why some patches have no sound?


hi there
I downloaded a few patches, but noticed some (very few indeed) don't produce any sound.

for example the "Bettencourt Warheads" patch...but also others...

how do I sort this?
pisquano said:
hi there
I downloaded a few patches, but noticed some (very few indeed) don't produce any sound.

for example the "Bettencourt Warheads" patch...but also others...

how do I sort this?

could be a volume pedal control or something....depends on the way the patch was created.
Is the Input connected to Output on the grid (Layout)?
Have bypassed effect blocks their Bypass mode set to complete Mute?
Is a Mixer or Volume block connected to an external modifier (pedal) which is off and should be on?
Does the Cabinet block point to an empty user cab slot instead of a stock cab?
disconect all blocks and rewire them by your self, often its problem with input to first block wire, even if it shown as connected
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