A bit LOST

Okay I have looked around here a bit and searched the manuals and am sure you will sigh heavily in my direction however I just want to know something simple... For the Ultra.

I want to edit an out of the box preset and save it somewhere blank - ie not over an existing preset. Can I do this from the Ultra or do I need to use the PC software?

Feel free to jeer and point me to links - I have searched but failed...

Hi Steve,
there are no blank presets in the AXE-FX. But that's no problem. If you don't want to loose factory presets, you can save them bank-wise to your computer. This requires a midi interface and a software which can send and receive midi data (search the wiki). You can use the editor if you want (but it's still in beta).
I have cleaned Bank A and created my own presets there and stored preferred user / factory presets there, too. It's not easy to decide which banks to put in slot B and C but I use the factory presets only for fun, so I don't mind.
So don't be afraid to override factory presets, they're here for download as well.

Hope that answers your questions.

Thanks for the clear explanation. I have got the software working now and made a couple of patches. I will do as you say and back it all up to my PC after noting which ones I like from bank 1. I am just running it in via a MidiSport.

I have already after only one evening found the AFX to be exactly what I need. This piece of hardware is an absolute winner. I recorded the first third of one of my instrumentals and even played roughly the tones were really quite nice.

By the way, I was in Stuttgart last June to see the Bang Your Head festival :)

SteveTurner said:
Thanks for the clear explanation. I have got the software working now and made a couple of patches. I will do as you say and back it all up to my PC after noting which ones I like from bank 1. I am just running it in via a MidiSport.
You're welcome. Backing up is always a good idea. ;) I do always a complete backup of my user bank A before FW-updates and after major changes. To be safe.

SteveTurner said:
I have already after only one evening found the AFX to be exactly what I need. This piece of hardware is an absolute winner. I recorded the first third of one of my instrumentals and even played roughly the tones were really quite nice.
So you're a lucky guy. Others need a lot more time to find the right tone. Feel free to show us your recordings. :D

SteveTurner said:
By the way, I was in Stuttgart last June to see the Bang Your Head festival :)
So you are from Europe at least? I hope you know the difference between Balingen and Stuttgart. If not: Balingen is in the middle of nowhere, Stuttgart is THE Swabian metropole (Mercedes ...). :lol:
Shoot me a PM, if you are around next time. Maybe we can have some AXE talk ... :p

Hi Guys,

This is me and what I do - http://www.steveturner.com.au There are some tracks from my CD EP of 2008 on the music page. That was a mikd up Mesa. I use Bogner now - much better.

Michl666 - yes I know Balingen is a bit further out. I saw Queensryche, Priest, Malmsteen, Iced Earth etc at BYH it was awesome and stayed at a friends place somewhere closer to Stuttgart. I loved your country but am from Melbourne Australia. I also flew to Bulgaria for "Kaliakra Rockfest" and then to the Magic Circle Festival in Bad Arolsen. Manowar fan :)

Chris - yep that is me - you know me from where?

This is my AXE FX home rig -


And these are my 2 main axes at the moment:


Steve - if you've still got it, your blue guitar and my tele are loosely related - roughly same era build through Soundworks and we might have met out there once or twice. I think we've had the odd bit of banter through Melband on piezo systems or something too but this is all going back a bit now.

Nice to see you here!

Hi Mate,

yes I do recall you now :)

How are you liking the Axe FX?

I have always wondered what that building in your avatar is...

SteveTurner said:
... Balingen ... Queensryche, Priest, Malmsteen, Iced Earth ... Melbourne Australia ... Bulgaria ... "Kaliakra Rockfest" ... Magic Circle Festival ... Bad Arolsen ...
Hi Steve, you seem a bit crazy. Metal addicted? :twisted:
Will check your stuff at home ...
Australia ... *shakehead* ...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice to have you here. ;)


It works really well; I do mostly duo/trio stuff and went to modelling years ago (generally easier to get in the mix properly in that particular situation); the sound quality was pretty much a quantum leap from the Boss GT(x) and Pod gear and the unit much easier to get along with. 18 months down the track with the Axe and no regrets.

And - back to the piezo discussion 3 years later - parallel processing of the magnetic and piezo signals in the same unit. That was actually pretty much the selling point for me... the added sound quality just a bonus.

Probably also the best that the tele from Chris/Paul has sounded... I moved off tube amps about the same time that I took delivery of the guitar (2002?) and a real struggle to get it (or any other guitar) to really be at it's best with the Boss and Pod gear.


Micha - Steve's worth checking out. Monster player.
stratcat said:
Micha - Steve's worth checking out. Monster player.
Hi Chris, thanks for the advise. Even if I don't like Lordi very much, I'll check him ... promised. :lol:
(j/k) I really will.
Micha :mrgreen:
Hey thanks for the props Chris. I also found it hard to get my guitars to sound natural with the POD gear. I think the POD stuff is awesome value for money for people starting out and demoing but it is NOT of the sound quality for final products in my opinion. Maybe for SOME things but it doesnt seem to have the dynamic responsiveness that the Fractal unit seems to have.

Michl - I will be doing some reasonably proper tracking with the AFX this week. I cant wait to give it a try.

Yes I love heavy metal. :) I love a lot of different music but metal is I guess my centre point.

Mostly I get into the Paul Gilbert kind of thing as a guitar player, that is what I love most.

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