Rectifier ✅ , now let’s talk about the noise gate

What ended up working for me, as far as noise gates go was to use the "sidechained to input 1 between the amp & cab blocks" approach AND also setting the input block gate type to Noise Reducer, with -7dB threshold, 2.00 ratio, 1.00ms attack, & 100.00ms release. That cut out a lot of hum I get for whatever reason and gave the sidechained gate a bit more room to breathe.
I do something very similar, and it works OK for my home office, which has a LOT of EMI.

But now I do wonder if I should try the ISP.
I had similar headaches with the Fractal noise gate. As you stated, coming from the ISP Decimator doing its job with one knob, it really bothered me that I couldn’t get the Axe Fx to perform similarly. The only thing that solved my problem was making my tone less noisy and reducing amp hiss. Disengaging the Bright switch on high gain amp models helped a lot. Now my noise gate is acceptable, but still not 100% where I think it should be. I do place the gate after the amp block with side chain source set to input 1. I have a scene control switch set to the threshold so I can keep it tight for staccato chugs and looser for leads. It’s a little crazy that I need to do that when, again, the Decimator was basically “set and forget” and responded well to all types of playing. I never had to adjust the gate for different parts of a song, unless I turned it off for desired feedback. But it’s the best thing I could come up with and it’s fine I guess.
The gates and Rectifiers have been a long-standing bugbear for me as well. The gate performs adequately at getting rid of background hiss etc, but it just doesn’t compare to the ISP stuff. I’m glad to hear people are happier with Rectifiers now (haven’t tried them yet myself, waiting for the non-beta release), but I’d agree that the gates should be a priority imo.
I had similar headaches with the Fractal noise gate. As you stated, coming from the ISP Decimator doing its job with one knob, it really bothered me that I couldn’t get the Axe Fx to perform similarly. The only thing that solved my problem was making my tone less noisy and reducing amp hiss. Disengaging the Bright switch on high gain amp models helped a lot. Now my noise gate is acceptable, but still not 100% where I think it should be. I do place the gate after the amp block with side chain source set to input 1. I have a scene control switch set to the threshold so I can keep it tight for staccato chugs and looser for leads. It’s a little crazy that I need to do that when, again, the Decimator was basically “set and forget” and responded well to all types of playing. I never had to adjust the gate for different parts of a song, unless I turned it off for desired feedback. But it’s the best thing I could come up with and it’s fine I
I had similar headaches with the Fractal noise gate. As you stated, coming from the ISP Decimator doing its job with one knob, it really bothered me that I couldn’t get the Axe Fx to perform similarly. The only thing that solved my problem was making my tone less noisy and reducing amp hiss. Disengaging the Bright switch on high gain amp models helped a lot. Now my noise gate is acceptable, but still not 100% where I think it should be. I do place the gate after the amp block with side chain source set to input 1. I have a scene control switch set to the threshold so I can keep it tight for staccato chugs and looser for leads. It’s a little crazy that I need to do that when, again, the Decimator was basically “set and forget” and responded well to all types of playing. I never had to adjust the gate for different parts of a song, unless I turned it off for desired feedback. But it’s the best thing I could come up with and it’s fine I guess.
The ISP decimator in the Egnater amp I had was incredible w HiGain
Even the HuSH stuff was great
The ISP decimator in the Egnater amp I had was incredible w HiGain
Even the HuSH stuff was great
Something about it made it more intelligent than other gates. I imagine the Fortin Zuul is comparable as well. I like fast attack and release times for the most part because I’m more of a rhythm chugger, like Fear Factory or Meshuggah. The ISP would respond well to that and then would loosen up depending on your playing. If it’s patented technology, that doesn’t surprise me, because it’s excellent. I don’t expect the Fractal to predict what I’m going to play / when I’m going to stop, but somehow the ISP would pick up on it quickly when I’m playing a choppy riff.
My main amp in the fractal is the recto2 and Ive never had a noise issue, its dead quiet. I always thoight the ISP pedal was snake oil, and the boss ns, routed properly, was superior.When I had tube amps I tried everything under the sun, I HATE the noise they make. The axe solved all that for me instantly.
My main amp in the fractal is the recto2 and Ive never had a noise issue, its dead quiet. I always thoight the ISP pedal was snake oil, and the boss ns, routed properly, was superior.When I had tube amps I tried everything under the sun, I HATE the noise they make. The axe solved all that for me instantly.
The boss ns2 works very well in 4 cable method when you want to untouch your clean tone and have it activated only in your channel 2 (in a real head), i agree, many people said that this pedal suck because they don’t use it in 4 cables … To compare it with an isp you need to purchase the one with 4 jacks, not the decimator 2 but the decimator g string .
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Interesting thread. Always that I'm the only one who has a little trouble with the noise gates.
It's OK, but like you all already stated - it's not completely killing the noise and for example the ISP does actually kills the noise floor pretty darn good.
Would also appreciate some noise-gate-love :)
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the noise gate in diezel vhx works extremely similar to the ISP´s one.
It filters the noise while you play = the softer you play, the more it filters the noise so it is not as heard in background of your tone.
that´s the main difference, because anyhow you set the gate in axe, the noise level that you don´t want to hear is always on the same level, regardless of your playing dynamics.
When you saw the « rosh » vidéo he said 10 times that what he does it’s ok for djent and ultra tight blabla . But to me it sound like guitar pro with these settings, that’s really not the « high gain tone » I have in mind. The goal is to have a « normal guitar sound » with noise filtered, not a synth metal sound
I think what needs to said is that the fractal gates can be set perfectly, so the hi gain presets are dead silent, WHILE you´re not picking, fast staccato type riffs, or stop on a dime, etc.
The problem occurs DURING the picking.
Fractal´s gate simply opens up and let all noise, that the guitar is feeding it, comes through, which is probably the intended behaviour.
The best noise gates on the market works differently, they can somehow manage to extract the unwanted noise from guitar tone WHILE picking.
That´s the tricky part IMO.
This is a very interesting discussion.

Before I got the Axe-FX III, I would just play though plugins, and my preferred noise gate was to use Voice DeNoise by Izotope, where you let it listen to the noise in your current environment, and it applies a multiband noise filter to your signal (I put in right after the guitar input), which you could still adjust, and the thing was miraculous for this purpose. It worked during picking, like some have mentioned about ISP, and that was the unique thing about it. I do miss that.
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This is a very interesting discussion.

Before I got the Axe-FX III, I would just play though plugins, and my preferred noise gate was to use Voice DeNoise by Izotope, where you let it listen to the noise in your current environment, and it applies a murtiband noise filter to your signal (I put in right after the guitar input), which you could still adjust, and the thing was miraculous for this purpose. It worked during picking, like some have mentioned about ISP, and that was the unique thing about it. I do miss that.
yes and the thing is, while using this noise supression, the highs in your tone are intact, no loss at all.
I know a way how to lower the noise level inside fractal, but always at cost of loosing high end, which is not desirable for me.
Found it!

I mentioned my own issues with the noise gates a long time ago. Back when FW12 came out IIRC. Seemingly went unacknowledged but if we’re giving it some more attention now I’ll reattach my recording with the problematic gate.

Before I get swarmed with ‘change the attack/release times, adjust the threshold, etc’: the point of a gate for me is to allow the guitar’s sustain through, but also close quickly enough that you don’t get that ringing after you stop playing. Changing settings either does nothing or makes the problem worse. The problem I have is that the gate seems to close in time, but then reopens too early. Making the attack/release slower does not solve this. It either cuts off before you actually stop playing, or it just doesn’t close at all, neither of which are optimal.

This is not a problem that occurs with my ISP, but when travelling to shows etc I don’t have the capacity to take all the extra cabling/PSU for a pedal. I am trying to keep my rig as compact as possible, which taking a single pedal doesn’t help with. Besides that, why wouldn’t I just keep everything in-unit if I could? It’s just better that way.

I’m particularly lost at how Fractal haven’t been able to get something like this working to it’s full potential. ISP have nailed it, as mentioned, and Marshall even had an extremely effective gate in their Kerry King sig head, that allowed for natural feedback to develop but also clamped the signal down if you muted the strings. I don’t know how it worked, but I’m also not an electrical engineer, that‘s why I rely on people smarter than me to do the things I can’t 😅

Troubling gate sample attached, note how it clamps down then reopens too soon. No matter what I do, it doesn’t seem to be resolvable with the current gate:
Marshall even had an extremely effective gate in their Kerry King sig head, that allowed for natural feedback to develop but also clamped the signal down if you muted the strings

Kerry king used a hush super c and mxr smart gate pro m235 depends of the tour. Sometimes the basic mxr gate is mentioned too. Yes the Kerry king head in the beast mode worked great ! I played a lot with this head in the Music Store it was great sounding (but no clean 🙃)

The guy from isp is the guy from rocktron, this is Shelley Waller. He create rocktron before doing isp
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