WTF Brit Studio 20? How many people wanted a Marshall SV20H in the Wish List???

It's actually insane to me how Marshall markets the 5w setting as "versatile enough for studio recording and home practice". It just confuses and misleads those who aren't familiar with how these types of amps work.
It's actually insane to me how Marshall markets the 5w setting as "versatile enough for studio recording and home practice". It just confuses and misleads those who aren't familiar with how these types of amps work.
Some folks don't play their amps with power amp distortion and prefer to use a pedal for overdrive. In that case, five watts would seem applicable.
Please contact sales. They'll gladly refund the cost of your firmware update.
as we used to say in the 80s "BURN !"
I have more legendary amps and IRs and block combinations to try than I can deal with right now. Plus, the Klon was done. So right there, just wait and given time it will probably happen. That sounded kind of entitled and harshly critical (the original post FA is replying to).
Whatever one's feelings about a thing, the first three letters of this post's title should be used in writing only when a wide range of interpretations (misunderstandings) is not only acceptable but maybe even intended.

One need not be a Vulcan to control their emotions to the point of making a point.
I think it's too much.
A simple 'why' would have sufficed.

Personally, I couldn't have done that.
I remember when the really long IRs were implemented, the ones that give the sound of the room.
Not only did Cliff manage to put slots for these in the Mark I, I wrote that I wasn't quite understanding, [from a 'sound' point of view].
Cliff posted a recording by ACDC in reply to give a sonic example.
That's pretty cool. How many CEOs of a company would even bother to acknowledge my existence? I'm not a 'star.'
I just couldn't be that rude to him.

In my circumstances, I started with running a guitar through a dirt box directly into a pc, then trying to eq the hell out of it afterwards.
Then I got a podxt. Not happy with it. Then plug-ins, not happy either. I can't use or run an amp, it's too loud. I kept 'catching out' the stuff I used before, especially with dynamics. There was 'stuff' there not caused by my playing or pickups, must be what you call 'artifacts.'

Then I saw stuff on the internet about this Axe FX thing just as I was thinking 'I'm done with all this.'
I got a II just after it came out, and I was happy with it. It didn't have a plastic sound or feel.
I could just set the amp and PLAY without wasting time manipulating it to sound [maybe] usable and I didn't need to buy pedals if I wanted a certain sound or bother with cables, batteries or adaptors.
If it wasn't for Cliff's invention I wouldn't even be playing guitar anymore. 100%.
Some folks don't play their amps with power amp distortion and prefer to use a pedal for overdrive. In that case, five watts would seem applicable.
But then why play a plexi, if not to crank the power section? Surely there are better amps to do that. On this amp you accidentally move the knob from 1.5 to 1.75 and you blow your head off, not the best user experience.
I think it's too much.
A simple 'why' would have sufficed.

Personally, I couldn't have done that.
I remember when the really long IRs were implemented, the ones that give the sound of the room.
Not only did Cliff manage to put slots for these in the Mark I, I wrote that I wasn't quite understanding, [from a 'sound' point of view].
Cliff posted a recording by ACDC in reply to give a sonic example.
That's pretty cool. How many CEOs of a company would even bother to acknowledge my existence? I'm not a 'star.'
I just couldn't be that rude to him.

In my circumstances, I started with running a guitar through a dirt box directly into a pc, then trying to eq the hell out of it afterwards.
Then I got a podxt. Not happy with it. Then plug-ins, not happy either. I can't use or run an amp, it's too loud. I kept 'catching out' the stuff I used before, especially with dynamics. There was 'stuff' there not caused by my playing or pickups, must be what you call 'artifacts.'

Then I saw stuff on the internet about this Axe FX thing just as I was thinking 'I'm done with all this.'
I got a II just after it came out, and I was happy with it. It didn't have a plastic sound or feel.
I could just set the amp and PLAY without wasting time manipulating it to sound [maybe] usable and I didn't need to buy pedals if I wanted a certain sound or bother with cables, batteries or adaptors.
If it wasn't for Cliff's invention I wouldn't even be playing guitar anymore. 100%.
Fractal Audio reminds me Apple back in the day when they were doing things differently than anyone else. They were just a cool company, and good to their loyal users.

I am really glad to have Fractal's Axe-FX III product and it has made want to play more, practice more, and improve my playing and breadth of genres I can experiment with – which is the whole point of it for me.
Seriously I'm sorry for say it but they are sooooo many legendary amps waiting to be added and you add this one? 🤐🤦🏻‍♂️

I know we will probably get a usable tone out of it but come on... please add other amps that many of us are waiting for. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Comes across as entitled. A wish is a hope, not a vote.
But then why play a plexi, if not to crank the power section? Surely there are better amps to do that. On this amp you accidentally move the knob from 1.5 to 1.75 and you blow your head off, not the best user experience.
For one, because Plexi circuits also give you fantastic clean tones with the volumes low.
Seriously I'm sorry for say it but they are sooooo many legendary amps waiting to be added and you add this one? 🤐🤦🏻‍♂️

I know we will probably get a usable tone out of it but come on... please add other amps that many of us are waiting for. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
You know where the Line 6 site is :) Good luck over there.
There are some amps that I selfishly would like to see modeled, and they’re in the wish list section where they belong. However I’ve had a lot of fun using all of the available resources giving tips on how to mimic tones with what we do have available. And frankly it’s more rewarding; I feel accomplished having done it. Keep researching, experimenting, and show some gratitude. This forum is one of those valuable resources (in fact the most valuable). I gotta admit it’s a little embarrassing when I see posts like this.
Seriously I'm sorry for say it but they are sooooo many legendary amps waiting to be added and you add this one? 🤐🤦🏻‍♂️

I know we will probably get a usable tone out of it but come on... please add other amps that many of us are waiting for. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
The entitlement. SMFH.

Me <- More Marshalls Please and Thank You!
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I’m a Plexi enthusiast now, so I’m always up for another. To me, the new 20 watt reacts very differently to my guitar than all the Plexis and their modded variants. I guess to me the Plexi the ultimate platform for expressiveness, and it can be used for anything if you pair with the cab that works for that moment. It’s versatility is unmatched as a basic design, to my ears. And the little things that differentiate one Plexi from the next are big to me. Just my two cents.
I have the fm9 so can’t try the new beta with new plexi. But lately I’ve been absolutely loving the Jumped Plexi factory preset, and I agree with you. The plexi is like a well balanced tone canvas that you can manipulate in lots of directions whereas others amps may be built to shine in one area but are hard to get to do other things. So I’m excited for this SV20
If WTB is Want To Buy, WTF is Want To F***?

The OP seems to be that desperate, indeed 😄
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Fractal Audio reminds me Apple back in the day when they were doing things differently than anyone else. They were just a cool company, and good to their loyal users.

I am really glad to have Fractal's Axe-FX III product and it has made want to play more, practice more, and improve my playing and breadth of genres I can experiment with – which is the whole point of it for me.
Yes, it's like the ultimate 'train set' for guitar.

I'm so glad things are still as they are and haven't gone down the following path...
Sell out to the corporation for $.
Release sub standard products which lag behind where the R&D behind the scenes is at. To make even more $.
Not enough metal amps on it, buy our 'metal pack.'
Not enough effects, buy our 'FX pack.'
Want to move to Cygnus, buy our Yadda, Yadda.

We have a lot to be thankful for.
My two favorite amps are the 5150, and the Mesa Mark Series.

Buying just those two amps new today would cost somewhere around $5,000 US (yeah I know technically the 6505 is currently out of production :p ). But for that money I can buy an AxeFX III, FC12, expression pedals, and a power amp+FRFR setup.

If those were the only two amp models, I'd be happy as shit. The fact that I get almost 300 more, and an entire suite of professional grade effects, and an audio interface and IR capture unit, and all the other stuff there is in that magic little box, is just nuts. I feel like I would legitimately have to be crazy to go back to physical amps. The value proposition has been completely upended.

The absolute last thing I am ever gonna do about Fractal is complain.
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