My first AXE Demo - CA3+

Okay so here is a take of one of my songs. Drums are Zoltan Csorsz (Flower Kings etc) and bass is Evan Harris (Taramis, Black Majesty, EyeFear etc).

Ibanez JCustom 8127FVV (mahogany body with Air Norton and ToneZone) plus Ibanez Prestige 1527GK (basswood body with Air Norton and Blaze). Guitar straight into AFXU then into Lynx 2C digital IN. I hardly mixed it at all - just a bit of compression on the master bus out.

All guitars were recorded today in a 2 hour session and many are non final. I have a much more dramatic ending but I need to (re)learn how I played it on the CD version (which is not going to be heard by anyone for a little while). The CA3+ model is my favourite so far. I am not at all impressed with the Soldano or Bogner models but this one works really well with minimal messing around. It feels a lot more like an amp than the other high gain patches so far.

I would be interested in your impressions on the tone etc. Press play in the media player.

I will probably redo some of the song tomorrow and upload again but just thought it worth putting up for you guys for now.

Great playing and nice tone... everything seems to fit together very nicely. I definitely like the arrangement so far. Looking forward to hearing the finished version.
The rhythm tone is cool, but that lead tone is great. It sounds thick and girthy, which has been very difficult for me to get. I tried to make it sound like that earlier but didn't get time to really play with it. I don't recall it sounding like that. :)

Great playing as well.
Thanks Genghis.

I am still an AxeFX noob so there is nothing esoteric going on. It is just my Ibanezi (plural of Ibanez) into the thing with the CA3 model and some very moderate EQ (not parametric or anything) with a SMALL touch of delay. I use an absolutely minuscule amount of delay in my lead tone and if you can hear it I have dialed it wrong ;)

Drive is on about 6.5, bass on 5, middle on 5.5 treb brt on about 5.5

Pres 5.2, depth and damp 5. Sag about 3.5, Mstr about 6 and level about 6.5

Cool tune!
Steve, which cab sim did/do you use with the CAE?
That lead tone is great!

I hear a lot of similarities in the tones I dial in with your rhythm patch. It sounds like it's really far away... does anybody know how to make it sound more "up front"? If I can solve that, I'd be an extremely happy man.
Killer playing! :shock:
I like the tones as well.

A bit to much in front everything. I would try to arrange the instruments in the room (panning left / right and front / behind with a tad of reverb). But that's only my first impression and I don't have much experience with mixing. :oops: Ok, you wrote you hardly mixed it. So forget about that ... :lol:

So, I'd like to hear the final result. Please share! :p

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