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    Is it real ???

    Is it real to make this kind of sound on Axe ? or need some additional vst`s, what kind of?
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    TNT LeTekro Preset Attempt on AxeFX...VIDEO Clip

    Nice, as allways ;) Can I ask you for short DI clip of your Suhr - its amazing!!! *pray* *pray* *pray* :mrgreen:
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    nice tone? tnx for sharing patches ;) but have a problem :evil: :evil: :evil: clean preset is ok, but can`t import riff preset couse in preset manager after import comand i just have empty field at slot name and dont have a black dot means I have unsaved slot, even if I`m press save on it...
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    Axe but true - meta**ica Cover.

    nice tone!
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    Wherever I May Roam ?

    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet ;)
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    Welcome home - Sanitarium

    super! ;)
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    why some patches have no sound?

    disconect all blocks and rewire them by your self, often its problem with input to first block wire, even if it shown as connected
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    2 new Song demos on Myspace / Guitars and Bass with Ultra

    Re: 2 new Song demos on Myspace / Guitars and Bass with Ultr nice tone,nice video, nice mix!!!! ;)
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    Always With You Always With Me.

    nice, so close ;)
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    A little UBERMOSH

    moshwitz - Tnx!!! for sharing!!! envelop for conrol hipass frequency - its you trick or its some error with my PC or whatever
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    YT: MB Dual Rectifier and Axe FX New Recto comparison...

    Ola, its sounds huge!!! :shock: :o is it double or quad...or more ??? :D can we have this axe fx patch please? ;) (I think not) :D
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    Amp sim requests

    - Peavey XXX - Lee Jackson GP-1000 Preamp (Children of Bodom) to VHT Poweramp - Peavey JSX - Krank Krankenstein
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    Heavy Diezel patch to share...

    so, other than that my screen is ok? I mean blocks/settings/wires are the same and empty slots just couse they ultra only?
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    Full song with Recto New/redwirez Marshall G12 cab

    can we have patch please? ;)
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    Heavy Diezel patch to share...

    is this preset only for Ultra? just load to my Axe-fs standant by Axe-Edit and axe-fx blinks "EXCESS CPU USAGE! REDUCE LOAD." here is the screen from axe-edit is it normal?
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    Devildriver - Clouds over California tone (clip and patch)

    Re: Devildriver - Clouds over California tone (clip and patc so some presets you posted earlier like "RIF DevilDriver" can sounds different in 9.03 ?
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    RIF DevilDriver Preset tryout

    Here is my sound sample with RIF DevilDriver Preset, I`v noticed some constant high frequency noise is it normal and how the tone itself? ... Tryout.mp3
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