Bogner users, help me out


New Member

I have been tweeking both of the Bogner models but I just can't seem to get them to sound as good as I know they can. The best way I can describe it is it's a bit like they lack sparkle, a bit muffled.

I thought they were just over bassy but it not that (have tried GEQ before and after amp and cab), not sure of the exact amp settings but I have tried boosting with a OD808, amp boost on / off and the brightness on and off. The brightness makes things sound more plinky but doesn't change the feel.

I am using the 4x12 models, I have tried all of them, I think at the moment I am using either the German or the 4x30 with no mic. The 2x12's I find are quite bright and brittle.

When I up versioned to 9.00 I went back to scratch and built these patches from start. Turning the delay off helped a bit.

Any advice welcome.

The Bogner Uber model is simply not anything like the real amp as far as tone or responsiveness go. I have spent some time with it, like yourself, and found it to be frustrating.

I have the real deal right next to me and know what it sounds like recorded on my system. The AFX model is too compressed, lacks any three dimenstionality and doesnt have a remotely similar gain structure sound. I don't want to sound like I am complaining but would really love the Fractal guys to put some more time into making this model sound as good as it should. I havent been using the AxeFX too long so maybe there is something I am missing but the overall sound of the model just seems completely wrong and tweaking only shifts things so much.

I have started using the CA3 patch instead and found it much nicer.

I found V9 Uber to be a lot better than previously.

It still is not 100% but it is a damn sight better than it was before!

I think what it lacks is the low end impact / punch that the real amp puts out... That could be mix and dialing of course.

I am willing to persevere based on the V9 improvement.

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