YT: MB Dual Rectifier and Axe FX New Recto comparison...

With the back-to-back comparison that you have made here I can hear a slight difference in the tone. To say that it is clearly noticable would be overstating it quite a bit. Those two tones are almost dead on. Similar to trying to dial an amp back to the exact settings you once had. There will almost always be a slight difference. To my ears, they both sound amazing and anyone would be hard pressed to make an arguement otherwise. The mention of added presence in the Rectifier parts was only plainly obvious to me when you were palm muting and dragged your fingers across the strings. I would definately not use the words muddy or fizz for any portion of that song for either mixes. Great job on the tones! Keep those coming. You're a great addition to the forum. Thanks.

P.S. patch please! :shock:
The real amp definitely sounds more "real to me" , i closed my eyes while listening to the first few parts so as not to be baised.

The axe is definitely very close though.
The way the real amp sits in the mix is so much more , real to me. Sounds less pasted on. For me the axe-fx has a very distinctive high end that is in every high gain amp model , so maybe that was the give away for me.

I do think a tube power amp and real cabinet would bring the difference from say 10% down to like 1%.

I definitely will take the axe-fx and its 50 90% amps models, over 2 grand for a one trick pony rectifier.
chris beaver said:
very cool vid, i couldn't tell much difference at all listening through headphones but now listening in my studio there's a huge difference with the top end. the amp sounds better to me it definitely has the edge on the top end, its very clear and transparent without any harshness.its probably just the axe fx settings and ir choice making it more muffled. both sounds were good though ;)

Thats what i meant.
Alot of folks can't tell the difference, but my hearing is very sensitive in the higher frequencies (according to the doctor), and as you said that is where i perceive the main difference.
If you heard those sound with an hour in between, you would say it was dead on, so it´s kind of strange for me to pick the "right" one. Both are really recto-sounding. So it comes down to taste ;)
Yea and unless the cab IR was made with exact mic and placment as the real amp and mic recording they really are not going to be the same. But the fact that they are this close is even more amazing. Nice work
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