A tweak guide I did for the CAE 3+ lead sim

I previously owned a 3+SE that I paired with a 2/50/2. Beautiful and useful tones. A little softer feeling than I wanted. Dropped it into a modded Marshall at the effects loop return (basically a preamp bypass) and WHOA. I think the 3+SE and Marshall combo is what God intended. Really great.

Looking forward to something like that with the Ultra. :D

james... said:
Start by setting everything at noon. This obviously does not include the presence control which should be set at roughly 6.

Bright switch is ON by default. Combining this with Presence at 6.00 makes it awfully bright IMO (using Atomic FR).
yek said:
james... said:
Start by setting everything at noon. This obviously does not include the presence control which should be set at roughly 6.

Bright switch is ON by default. Combining this with Presence at 6.00 makes it awfully bright IMO (using Atomic FR).
Just dial down the presence and use the high cut.
I've never noticed the tweak guide in the Wiki before, but I really, really like it. For me as someone who has never used most of these amps, getting some insight on common techniques is a godsend.

I appreciate your efforts to expand on it.
Hey James, thanks for taking the time to do this. I really like both of your tweak guidelines... really allowed me to get close and then tweak a little to get it to match my own taste and guitar. Good job and keep 'em coming!
I'm glad to hear it Ghengis. I tried to make them really accessible for most styles, while staying true to the nature of the amp.

The real point of doing these is so people can have a benchmark reference for how a lot of the amps work. I'm not trying to tell you how the amp is supposed to be dialed in. If that was the case I'd just upload a patch. :lol:

A lot of these amps have some "secrets" that not many of us would normally know about unless we spent hours tweaking the amp. For example, the Bogner Uberschall's most important control happens to be the presence. (according to the manual at least) and most players just leave it at noon and forget it... A lot of amps in the axe have certain controls that have the same thing going on.
I think that your approach is great.
I learn a lot from it.
tweaked the Wiki entries to be a bit more readable, with regard to the list format
thanks much for taking the time to write out these settings james!
SteveTurner said:
Hey Guys.

I just recorded a version of one of my songs with the CA3


Hope its okay to link from here - not trying to divert conversation if you want to tell me how much it sucks do it in the other thread ;)


Steve, that recording inspired me to try the CA3+. It quickly is becoming my favorite gain amp on the axe. So much character and texture.

Really nice job on that tune. That was awesome :cool:
Thanks mate. I put a quick summary of my basic settings in the other thread because I dont wanna highjack this one.

I love the CA3 as well. To me it sounds more like my Bogner than the Uber model does. For lead tone at least - not so much riffing. But I love the riff tone as well on the CA3.

Oh and if you pull a better tone than me be sure to post the settings!

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