About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's first...


New Member
Selling my monster TriAxis/2:90 + 1000 rack pieces setup due to I have given up the "band days" and am looking for a bedroom amp that has it all. We are also looking at planning for a baby in the next few months so I need something with volume control and headphone ability. Now given that I won't be taking this amp outside of my jam room and it will be hooked to a computer for recording...what do I need to be able to enjoy this as strictly a bedroom jam amp and recording device? Do I have to have a power amp and speakers? Can I just use the computer and some monitors? I apologize if this info is available and I haven't searched enough for it, I'm sure it's been asked a million time.
Thanks in advance.
Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs

To use it with the computer you will need an audio interface that accepts line-level signals. You may or may not have this capability in your computer now. Once you have that you can use your computer monitors for output.
Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs

BigMESA said:
Selling my monster TriAxis/2:90 + 1000 rack pieces setup due to I have given up the "band days" and am looking for a bedroom amp that has it all. We are also looking at planning for a baby in the next few months so I need something with volume control and headphone ability. Now given that I won't be taking this amp outside of my jam room and it will be hooked to a computer for recording...what do I need to be able to enjoy this as strictly a bedroom jam amp and recording device? Do I have to have a power amp and speakers? Can I just use the computer and some monitors? I apologize if this info is available and I haven't searched enough for it, I'm sure it's been asked a million time.
Thanks in advance.

I've pretty much only ever used my Axe with my computer and monitors. ;)
Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs

AxeFX digital out to
Soundcard Digital IN (make sure you have one) SPDIF
PC will route audio to soundcard out
Soundcard out to mix desk
Mix desk out to monitors

Should do you just fine. However I am not sure I would want not to have an amp at all as responsiveness of AxeFX is very good but still not the same as an amp.
Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs

Thx for the info guys

SteveTurner said:
Should do you just fine. However I am not sure I would want not to have an amp at all as responsiveness of AxeFX is very good but still not the same as an amp.

I would love to have a nice tube amp like a Mesa Roadster combo or Mark IV (I'm a Mesa fan obviously hehe) but I'm afraid that if I buy a tube combo for the house it's not going to get a lot of play time in a small house with a newborn in it :cry:

I'm sure one day I'll buy another Mesa, but for now I need something with great tones that I can play at very low volumes or headphones. I figured the Axe-FX is about as good as I can get in that department.
Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs

I sold my Triaxis/2:90 rig as well, plus few more tube amps/preamps and effects units.
Regarding playing at home, you can get some descent powered speaker/monitor and run it in mono,
or get 2 and enjoy stereo.

I have played my Ultra through many different powered speakers
as venues don't have same monitors but no matter what I had in front of me
my Ultra always sounded "good".
I am not picky tho.
Re: About to pull the trigger on an Ultra but a few Q's firs

Yea my unfortunate situation is that after years of buying, selling, piecing, and tweaking I had finally found my perfect tone/rig and now I have to sell it to appease my wife :lol: Oh how cruel life can be, hopefully the Axe-FX can do what I want it to because I play everything from full "brewtz" metal to chicken pickin country :D
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