SLO and Brown Model Clips - V9

Karl Houseknecht

Power User
Yeah, I'd say you're definitely getting better tones out of the Axe than you did with your L6 gear, Karl. Not that you were getting bad tones before, mind you, but if you're getting tones this good already, you're gonna have that Axe sounding awesome soon.
Nice, Karl. Thick and chunky. Love it! The VH was very close. Maybe a tad too much 500 - 800 Hz, and could use a touch more upper mids, but a very fat tone none the less. ;)

the Brown patch is my favourite of all in the Axe ... it's got that thing going on the palm mutes, dont know how to explain, it's my go-to everytime I play :D

cool clips, enjoyed the licks, thank you !
Hey, thanks guys! My monitors at home are very flat, so listening for the first time right now on another computer with more hi-fi kind of speakers. Yes, it still needs a little 500-800 trimmed off of both.

Yeah, Scott, DiMartini would like the Brown model a lot more than the SLO for sure, but I use that amp for a lot of other stuff. It's become my go-to for the Hair. Just as it should be!

When I heard what was coming out of the speakers at home while playing these, I was in tonal nirvana. That's the tone I was chasing on my Line6 gear, and even on my Marshalls. And didn't get it nailed there. Hurray for the Axe!
The SLO sound is a good basis.

The Brown one is pushing to hard somewhere and gaining in an unpleasant way at least to my ear. Not sure what to DO about it but thats how it sounds so far.

Keen to hear what you do next based on the SLO patch though :)

Yes, the Brown amp (modded Marshal tone) does better for early Ratt. Use a heavy slapback repeat around 110ms.
Finally! The Brown amp sim doesn't get mentioned a lot over here, but it's one of my favorites too.
Raw, works for rhythm and leads, and it cuts right through the mix. And I'm not even really trying to nail a EVH tone.

I use it with Scott's Red Wirez Marshall IR mix.

I haven't fiddled with the amp settings that much. Looking forward to yours.
Karl, do you still have these patches? Would like to try them. :)
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