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  1. S

    Some new sounds

    Thanks for listening and for the comment. I was going for a melodic / thematic approach to be explored more greatly later in the piece. I am pretty happy with the lead tone so far - it is very close to my recorded amp tone. Steve.
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    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 10.02 SEPT 3 2010 Hi Gira, Thanks so much that was quite effective. I am getting closer with every great tip I pickup on this forum. Steve.
  3. S

    Difficult to record with? Some tips please..

    Maybe if you post a link to something you have worked on we would have a better idea of how to respond constructively? Honestly the AXEFX is a great unit and responds closely to a real amp but not the same way. If you find that a real amp hides your mistakes I would be interested in knowing...
  4. S

    Vote for the Axe-Fx in the SOS AWARDS!

    Done. I think it is funny that autotune plugin was on there. That is a fkn abomination. Steve.
  5. S

    Some new sounds

    Quick clip - just messing around with some tones on the Ultra 10.01 Fender through JC120 amp sim for cleans (middle pickup, HS3) Ibanez JCustom Mahogany 7 string for leads (bridge pickup, ToneZone) CA3 for leads, 5150 for riff ... nStars.mp3 Stops at...
  6. S

    About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's first...

    Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs AxeFX digital out to Soundcard Digital IN (make sure you have one) SPDIF PC will route audio to soundcard out Soundcard out to mix desk Mix desk out to monitors Should do you just fine. However I am not sure I would want not to have...
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    Robben Ford Up Close & Personal

    Hi Chris, agreed, AIMS was a bit of a washout. Not that much quality gear there. NO decent amp manufacturers in my book. FEW decent guitars. Steve.
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    Robben Ford Up Close & Personal

    That is quite funny but really it does not matter what pickups he is using in the overall equation :)
  9. S

    Early Yngwie?

    The analog man pedal is really good by the way. I am not a tube screamer fan but the analog man YJM mod is a great frequency boost pedal. Would be great to see it on the AFX.
  10. S

    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 10.02 SEPT 3 2010 Hey Gira, thanks for the info! What blocking frequencies would you recommend as a starting point for a good rich rock/metal tone? Realising this is completely subjective. Steve.
  11. S

    AxeFX Ultra affects my wireless mouse...

    Haha, well it is true. When I power on the AxeFX it stops my wireless mouse working. If I move the mouse receiver further from the AxeFX or turn off the AxeFX then the mouse starts working again... Anyone else? Steve.
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    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 10.02 SEPT 3 2010 Hi GiRa, thanks for the reply. I am not sure quite what you mean though. I understand you are saying drop a Parametric EQ after the cabinet but what are the 2 blocking frequencies? To clarify, in my post I was saying that I LOVE the midrange in my tone...
  13. S

    AxeFX Uber Model

    Only just saw this. I am running 10.01 now and whilst it sounds great for most amps the Uber is still the red headed step child of the lot. Do not get me wrong I LOVE my axefx I just dont love this model. I do own the real amp and have opened it up for a quick look. It is most definitely one...
  14. S

    Minimalist Recording Setup with Axe FX

    Hey guys, yeah my aim is to be able to record on the move more easily. I am considering a second hand MBox or something like that with SPDIF input to the laptop via USB. VSTs and Cubase. Headphones to monitor. I guess the most expensive components are the AxeFX and my gutiars. Aim...
  15. S

    Minimalist Recording Setup with Axe FX

    Hi All, I am contemplating purchasing gear for a minimal recording setup that will still produce decent audio capture (of the AxeFX) results. Given the AxeFX has digital output are there any laptops with decent digital input that might be a good match? Or a reasonably priced USB audio...
  16. S

    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 10.02 SEPT 3 2010 Release 10 is awesome. Has something been done to the mic simulations? They are actually usable to my ear now whereas I would bypass them before. The Bogner Uberschall patch is still not right though - way too compressed and lacking in dynamics. I...
  17. S

    REDWIREZ - should I?

    Further I note the REWIRE product only has Soldano with Eminence speaker IR. I have an old snakeskin Soldano cabinet here loaded with V30s which I prefer. I would love to make an IR of this cabinet if it is possible. Is there a HOW TO anywhere for this? I have used google and understand...
  18. S

    REDWIREZ - should I?

    Okay so I am running Axe Fx Ultra with 10.02. I have to say that release 10.02 sounds a lot better than any other previous release. I was considering buying the RedWirez $121 pack. What is it going to do for me? Are they much better than the stock Fractal speaker cab sims? How does it work...
  19. S

    AXEFX and Steinberger (pickups question)

    Hi All, thanks for the pointers above I will consider all options at this point. Honestly I loved the EMGs and the Mesa but with the Bogner (real amps not AFX) it is just not good. If anyone wants to hear this guitar check out the below link. All songs except 360 are recorded on the...
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    Fractal Audio welcomes John Petrucci

    MIKE JUST LEFT THE BAND??? WHAT THE??? Wow... He kind of IS Dream Theater in a lot of ways. Glad to hear JP is working on solo material :)
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    AXEFX and Steinberger (pickups question)

    I have a STEINBERGER GM PRO with EMG pickups loaded. The EMGs used to sound awesome through my Mesa Boogie but sound atrocious through my Bogner Ubershall. The Bogner is a far more dynamic amp that really responds to passive pickups beautifully (unfortunately the same can NOT be said for the...
  22. S

    Which of your guitars sound best thru the Axe?

    The one on the right sounds best through the Axe FX.
  23. S

    Early Yngwie?

    Agreed. The DD250 is a much nicer pedal than the TS808 in my opinion. Never been a real fan of them. Ive tried to pull an Yngwie tone and come close but the problem is that Yngwie's tone is probably one of the most valve saturated guitar tones on the planet and it is very hard to emulate...
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    Andy T sound clip only online for short time

    Any patch for this? It sounds great. Or at least a breakdown of how you achieved it?
  25. S

    Petrucci's Suspended Animation tone

    Any patches people? :D
  26. S

    Tightening up the LOW B string

    So in effect it does not matter what the frequency is? Can notice the difference after this filter insertion - very nice tip! Steve.
  27. S

    I R DUMB...

    Thank you VERY much. The axefx editor way to do it worked... YAY! Steve.
  28. S

    Tightening up the LOW B string

    Just did this. Yes. It does work. Noticably... THANK YOU !!! Did I mention I love this place? But what should I set FREQUENCY to? Steve.
  29. S

    I R DUMB...

    Arghhh. So the bit i missed on my first read was: So I connect my AxeFX and load up the AXE EDIT program. I dont see any button or menu referring to FILE-UPLOAD USER CABINET. What am I missing? Steve.
  30. S

    I R DUMB...

    Yes, I R. As in "I ARE DUMB" I am new so please don't hurt me or I will scream "I'm a hemophilliac" whilst running in a panic driven circle. I am just looking for a point by point guide of how to import IRs to my AxeUltra and how to use them in sounds - are they the equivalent to speaker...
  31. S

    AxeFX Uber Model

    Hi, nice try but the its way too loose - there are sounds coming out around the chords that shouldnt be. The uber has maximum tight tone when you mute it right and the mid range is a lot sweeter. Note - I am not having a go at YOUR effort but rather at the model itself. I will give it a...
  32. S

    axe fx hardware > what kind of preamp!?

    I am sick of Foonborkle noobs saying this. ANYONE who has A/Bed them knows that the new series - the first run of 99 units - where the paint finish was a little more mustard in colour than the subsequent standard orange have the warmest output and best signal capture. I heard that because of...
  33. S

    Tightening up the LOW B string

    Thanks for all of the above guys! I was certain someone would have covered this already :) I will try it out and post results. Steve.
  34. S

    Tightening up the LOW B string

    So anyway the title says it all. I use 10-60 guage on Ibanez Prestige and JCustom guitars. What kind of tweaks do you guys use to tighten up the LOW B on a seven string gutiar? Is anyone using an 8 String? Would a PareEQ help? What kind of frequencies? High gain models. Steve.
  35. S

    Standard and Ultra Firmware Version 9.00 Released

    I have to say that after upgrading I have noticed DEFINITE improvements in the Soldano and Bogner models. They were basically *unusable* with the old software but right now sound VERY usable. God I am so glad I bought this box! Steve.
  36. S

    Bogner users, help me out

    I found V9 Uber to be a lot better than previously. It still is not 100% but it is a damn sight better than it was before! I think what it lacks is the low end impact / punch that the real amp puts out... That could be mix and dialing of course. I am willing to persevere based on the V9...
  37. S

    SLO and Brown Model Clips - V9

    The SLO sound is a good basis. The Brown one is pushing to hard somewhere and gaining in an unpleasant way at least to my ear. Not sure what to DO about it but thats how it sounds so far. Keen to hear what you do next based on the SLO patch though :) Steve.
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    Matchless (Boutique 2) - pushed a bit

    Nice one man thanks for the explanation. :) I like this place. Steve.
  39. S

    Standard and Ultra Firmware Version 9.00 Released

    Feel free to throw things at me. I rebooted and finally noticed that the axe editor includes an update firmware option... And right now it seems to be working. I can not wait to hear the new sounds - maybe my bitching about the Bogner models will be somewhat outdated? Steve.
  40. S

    Standard and Ultra Firmware Version 9.00 Released

    I am just giving this a go. I tried with MIDI OX and did the setting changes to milliseconds advised above. Basically the AxeFX just sits there awaiting the file but nothing seems to happen. I tried with Bomes SEND SX as well with the same result. I am using a PC with Midisport2x2 Any...
  41. S

    AxeFX Uber Model

    Okay so its not just me. I will post some clips of my Uber recorded some time. It is a devastating amp make no mistake however for fluid lead playing it is exceptionally awesome as well. To me it is the perfect ROCK amp - more so than a metal amp - as it still has quite a lot of mid range...
  42. S

    Matchless (Boutique 2) - pushed a bit

    Good stuff mate :) Nice mix. Sounds quite natural. If I was to suggest anything maybe consider where you apply vibrato on some of the sustained notes - it can make them speak really nicely in the kind of piece you have recorded. How did you pull the bass sound? Steve.
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    A tweak guide I did for the CAE 3+ lead sim

    Thanks mate. I put a quick summary of my basic settings in the other thread because I dont wanna highjack this one. I love the CA3 as well. To me it sounds more like my Bogner than the Uber model does. For lead tone at least - not so much riffing. But I love the riff tone as well on the...
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    My first AXE Demo - CA3+

    Thanks Genghis. I am still an AxeFX noob so there is nothing esoteric going on. It is just my Ibanezi (plural of Ibanez) into the thing with the CA3 model and some very moderate EQ (not parametric or anything) with a SMALL touch of delay. I use an absolutely minuscule amount of delay in my...
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    My first AXE Demo - CA3+

    Hey thanks for listening. And replying :) Steve.
  46. S

    Recording Signal - WET and DRY signal capture for recording

    That sounds do-able... I guess I would shunt from after the preamp/cabinet to the output for the "dry" signal. Has anyone got a screenshot of how this might look in the editor? Steve.
  47. S

    Recording Signal - WET and DRY signal capture for recording

    Hi All, I want to try doing some tracks for my album with the AxeFX. I want to be able to simultaneously capture two tones. One will be a wet sound with some effects, the other will be dry for effects to be added later during the mixing phase. I have the ULTRA model. I am running a Lynx 2...
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    AxeFX Uber Model

    Yeah I have read the Uber manual. I have it right here and the actual amp a few metres away. I know exactly how it sounds and how the presence operates on the AMP. The model on the AFX is simply not in the same universe tonally. The presence on the modeller certainly doesn't perform the...
  49. S

    Bogner users, help me out

    The Bogner Uber model is simply not anything like the real amp as far as tone or responsiveness go. I have spent some time with it, like yourself, and found it to be frustrating. I have the real deal right next to me and know what it sounds like recorded on my system. The AFX model is too...
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    V9 SRV Testify attempt: Brownface inside...

    Great playing for sure. Any chance of trying the patch out? My hands dont sound like yours though that is for sure ;) Steve.
  51. S

    A tweak guide I did for the CAE 3+ lead sim

    Hey Guys. I just recorded a version of one of my songs with the CA3 viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11875 Hope its okay to link from here - not trying to divert conversation if you want to tell me how much it sucks do it in the other thread ;) Steve.
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    My first AXE Demo - CA3+

    Okay so here is a take of one of my songs. Drums are Zoltan Csorsz (Flower Kings etc) and bass is Evan Harris (Taramis, Black Majesty, EyeFear etc). Ibanez JCustom 8127FVV (mahogany body with Air Norton and ToneZone) plus Ibanez Prestige 1527GK (basswood body with Air Norton and Blaze)...
  53. S

    A tweak guide I did for the CAE 3+ lead sim

    Oh thanks I did read it right. :) I do agree - not a huge fan of the 2:90 power amps - EL34s all the way for me. Steve.
  54. S

    A tweak guide I did for the CAE 3+ lead sim

    Thanks for the info! Just to clarify for a NOOB - how do I set up the marshall power amp rather than the mesa in the AFX patch? Or are you guys saying it can not be done? I actually think the CAE3+ is one of the best models in the Axe - in my limited time with the unit. I am not at all...
  55. S

    AxeFX Uber Model

    Okay smart response - but seriously - can the Uber model get anywhere near the sound of an actual amp to mic? Anyone got a clip of what they have achieved? Steve.
  56. S

    Paul Gilbert style patches?

    Thanks very much! I am still new to AFX and whilst I see it has a lot of potential am still not sold on it for a recording replacement for amplifier - YET. Hopefully with some decent forum reading I can get closer. I understand the AFX is a very deep unit requiring time etc. Steve.
  57. S

    AxeFX Uber Model

    I am not loving it so far. I have posted a link below to a quick demo file. Ibanez JCustom 8127FVV with ToneZone and Air Norton. Riff patch is 2x Uber takes panned left and right. Lead take is one of the Bradshaw models and I quite...
  58. S

    Paul Gilbert style patches?

    Hey that would be awesome I know he isnt using LANEY any more and has gone back to MARSHALL using the vintage modern 50w combo units and mostly HBE pedals. Interestingly my main rig is a Bogner Uberschall and I get an incredible Gilbert like tone out of that even though its a massively...
  59. S

    Paul Gilbert style patches?

    Hey, has anyone managed to pull a decent Paul Gilbert - new sound rather than old - patch from the AxeFX? I have been playing around but am struggling a bit so if anyone has something kinda cool I'd love to hear it. Steve.
  60. S

    A bit LOST

    Hey thanks for the props Chris. I also found it hard to get my guitars to sound natural with the POD gear. I think the POD stuff is awesome value for money for people starting out and demoing but it is NOT of the sound quality for final products in my opinion. Maybe for SOME things but it...
  61. S

    A bit LOST

    Hi Mate, yes I do recall you now :) How are you liking the Axe FX? I have always wondered what that building in your avatar is... Steve.
  62. S

    A bit LOST

    Hi Guys, This is me and what I do - There are some tracks from my CD EP of 2008 on the music page. That was a mikd up Mesa. I use Bogner now - much better. Michl666 - yes I know Balingen is a bit further out. I saw Queensryche, Priest, Malmsteen, Iced Earth...
  63. S

    A bit LOST

    Thanks for the clear explanation. I have got the software working now and made a couple of patches. I will do as you say and back it all up to my PC after noting which ones I like from bank 1. I am just running it in via a MidiSport. I have already after only one evening found the AFX to be...
  64. S

    A bit LOST

    Okay I have looked around here a bit and searched the manuals and am sure you will sigh heavily in my direction however I just want to know something simple... For the Ultra. I want to edit an out of the box preset and save it somewhere blank - ie not over an existing preset. Can I do this...
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