AxeFX Uber Model

Its my fav model of them all!! I already posted a clip on this very thread how close the axe model sounds to the real one. In fact, I'm thinking about selling my rev blue...
tonygtr said:
dpeterson said:
FractalAudio said:
I'll remove the model from the next firmware.

excellent idea... :roll:

Obivously a joke.

yes.. i just thought it was kind of childish to suggest removing it. i dont understand the recent animosity towards people wanting to make his product better by offering suggestions.
After how certain people acted on the now locked thread, I don't blame him. Bitching and moaning is what the rest of calls what you call "suggestions"...
i just thought it was kind of childish to suggest removing it. i dont understand the recent animosity towards people wanting to make his product better by offering suggestions.

These type of statements have been bothering me a lot lately.

I think it's awfully presumptive of you to to think Cliff wants your help.

Has you asked any of us for help?


Does he need our help?


Cliff has created something very special on his own and I doubt it's had much if anything to do with the 'help' and 'input' of people like you, although I'm sure you'd like to think otherwise.

Who are you to force your 'help' on Cliff? Who are you period? I mean, you have a set of ears but are you even remotely qualified to 'help'?

When he wants our input, he'll ask, like he did when released 9.02.

So why don't we all stop this nonsense and just play guitar.

I'm glad I'm not in Cliff's shoes, because I'd have just about had it with people's entitlement issues.

i just thought it was kind of childish to suggest removing it.
And how dare you suggest that Cliff is childish? Show the man some respect! Yes, we all deserve respect, but dang, this is Cliff you're talking to. He owns this forum, he created the Axe. What more do I have to say?
On one of the HD forums I frequent the motto is "don't feed the trolls". Think of it as if you don't want people to get your goat, then don't let em know where it is hidden.

Trolls threads/comments don't get a lot of follow up because they get ignored... or the thread gets pulled WAY off topic real quick (which is usually pretty funny).


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Every product has it's strong and weak points. Some people feel the Axe-Fx Uber model is weak. I'm sorry, it's the best I could do. I don't have a schematic. If I had the ability to improve it don't you think I would? But instead you insult me and criticize me and infer that it's profit-motivated. Frankly, I don't think I deserve that. You should be ashamed of your behavior.
FractalAudio said:
Every product has it's strong and weak points. Some people feel the Axe-Fx Uber model is weak. I'm sorry, it's the best I could do. I don't have a schematic. If I had the ability to improve it don't you think I would? But instead you insult me and criticize me and infer that it's profit-motivated. Frankly, I don't think I deserve that. You should be ashamed of your behavior.

So, who has bloody schematic to get over with it once and for all? :D

I'm 99% sure (probably 100%) that it IS possible nail that "uber" tone (if there is such a thing) with existing
Uber model in AxeFx with proper tweaking etc,
don't forget all the tools that we have in amp block, specially advanced page, it must be there.
Add proper cab sim and result is around the corner.
But nonetheless, it would be great if Cliff would be given a real schematic
and if someone still fails to nail "the uber" then it'll be someone else's fault. :D
Cliff - Would a picture work as a schematic? How detailed would it have to be? I don't have a schematic (or the know how to create one), but I have a digital camera and I know someone with an Uberschall. Maybe I could talk him into letting me take it apart :evil: - it's a long shot but worth a try if it'll help.
I like the Uber model just the way it is... and based on the fact that I see PLENTY of used Bogner's for sale, not everyone thinks it's the ultimate amp. Show me a hot amp and I'll show you a guy who's sick of playing it. The cool thing about the Axe-fx is that when you get sick of one amp you can click a couple buttons and play through a different one.

With something as subjective as tone there will always be differing opinions. If you're thin skinned you'll drive yourself insane taking every critique personally. As a guy who takes four meds every day for high blood pressure, I can tell you it's not worth getting worked up over. You have an awsome product so don't lose sight of that...

This unit has so many features there will always be something for someone to pick on... so what?
FractalAudio said:
Every product has it's strong and weak points. Some people feel the Axe-Fx Uber model is weak. I'm sorry, it's the best I could do. I don't have a schematic. If I had the ability to improve it don't you think I would? But instead you insult me and criticize me and infer that it's profit-motivated. Frankly, I don't think I deserve that. You should be ashamed of your behavior.


man the last thing i'm trying to do is insult you.. i initally just reported my findings with what i and a friend heard while playing a real one, the people started attacking me for it. I've stood behind the product for a few years now, just friday at the gig, i turned a handful of people onto it who have never heard of it.

We all type some things blindly without thinking, and your comment to just remove the model just disappointed me. I love the product, your story, and sometimes the community. we all just want it to be as good as it can be.... if i insulted you i'm sorry, it was not my intention.
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