TNT LeTekro Preset Attempt on AxeFX...VIDEO Clip

Mark Day

FAS Artist-in-Residence
Fractal Audio Systems
Last week I found out how Ronni LeTekro gets his crazy mid boosted tone from some friends at Rig-Talk. Last week I found an old BOSS BF2 and tried it out with my OD100se+ and it sounded really cool. I uploaded a video and had a few requests to make a patch with the AxeFx to get the same sort of tone.
Here's my attempt at recreating a TNT Ronni LeTekro type guitar tone on the AxeFx. Ronni uses a BOSS BF2 to get his tone. He sets it so it is like a notch filter or PEQ. Before you guys start getting on me about too much gain please download the preset and check the settings...the gains are set pretty darn low and I am NOT using the SPC control on my I setup a couple of filters and a PEQ in the preset to emulate what the BF2 does.

This is a direct patch on the AxeFx straight into the my Apogee Duet. The Preset is available on the AxeChange through the editor in Bank K it is also available in this post as an attachment. I pulled 250 and 500hz down a tad with Global EQ 1. The cab is a factory IR (Cali 4x12).

Thanks to Chub and Ralphie (Rig-Talk) for steering me towards the BF2 and to donbarzini who suggested I use MatchEQ (Logic Pro) to figure out the frequencies that the BOSS BF2 messes with.
BTW the BF2 takes down 400-500hz and 1100-1200hz and boosts 800hz.

Oh, and guys it's far from exact and the playing is far from correct and wonderful :) I tell you one thing that Suhr guitar looks pretty in HD!

[attachment=0:3qb7w6wu]'s LeTekro 2.syx[/attachment:3qb7w6wu]


  • \'s LeTekro 2.syx
    2 KB · Views: 212
Mark, you NEVER cease to amaze me! YOU are one of the primary reasons I bought the AxeFX Ultra in the first place!!

F**K a duck that tone ROCKS! :shock:

I've always thought LeTekro had an amazing tone, I never suspected the secret sauce was a BF2 - I've tried getting that sound out of one PEQ but could never quite nail those frequencies.

Keep up the the amazing work - if you ever get to southern CA, the first 24 beers are on me!
Hehey.. Tekerø.. Close as you can get Mark. Ronnie gets his tone out of a MG20 to. He was on a party some months ago.

BTW: He was seen in the lap of the Norwegian Primeminister (with a bottle of beer, of course) saying: give more money to rock´n roll man. He is pure rock, and a really cool guy.
Just freakin' sick...Mark, you should be more popular in Canada than hockey. :) How much cut with the 400-500hz and the 1100-1200hz are we talking about? Same question for the boost at 800hz. Thanks!
Love it - totally.

That's a very iconic sound; and that is a very spooky close shot at it.

Smart stuff with the PEQ. I am doing something eerily similar that I'm about to post about; I love how you work with the tools at hand. Thumbs up Mark!
Try this. Anything that was attached to a post on the old forum is corrupt now.

I just downloaded this from AxeChange, Bank K. Really cool patch; I've been learning a lot about patches that have some cut to them thanks to people like Mark here.


  • Mark's LeTekro 2.syx
    2 KB · Views: 32
Thanks guys, this did the trick. Great patch, anxious to try it out at higher levels (late here...)
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