updates and utilisation of it
however at this point in the road it's certainly starting to look more promising with bit by bit neural plugin integration coming soon to the unit/desktop editor etc, why it's taken almost 3 years to get to this point who knows

fractal has a much longer proven track record and experience, practical/robust and stable use for professional musicians with a very helpful community and lots of online ressources to boot

having used an FM3 for over a year there are some things in the fractal unit I can't seem to live without (e.g MB compressor to help control metal chugs as one example, sidechain/key input style gating) not to mention the huge amount of amps available to find what i'm after, or a sense that it's a more complete signal chain modelling platform right down to mic preamps etc..

ultimately it still comes down to what you need out of a unit, whether or not the potential of a unit is fully used is irrelevant, it has to deliver the best possible option for what you're looking for, along the lines of i'd rather a master of one instead of a jack of all trades

if a Fractal unit will better serve you, you kind of have to try it out yourself to see, a lot of stuff can sound the same but the feel of playing through something can't really be properly gauged based solely on theory

or on another tangeant, i'm a huge fan of VHT/Fryette amps, outside of profiles Fractal has the d60 model which i absolutely love, can't really find that elsewhere, or say the Hiwatt model, ODS, Trainwreck etc.. to name a few

it'd be great to see say the Granophyre make it's way to the QC, like the plugin or others, but maybe that'll be another 2-3 years if at all, the Archetype stuff is fun, but i feel they're all versions/mods of existing amps with a nice GUI
I have owned a QC several times and also have had several Fractal units (AX8, FM3, FM9). I currently have the QC and an FM9. There are some things I really like about the QC, Mic preamps, relatively small size - small enough to be on a desktop, easy onboard editing, and being capable of running captures. There are a few captures I've run into that I really like a lot. You can get some really great sounds from the QC.

All that being said, there are a lot of advantages to Fractal units. Right now, I really don't want to keep both units, and I have to sell one of them. I have all but totally decided to sell the QC (again). The FM9 is so much more practical - it is really made for gigging, and it has a lot of very practical useful features that the QC doesn't and may never have. All of the things mentioned above in previous posts:

  • A usable Song/Setlist feature
  • Great effects
  • So many great amp models
  • Near infinite adjustability of the models
  • Versatile routing system
  • Amazingly versatile switching system - can be most anything you want it to be
  • Better MIDI implementation
  • Reliable power supply
  • Frequent firmware updates
  • Great support from a dedicated company of musicians & tech wizards
The FM9 is winning on a lot of key issues for me. I'd love to have the power of the FM9 in a slightly smaller package, but it's a rock-solid gigging machine as it is so I'm not complaining.

I did have the FM3 a few years back and in retrospect, while I liked the smaller footprint, it was sometimes challenging to only have 3 switches. A truly genius switching system though, so it was possible to get at everything, just more button presses to get there sometimes. It was a great little modeler though and is probably enough for most things you would need to do.

If you get a Fractal, you won't be sorry...
Would you recommend the FM3 in a similar context to how I am using my QC; i.e. on a laptop stand next to my desk?
Owned a QC for a short period.

Details from my experience here.

TLDR; I own an AXE-FX III but needed a small format solution for a long period on the road. Tried a QC, was super underwhelmed, returned and purchased an FM3. One of the best gear decisions I’ve made.

Edit - As some have mentioned, if the core use was profiling and I was willing to accept all the other shortcomings (effects, routing, glacial development) then I might have gotten by with it.
These are kind of my sentiments, minus the launch day adopter. I am definitely late to the game in that regard.

But as you mentioned, the QC is a capable unit; I just can't see Neural as an honest company at this point.

Their recent ad campaign using Cameo was cringe at best.
There is a AxeIII Mark II (non-turbo) on CL locally, $1900. Looks minty.

Worth it over the FM3? I likely would never take the FM3 out of the house anyways, so this may be a good option.

Non-turbo tho.
Would you recommend the FM3 in a similar context to how I am using my QC; i.e. on a laptop stand next to my desk?
Sure - It's a good bit heftier than the QC - a little taller & heavier, but it could be used on a desktop. Not sure if I have the room on my desktop for my FM9 though... I'll have to get a bigger desk! :cool:
I’ve had a Helix Floor, GT1000 CORE, HX Stomp, various plugins and now the Quad Cortex. Fractal is the one company I haven’t had on my desk yet, and I’m curious to try it but I just never have.

I’m decently happy with the QC, but it’s hard to ignore the criticism of the company. They just haven’t done well by themselves in many ways.

So I’m asking, in all reverence; would I be happier with the FM3 as the overall unit, given that it’s largely less powerful?

I understand that this is subjective, and that this forum is an echo chamber, but figured I’d ask anyways.


Maybe not what you expected being a Fractal forum, but I think you got some excellent and honest perspective.
I personally do NOT own a QC or an FM3. I have a non-turbo Axe-FX III Mk 1. However, my friend has a QC and I've played around with it. The instant deal breaker for me is the majority of effects I tried on the QC sounded pretty bad compared to the Axe-FX. I liked it more than the Kemper I tried years ago. Haven't tried the Helix so no clue there. I think the QC amps sound really good, but because of the tweakability of the Axe, I would choose it over the QC. I'm not convinced I could dial in "my tone" on the QC given how much tweaking I did on the Axe to get what I was shooting for.

I have heard the concerns about CPU limits on the FM3, and afaik, it's more limited than the Axe so here's my take on the Axe specifically: I don't run a ton of effects simultaneously, but I do use a lot of effects independently. I have had two amps, cabs, and slapback delay/reverbs going at the same time on it and didn't run into any problems adding FX blocks as needed. I have never intentionally tried to max out the CPU, but I've also never maxed it when setting up what I needed. I have an FC12 Mk1 and have had no issues tapping through my presets on stage, so I never built a "one preset to rule them all"... I have presets for individual songs or sets of songs that we usually play "gapless".

Definitively though: I have not bought a single pedal or amp since I got the Axe and I haven't used a single pedal other than the FC-12 since I got my gig requirements configured into the Axe. I have a dozen guitar amps, five bass amps, and multiple storage crates full of ~150 pedals all sitting in a closet, collecting dust.
I can't comment on the QC, but I had Helix when I decided to give the FM3 a try. My main consideration was the amp modeling. IMHO, its not even close, Fractal all the way.
I still use the current version of the Helix floor and I have to tell you that's not really accurate anymore to say its not even close. It is close!
The new amp models are very good.

I can make a direct comparison with my FM3 now. Basically the Fractal is more realistic live amp tones, maybe even effects too. What I've found is that the Helix tones sit in recorded mixes very easily whereas the Fractal tones I think are better live tones because they sound like real amps.

I think vs the quad cortex is an easier one because FM3 is a clear winner for me
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