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  1. blastbeatdown

    Famous users of the amp modeling.

    Deftones, last I checked
  2. blastbeatdown

    Input 1 gate vs using a Decimator.

    @AlGrenadine @Liam Thompson man I gotta thank you guys for reminding me about the high + low cuts both set around 1k trick. I did this once before, but it works like a charm with the modern expander 🤌🏻
  3. blastbeatdown

    Plectrum, lets get picky

    I’m the furthest thing from a pick collector. I used the same black Dunlop 1mm picks (the semi-grippy ones) for 20+ years. I recently switched to the Max Grip variant, and I like those even better. If you’re a shredder who changes their grip and angle often, you won’t like them though. For me...
  4. blastbeatdown

    Input 1 gate vs using a Decimator.

    Can anyone else confirm? I’ve had my input gate set to noise reducer for months. I use a gate block after the amp, so the input gate isn’t really doing anything anyway. Figured it can’t hurt, but I could be wrong. I don’t play at gig volumes lately.
  5. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    Custom made preset, the only 3rd party stuff I use is IRs
  6. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    Again, at the risk of sharing irrelevant info on this.. I use my Axe Fx primarily for 8 strings and bass. This hasn’t happened on my 6 string yet
  7. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    Other than @Thalagyrt it seems we were all connected to axe edit when it happened, if you can please confirm? Just hoping for everyone’s sake this won’t happen during a gig
  8. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    Probably irrelevant but I’ve recently been alternating between two IRs in the same cab block a lot by muting/unmuting.
  9. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    @utkanos like you I’ve seen the few reports with varying contexts so I’m less inclined now to suspect it has to do with what I’m running through.. but for what it’s worth, this never happened to me in the 3+ years I’ve had the unit until I started running through SPDIF and setting my interface...
  10. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    I’ll be surprised if anyone can duplicate it with my preset without playing for many hours, if ever. Again it’s only happened twice. But when it happens nothing I’ve tried works other than shutting down the unit.
  11. blastbeatdown

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    Yup…. This has only happened to me twice but it just happened again, this time on the newest firmware.
  12. blastbeatdown

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    This update sounds great. I’ll leave the descriptions to someone smarter than me.. but it sounds better. I recorded some tracks before and after updating so I could A/B them. Somehow smoother yet also more aggressive?? Thanks Fractal 🫡
  13. blastbeatdown

    Input 1 gate vs using a Decimator.

    Good all around advice. Using multiple compressors definitely makes the effect more transparent, less “pumping”. I’ve never found a scenario where multiple gates benefited me, but I’d be curious to try it with some advice. Save for the old method of gating at the input and having another in the...
  14. blastbeatdown

    Input 1 gate vs using a Decimator.

    If anyone cares these are my gate settings for tight chugs in a studio setting. Again this is the Modern Expander. For my Lead scene I still use the Classic Expander with the threshold at -60. For a great majority of us the gate in the Input is perfectly fine, but being able to place a gate...
  15. blastbeatdown

    Input 1 gate vs using a Decimator.

    My Name is Mud knows I’m on board with him. We were a few of the only ones saying the gate could be better, I think it’s a niche that involves being a modern metal chugga chugga player that previously used a decimator. Ever since the firmware that introduced the “modern” gate I’ve been more...
  16. blastbeatdown

    Dino Cazares playing Fractal now?

    NICE. Doc Coyle recently made the switch too, it seems. He was using Kemper when I saw God Forbid earlier this year.
  17. blastbeatdown

    Power Amps SS Vs Tube

    I came across this message from Fryette support in another forum, basically pitching for the viability of tube power amps even with the current power amp modeling tech. Just wondering what you all (or Cliff 👀) have to say as a rebuttal, if anything. I wanna preface this by adding I’ve used solid...
  18. blastbeatdown

    Is there a consensus headphone choice?

    I bought the Ollo Audio s4x after perusing this thread and I gotta say, they’re remarkably close to what I hear coming out of my A7X monitors. My Beyerdynamic 770 Pro was fine with an EQ correction curve, and pretty comfortable, but they were fatiguing my ears after long hours of use -...
  19. blastbeatdown

    Fortin Meshuggah 2.0 amp

    This is very similar to my Fortin style preset. I find that the bright switch introduces so much noise with this much gain, but it definitely helps the chugs cut through; they're like mini explosions lol. I'm gonna mess with the bright cap and see if I can tame it a bit.
  20. blastbeatdown

    Fortin Meshuggah 2.0 amp

    Just wanna say thanks for this PRO tip! I’ve had the Cali and Nameless suites for a while but am generally trying to mimic the Fortin stuff with the Axe Fx III. This isn’t a world-breaking revelation or anything, but the IRs are very nice. I wish there was a 121 in there, but I’m really...
  21. blastbeatdown

    Fuzz Pedals

    Correct me if I’m wrong but that seems a lot like the Fortin Grind which is my go-to, cutting lows and boosting highs/upper-mids before the amp. I’ve never used it in conjunction with a fuzz though, so I will definitely give that a try 👍🏻
  22. blastbeatdown

    Fuzz Pedals

    I’m more of a modern metal player that requires tight tones, so most fuzz pedals make my style fall apart. But I’ve gotten sweet results using the fat rat to add some extra filth to slow chugs. From what I understand it’s more like a distortion pedal than a true fuzz (prob makes me a poser), but...
  23. blastbeatdown

    Why do more than 90% of the metal bands I go see in concert use a Kemper?

    Others have already said it better than I can, but my guess is most of them previously toured with tube amps and just made profiles (or had them made) of whatever they were using before.
  24. blastbeatdown

    Why do you use a power amp with your axe fx?

    I chose “because I have a cab and want to use it”, but I want to add that in the underground / DIY scene there are some shithole “venues” that might just be a VFW or fire hall with a rented PA. I don’t always have the benefit of a terrific FOH, so having my Matrix gt1600fx and two 4x12s ensures...
  25. blastbeatdown

    Noise gate Trick

    You have my attention 👀
  26. blastbeatdown

    Help replicating this fuzz tone

    Axe Fx III. Thanks Yek 👊🏻 (My thread was moved by admin to the wrong place)
  27. blastbeatdown

    Help replicating this fuzz tone

    I’m unsure if this is a good place for this post. But this is the most crushing fuzz tone I’ve EVER heard. My bass player is obsessed with doom + stoner stuff. I’m more into mathcore, death/metalcore etc. I feel this is a pretty good bridge between our tastes. I need to know what in gods name is...
  28. blastbeatdown

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    Just wanna say thank you for updating the noise gate!!!!!! Been wanting it for a long time, and I know I’m not alone. I learned that many think we’re nuts, and many more just don’t like noise gates.. but here we are! The modern expander is great! Drop the balloons!!! 🎊
  29. blastbeatdown

    Gain Tone and Feeling

    Thanks for the MEGA detailed response. I appreciate it. I “don’t care” about the headphones because it’s only for late night jamming, and I wouldn’t make any adjustments to my tone in that context. I care more about how my recorded tone translates to loud volumes. Thanks again.
  30. blastbeatdown

    Gain Tone and Feeling

    I’m resurrecting this thread rather than creating my own. I dial in tones at my studio desk with A7X monitors, and I’ve noticed a lot more perceived gain through my Redsound mf.10’s and headphones. on my monitors it’s just right, I perhaps wouldn’t mind even a little more. But on my FRFR and...
  31. blastbeatdown

    Best way to split guitar to signal to into 2 inputs of Axe FX III

    Radial is a most trusted brand for me. I used a JX2 to run two amps simultaneously with reversed polarity (basically the delay trick to make it sound like two guitars) and it sounded massive. It has some features such as that one that you might not need, so the Bigshot might be the one for you.
  32. blastbeatdown

    Axe Fx III Cab Blocks thru real cab?

    The times I did it was by accident, and the tone sounded like it had a blanket over it. I have a Mesa cab and probably had a very similar IR going into it. It’s just an EQ curve so I’m sure that isn’t always the case (sounding dark). If you find one that works and you like it, I don’t see a problem.
  33. blastbeatdown

    IRs York Audio presents the ZILA 212 in .Wav format! New website!

    Alrighty then, I get it.. please forgive my oversight and thanks for the speedy response.
  34. blastbeatdown

    IRs York Audio presents the ZILA 212 in .Wav format! New website!

    I somehow missed this manual you speak of when I bought the pack midway through last year. I always assumed I was asking for secret info with stuff like this. Mikko gives his mixes cute names like ANGRY or MEATY but hardly ever tells you what mics were involved. I use my ears of course, but...
  35. blastbeatdown

    IRs York Audio presents the ZILA 212 in .Wav format! New website!

    Thank you! I was also curious if the 121 went on the Creamback and the 57 went on the V30 - seems both are represented here. Mix 2 has been my go-to so that is interesting.
  36. blastbeatdown

    IRs York Audio presents the ZILA 212 in .Wav format! New website!

    @York Audio I don’t suppose you recall offhand which (if any) of the Blend Mixes uses a 57/121 combo? 🙂
  37. blastbeatdown

    Tim Henson needs an upgrade

    With guitar tone in general, I think it matters more to us than it does to the average audience. Sure Cygnus absolutely sounds better, and in my experience the amp models take far less tweaking to sound good, but as always it’s mostly a “feel” thing for us - the guitar players. They without a...
  38. blastbeatdown

    Tim Henson needs an upgrade

    Last I checked Periphery still uses Axe Fx II live. Misha said in a live stream less than a year ago that he would like to change everything over, but it would take about a week to do it, just to make it sound “about 10% better”. Kind of a “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” scenario for them...
  39. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Very cool. I’ve messed with Negative Feedback but I always put it back to default for the Atomica, which if I recall correctly isn’t very high, offhand I think around 2? I keep depth around 4. Thanks
  40. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Thanks I’ll give that a shot. I usually leave it around 10k
  41. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Too bright isn’t the problem, noise is. Couldn’t tell you why. The Grinder gives you great pick attack, and if I still need more brightness I compensate with a little High Treble. Just what works for me.
  42. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Bright switch is off. That’s important. When it’s on I get insane hiss. Idk something about it gives me too much noise with just about any high gain amp, especially with the Grinder you can absolutely forget about it lol. The Grinder doesn’t work with bright amps, but it’s awesome for really fat...
  43. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    I’ve used a lot of pickups and they seem pretty nice and even across the wide spectrum.
  44. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    when I’m recording sometimes I like to exaggerate my picking. I pick way harder than I normally would, and yes resting your hand a little away from the bridge can get that really aggressive throaty quality. What I’m talking about in this post is more referring to resting your hand closer to the...
  45. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    I just messed with the 5150 block letter amp model for a while. It definitely has more of that quality I’m talking about. But something about the Atomica the way I have it sounds super angry. Maybe it’s the saturation switch. I’m gonna stick with it. It sounds even better super loud even through...
  46. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    I’m using a Strandberg 8, 9-42 + 56 + 78 strings. Lundgren pickups, Adam A7X monitors
  47. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    I posted some tone snippets in here. I get that nice “bwooow” sound if that’s what you’re talking about.
  48. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    This is the most accurate response so far. I’m normally a 5150 guy, and the palm mutes bloom beautifully on those so that’s what I’ve come to expect. I’ve been messing with Marshall style amps lately and it’s great, kind of a Fear Factory / Meshuggah -esque tone that is very tight. But it...
  49. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    You know what’s funny, I do use this technique. And while it’s great for sitting evenly in the mix, I think it’s partially that volume swell that is giving me a perceived lack of bloom when I’m just playing solo. I might start turning it off for self gratification when I’m jamming.
  50. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Definitely would be very interested in that
  51. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    The best way I can describe bloom is the way a palm mute resonates and opens up as you sustain the chord, almost like a swell. It’s one of my favorite things about a nice tube amp. Playing loud through a cab def helps, so maybe I always associated it with tubes when in reality it’s a woody...
  52. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Some quick tone samples For the record I dig my tone and this is exactly what I’m going for. But being a Fractal user is a disease sometimes and I’m always wondering if there is some elusive deep parameter...
  53. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    I dig the TS808 Mod for 6-7 string stuff but for 8 string I def prefer the Grinder. I’ll take this into consideration thanks.
  54. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Technique is good. I’m no EVH but I assure you I can chug with the best of em. Thanks for all the suggestions. I didn’t care for the results when I dialed back the low cut. Most of you would think I’m nuts, but the Fas Modern III defaults to a 580 hz low cut. For an 8 string it’s plausible.
  55. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Master volume is a little higher than default, so yes there is a little bit of power amp coloring going on.
  56. blastbeatdown

    More “bloom” from palm mutes?

    Just wondering if there are any specific parameters that you associate with getting more bloom from an amp model. I use the Atomica High with the Grinder boost +19, gain around 6.5-7, saturation drive at default settings. I don’t really want any more gain 😂 feel like I would be losing clarity at...
  57. blastbeatdown

    How to use the Darkglass B7K?

    I bypass both crossovers, with one set to “mute when bypassed” so that there is no unnecessary doubling of the signal. Bypass the Darkglass also obviously, and the second compressor.
  58. blastbeatdown

    How to use the Darkglass B7K?

    This is how I like to do it - I merge both signals into an amp + cab. Whatever works for you though. Another way would be routing the low side directly to the output as a DI. I just prefer the results I get this way. In this example my crossover frequency is 800 hz. So everything above 800 hz...
  59. blastbeatdown

    How to use the Darkglass B7K?

    Just like the real pedal, you can use it before an amp or on a DI. I like to use it before the SVT amp. You can use the mix knob to blend in clean signal with the distortion. My favorite though is using a crossover to keep the lows clean and only sending the highs to the B7K at 100% mix. This...
  60. blastbeatdown

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00

    I thought they ruined my favorite amp model too, and what actually happened is it reset the Low cut in the Preamp tab. I put it back where I previously had it, and it’s great again. This was on Axe Fx III, but I’m pretty sure it still applies because of the implementation of Cygnus X-2.
  61. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    I’ve long suspected that they blended DI in with Josh Travis’ tone on this album, which is a classic by now for anyone who is into that music (2010). They even use DI for the intro to this song. It adds some “clank” to the guitar, which I most often associate with bass, but of course that makes...
  62. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    I tune to E1 and play lots of dissonant stuff. That’s what brings me here lol. I’m not big on the pitch shifting stuff though. People who don’t know this about me prob just think I’m being excessive, which possibly is still the case. I know at least one metal producer that does this in his DAW...
  63. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    I didn’t like the results I got with the air parameter. I tried sweeping the frequency around to find a sweet spot, but for the most part it sounded shrill to me. I agree. This is pure curiosity on my part, borderline gluttony if I’m being honest. I use the Grinder boost on most of my high gain...
  64. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    No doubt. For bass I like using a crossover and keeping the lows clean and the highs distorted; very similar approach. I like the way it sounds merging both signals into amp + cab blocks rather than going pure DI for the low side.
  65. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    Whoa, what? I’m gonna give it a shot 👍🏻 I thought it just added some upper “airy” frequencies
  66. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    Yup, I kinda figured if you can hear it enough to pick it out you’re probably doing it wrong. I was more curious how others are processing the dry signal, if at all.. EQ, drives, amps.
  67. blastbeatdown

    Blending clean tone with high gain for extra pick attack, string noise

    This is a studio trick that’s been around for a while. I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried something like this within your Axe Fx? I took a shot blending in DI or even the B7K drive. I wasn’t too impressed so I’m asking for pointers 🤙🏻 (Do I think it’s necessary? No not really, but...
  68. blastbeatdown

    Ampturco Guitar Werks custom cables

    I’ve mentioned these in here and received a few messages about them. I’ve been very pleased with his cables, so I figured I’d make a thread about them here. It’s a one man business out of Scranton, Pennsylvania. He makes guitar cables, speaker cables, patch cables, etc. You pick your cable...
  69. blastbeatdown

    What Prompted You To Buy A Fractal?

    In 2015 I started dabbling with recording my ideas into a DAW. I had been gigging with tube amps for years by this point. I almost bought something cheap like a used Line 6 pod hd pro, but I figured for another $400 or so I could get a used early gen Fractal instead. I didn’t need insane quality...
  70. blastbeatdown

    Amp block for Friedman BE models

    The York Audio Zilla cab pack has V30 and Creamback blends. They’re currently my favorite IRs.
  71. blastbeatdown

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    I’m a little embarrassed to say I thought the update ruined my favorite amp model, but only for a brief moment 🤣 I was too excited to get the update, so I downloaded it when I only had 20 minutes to play around with it. Big mistake on my part. I went to work kinda bummed out, then came home and...
  72. blastbeatdown

    Red Sound Elis8 FRFR Review and MF 10 Comparision

    It’s highly unlikely as I bought mine from Lyon and Healey, but I wonder if you ended up with the one I returned. They shifted inside the box during shipping and both got damaged in the corners. One was visibly very bad, but one was hardly dented at all. They replaced both for me. Never tested...
  73. blastbeatdown

    Is it me or are others in the same boat?

    I can’t comment on the Elis.8 but I love my Mf.10’s. They’re super punchy with a nice low resonance that is very tight. I haven’t gigged with them yet but I used to lug around two 4x12s. It’s satisfying enough that I don’t think I’ll miss it. They’re probably more comparable to a nice 2x12, but...
  74. blastbeatdown

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    Not sure if anyone told you this yet but the update reset the low cut in the amp block preamp section to default. I had way too much bass until I found the culprit.
  75. blastbeatdown

    Is it me or are others in the same boat?

    I get not vibing with FRFR compared to cabs, as many others feel this way, but studio monitors is a new one for me. My philosophy is if you can make your tone sound great though monitors (which are typically flat, perhaps boring for good reason) then it will sound great on anything. The only...
  76. blastbeatdown

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    York Audio Zilla V30/H75 Creamback Mix 2. Pretty popular in here, I think. Or at least seemed like people loved it when it dropped. Mix 2 is the tighter bass one 😃 EDIT: Found the problem. See my original comment above (but thanks for the noob recommendation)
  77. blastbeatdown

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    I had to dial back Depth to almost nothing, and Bass back quite a bit on my high gain Atomica preset. This isn’t so much a complaint, as I always expect to have to tweak some things when a big update drops. But yeah, it was very boomy. I can hear the “crunch > fizz” thing for sure. I don’t doubt...
  78. blastbeatdown

    Palm Muting Tone Shaping

    Grinder input boost
  79. blastbeatdown

    Leon appreciation thread!

    Leon’s and Plague Scythe Studios youtube channels made me fall in love with Fractal all over again. I think I got like 80% of the way there on my own, but they pushed me into the territory of not only making the best tones I’ve ever had, but also knowing a hell of a lot more about recorded...
  80. blastbeatdown

    best passive FRFR for Axe-fx III and Seymour Duncan PS 700 ?

    Redsound MF.10 is incredible. I have the stereo pair, so I’ve never driven the passive cab with one of my power amps. I also have a passive Matrix FR212 that holds up pretty well against them, which I primarily use with my Matrix power amp but I’ve also used a powerstage 170 with it just messing...
  81. blastbeatdown

    Who uses just 1 Cabinet IR?

    I used to always blend IRs but always from the same pack. Now I use the mixes/blends from those packs.
  82. blastbeatdown

    Post Your Axe-Fx III Rigs Here!

    Well they’re hardcore shows so ya never know when someone will run onstage and jump off. But more often than not the culprit is a stupid singer, who is possibly drunk 😂😂 but yeah if I was interested in going wireless then it never would’ve been a concern. I was just curious what other people...
  83. blastbeatdown

    Post Your Axe-Fx III Rigs Here!

    I used one many years ago. I don’t need it. My solution was even cheaper, a tuner pedal with true bypass. So there’s something between me and the axe fx. Also bright-colored high quality cables from Ampturco Guitar Works.
  84. blastbeatdown


    I brought up this exact fear a few weeks ago. A few told me I was paranoid or over-thinking. I’ve decided to use a tuner pedal with true bypass (Boss waza craft) just to have something between me and the Axe Fx during gigs. Going directly into the front at a rowdy show gives me anxiety.
  85. blastbeatdown

    MF10 in the USA 🇺🇸

    I ended up getting mine from Lyon and Healy. Their email responses are quick, usually answering within one business day. I was a little disappointed with the packaging, only having foam in the 4 corners. The first pair I bought shifted in their boxes during shipping and got gouged pretty badly...
  86. blastbeatdown

    Rectifier ✅ , now let’s talk about the noise gate

    Something about it made it more intelligent than other gates. I imagine the Fortin Zuul is comparable as well. I like fast attack and release times for the most part because I’m more of a rhythm chugger, like Fear Factory or Meshuggah. The ISP would respond well to that and then would loosen up...
  87. blastbeatdown

    Rectifier ✅ , now let’s talk about the noise gate

    I had similar headaches with the Fractal noise gate. As you stated, coming from the ISP Decimator doing its job with one knob, it really bothered me that I couldn’t get the Axe Fx to perform similarly. The only thing that solved my problem was making my tone less noisy and reducing amp hiss...
  88. blastbeatdown

    WTF Brit Studio 20? How many people wanted a Marshall SV20H in the Wish List???

    There are some amps that I selfishly would like to see modeled, and they’re in the wish list section where they belong. However I’ve had a lot of fun using all of the available resources giving tips on how to mimic tones with what we do have available. And frankly it’s more rewarding; I feel...
  89. blastbeatdown

    Tone match request: suffocation - pierced from within

    I’ve found Vader IRs but didn’t like them at all. I’ve owned a Vader cab for over a decade and it crushes.
  90. blastbeatdown

    Tone match request: suffocation - pierced from within

    Scoop all the mids. Maybe run everything on low quality mode? 😂😂 love that album though. A stomp box distortion into a solid state amp model should get you close.
  91. blastbeatdown

    Axe fx 3 bass tones?

    I merge them both into one amp and one cab block. As you can see in this Leon Todd video around 9:15, you can also run the low side straight to the output, essentially keeping your low fundamentals as a DI. I just prefer it my way, but your mileage may vary.
  92. blastbeatdown

    Axe fx 3 bass tones?

    Yes everything I described is my preferred strategy for extremely downtuned modern metal bass. Again I’m a guitar player so I can’t be bothered with buying bass gear. Everything I do is “inside the box”. By chance are you running an older firmware? The B7K model from Fractal used to be pretty...
  93. blastbeatdown

    Axe fx 3 bass tones?

    Interesting. I haven’t auditioned a ton of bass IRs. I went straight for one I’ve liked in real life, the Mesa Powerhouse 1x15 4x10, and I was pretty satisfied with it so I didn’t search any further.
  94. blastbeatdown

    Axe fx 3 bass tones?

    I play super downtuned stuff also. I have a Dingwall in drop E with I think a .185, and when the low strings have that kind of mass, they naturally have more output than the high strings which sound puny in comparison. I’m primarily a guitar player so maybe I just need a little help with...
  95. blastbeatdown

    Axe fx 3 bass tones?

    I like to use crossover/filter blocks to split the signal in two - everything above roughly 800 hz and everything below. Send the high end to the Darkglass B7K and keep everything below clean. You can keep the low end as a DI, but I like the results I get merging them into amp and cab blocks...
  96. blastbeatdown

    FRFR cab or studio monitors, for bedroom playing?

    Studio monitors for sure. I have an FRFR I love, the Redsound MF.10, but it really shines at gig volume. Still good at bedroom levels, but a nice pair of studio monitors will serve you perfectly.
  97. blastbeatdown

    I Found A Marshall I'm Really Enjoying...

    I love love love the Atomica.
  98. blastbeatdown

    MATRIX is still in business.

    Thanks for the update. I assumed you haven’t recovered from the pandemic yet, but it’s nice to get confirmation 👍🏻 Great products. Wish you all the best.
  99. blastbeatdown

    MF-10 - yes.

    Summed up perfectly. I also dial in my tones with A7X monitors and then use MF.10s when I wanna crank it up. They translate very well, so I can say with confidence that they’re simultaneously as transparent yet ballsy as you could hope for.
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