AxeFX Uber Model

I am not loving it so far.

I have posted a link below to a quick demo file. Ibanez JCustom 8127FVV with ToneZone and Air Norton.

Riff patch is 2x Uber takes panned left and right.

Lead take is one of the Bradshaw models and I quite like it as it is nice and responsive to stringiness :)

The Uber model to me sounds really bland on the AFX. It misses the dynamic sound the Uberschall has that I think many people over look. I own one and have to say it is the MOST responsive high gain amp I have ever played. The model on the AFX falls way short so far.

So thats why I have posted the above very naked recording - to get some feedback on what I might be doing wrong.

Okay smart response - but seriously - can the Uber model get anywhere near the sound of an actual amp to mic?

Anyone got a clip of what they have achieved?

Nah i was serious. You've got the bass too high it sounds like. And if you aren't using the low cut already, you should try it.

Have you read the Uberschall manual? It tells you exactly how to dial the amp in.
You mean this?

One of the most unique items is our "Presence" control. It's an amazing combination of a midrange-presence control. As you sweep through its range you will notice an incredible variety of tones this one control allows. For an extremely aggressive sub-harmonic bass and scooped-midrange sound, keep the presence off or very low. A huge 3-dimensional tone can be found by running the presence around 2 o'clock. Pushing the "Presence" control to maximum will allow you to cut a sonic path through the mix by reinforcing your midrange and slightly rolling off the sub-bass. Trust us: REALLY check out the presence control to unleash the hidden secrets of the UBERSCHALL. The "Midrange" control is very interactive with all the other tone controls, you can go from a hollow scooped-mid setting to an aggressive in your face and on your throat kind of intensity. The "Bass" control allows almost a sub-harmonic low-end to be added, at high volumes be sure to keep the bass down a bit to keep your tone focused like a laser beam.

I don't think the model's presence control works like that...?
SteveTurner said:
I am not loving it so far.

I have posted a link below to a quick demo file. Ibanez JCustom 8127FVV with ToneZone and Air Norton.

Riff patch is 2x Uber takes panned left and right.

Lead take is one of the Bradshaw models and I quite like it as it is nice and responsive to stringiness :)

The Uber model to me sounds really bland on the AFX. It misses the dynamic sound the Uberschall has that I think many people over look. I own one and have to say it is the MOST responsive high gain amp I have ever played. The model on the AFX falls way short so far.

So thats why I have posted the above very naked recording - to get some feedback on what I might be doing wrong.


I've never played an UberSchall, but I use the factory IR's to approximate the Uberschall CAB (Two cab blocks in parallel, high resolution, one with the 4X12 V30, one with 4X12 T75), that gets me a lot close to the mid growl that I always hear out of Uberschall clips. I don't know if that will help you with the "dynamic" sound you perceive.

I usually use around 5-6 on the gain, and use the BOOST (press ENTER when TYPE is selected). Between 5-6 there's a variety of subtle tonal variations possible.
Yeah I have read the Uber manual. I have it right here and the actual amp a few metres away. I know exactly how it sounds and how the presence operates on the AMP. The model on the AFX is simply not in the same universe tonally. The presence on the modeller certainly doesn't perform the function as in the amp.

My Uber setup is basically gain on 6 and bass, mid, treble all around 5. My eq is very flat and it sounds awesome though I am using a soldano 4x12 cabinet.

I will try some of the things you guys have suggested but until then the CA3 is good.

Okay so its not just me.

I will post some clips of my Uber recorded some time.

It is a devastating amp make no mistake however for fluid lead playing it is exceptionally awesome as well. To me it is the perfect ROCK amp - more so than a metal amp - as it still has quite a lot of mid range.

Do the AxeFX guys ever revise models in new software releases? It would be great to get some insight into how it all works.

Oh and just so I am not taken the wrong way - I LOVE MY AXE FX. I just dont like some of the high gain models.

yeah they do, thats why i'm hoping sometime he'll look at it. the presense control really is different on that amp... it all the way down it's like a mid scoop with more high end, and you turn it up, it takes away fizz, and some low mids come in which smooth it out. the presence control alone can make that sound like 2 different amps.
dpeterson said:
.... the ax is a flubby mess... the uber has a bite and growl, that i cant get even close. going tweak some more while it's still in my mind, but i think this model needs a re-visit.

this crushes... brutalz as it gets:

would love that kind of sound out of the axe uber model.

*&%^&#$!!...What a sound!! Reminds me of the day I received my Mesa Mark III in 86'...!! with 2x12 EVMs......huge 3D sound!! I still have that baby (head and cab). That Uber sound is huge in the opposite direction! Very nice!

I'll fool around with the "sim", but looks like a real challenge with those sub-harmonics. Ditto to having that tone in the arsenal!!

AlbertA said:


nice try but the its way too loose - there are sounds coming out around the chords that shouldnt be. The uber has maximum tight tone when you mute it right and the mid range is a lot sweeter.

Note - I am not having a go at YOUR effort but rather at the model itself.

I will give it a try over the next week. The thing with a REAL Uberschall is that you dont scoop the mids. Keep them around 5 and the amp sounds fantastic.

SteveTurner said:
AlbertA said:


nice try but the its way too loose - there are sounds coming out around the chords that shouldnt be. The uber has maximum tight tone when you mute it right and the mid range is a lot sweeter.

Note - I am not having a go at YOUR effort but rather at the model itself.

I will give it a try over the next week. The thing with a REAL Uberschall is that you dont scoop the mids. Keep them around 5 and the amp sounds fantastic.


An how did it sound in FW 9.0??
I wonder if mixing Redwirez cab irs would help Alberta's try., back of cab, and farfields.......etc
Hey, I made a thread in the Wish List subforum, without any knowledge of this thread. :eek:

I encourage any and all to go there and maybe voice your distaste* for the current model, in hopes of getting a model that accurately represents the Uber.

* I really hate to use that word, because it is hard to have distaste for any thing in the Axe, but I can't think of any other word that gets my point across. My apologies to anyone that may be offended.
I have a rev blue with =C= EL34's. will be getting the axe in a couple of days. we'll see how close it matches. :roll:

FWIW I've heard some Uber clips and at least through headphones the axe's uber patches do sound very close to the actual amp.
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