Yes, I R. As in "I ARE DUMB"

I am new so please don't hurt me or I will scream "I'm a hemophilliac" whilst running in a panic driven circle.

I am just looking for a point by point guide of how to import IRs to my AxeUltra and how to use them in sounds - are they the equivalent to speaker cabinet models?

The HOW TO above just gives a definiton of what an IR is. I am sure I am missing something really obvious.


So the bit i missed on my first read was:

Uploading the impulse response

Simply transfer the SYSEX file to the Axe-Fx using whatever software you use to transfer patches.

The Axe-fx Editor will load cabs automatically. Just go to File-Upload User Cabinet to Axe-fx and choose location.

AlbertA's Axe-fX IR converter Utility will also load User cabs. Just open the .syx file, choose a location, and send to axe-fx.

So I connect my AxeFX and load up the AXE EDIT program.

I dont see any button or menu referring to FILE-UPLOAD USER CABINET.

What am I missing?

Easiest way is install SendSX (Did I ever mention I quite like the program?) button your Axe-FX frontpanel over to the cab block, user0# that you wish to overwrite, doubleclick the cab's .syx and hit send.

Second is the /cabinet\ tab in Lars's editor, pretty self-explanatory. Point the right list to the folder where your user cabs reside and drag them to the appropriate position in the left list.

Third is Axe-Edit. Open the preset manager, left window select cabs tab, set source to your cabs folder. right window, axe tab, cabs button. Now you should be able to select the cab and the user position for the cab dand click the left arrow in the middle... but that doesn't work with mine. You can also drag the cab from the left to the right window... and my preset manager crashes.
Well, that's at least how it should work. Maybe it does with you. I love the editor screen...

I think the description you found may have been for an older version of Axe-Edit that didn't have the preset manager yet.

Of course all of the above should have the midi-ports and wires connected correctly.

YMMV. A lot.
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