Rectifier ✅ , now let’s talk about the noise gate

I’ve read great things about ZexCoils for maintaining high end and single coil tone while being completely silent in terms of hum. Still won’t kill EMI of course, but a good start.
Thanks, I should check them out. The pickups in my new vintera strat are good, but bridge is a bit shrill, and it’s pretty noisy. I haven’t gotten around to it because I tend to want to find the EXACT PERFECT thing and it’s too stressful! (Although that perfectionism did lead me to Fractal…)
Thanks, I should check them out. The pickups in my new vintera strat are good, but bridge is a bit shrill, and it’s pretty noisy. I haven’t gotten around to it because I tend to want to find the EXACT PERFECT thing and it’s too stressful! (Although that perfectionism did lead me to Fractal…)

Mind you, I've never tried them myself, but I've so been wanting to. I've just read endless forum threads about noiseless single coils, trying to find consensus, and ZexCoils had very very few negative comments anywhere. I know there are several ZexCoil players on the Fractal forum here, so if you just search you'll find what they're saying, and I'm sure some people could guide you better for whatever you're looking for in that arena. I've called the company that makes ZexCoils, and it's really just the inventor and his wife, from what I can tell. The guy's name is Scott Lawing, and I found him extremely helpful over the phone. Were I not perpetually broke I'd have actually bought from him a while ago.

But also I've read great things about Kinman, Fralin Split Coils (whom @Joe Bfstplk loves), and Duncan Stacked Strats. But I'm not at all nuanced or experienced enough in single coil land to give you any good guidance myself; although I've read a shit ton about each of these brands, experience outweighs that every time.

One factor to consider, Lawing has a very strict and inflexible return policy, so you have to be ready for the gamble. With Duncan, I know they have a great policy if you buy from a dealer, something like 21 days where you can contact them and swap whatever you got with something that might fit your guitar better. And they're also great over the phone to guide you with whatever will work. For that matter, I did call Fralin once too, and Lindy himself picked up, and he was willing to answer all questions. The cool thing about Fralins is you can order with regular, under, or overwound for any of his pickups, which is extraordinary. I know Lawing will customize too. Of course there's the Duncan custom shop too, now that I think of it haha, and they seem great from all accounts I've read.

So you've got a lot of options!

One other company I keep my eye on is Alan Green, whose brand is Alagree, out of the UK. I know he'll do custom stuff too, and he has a noiseless strat set. He has very creative and cool designs overall, but his sound samples are awful, but I truly wonder from his designs themselves if his stuff would just be incredible.
I got some pickups made by Mick Brierley here in Aus for my duo sonic. He hand-winds them to your tastes and will keep taking them back until you like them! Sadly last I heard he was out of action after a hip replacement.
I think what needs to said is that the fractal gates can be set perfectly, so the hi gain presets are dead silent, WHILE you´re not picking, fast staccato type riffs, or stop on a dime, etc.
The problem occurs DURING the picking.
Fractal´s gate simply opens up and let all noise, that the guitar is feeding it, comes through, which is probably the intended behaviour.
The best noise gates on the market works differently, they can somehow manage to extract the unwanted noise from guitar tone WHILE picking.
That´s the tricky part IMO.
Ahhh. Makes sense now. I only use humbuckers or noiseless single coils. I bet this is an issue for people who use true single coil pickups (I hate all of them).
I dont ever hear noise WHILE playing with any of my instruments. If I did that would be a huge problem. Does someone have an audio clip of this noise?
mud shared the clip, it’s exactly the same with my guitar - prs usa tremonti, properly shielded with copper tape and grounded. my diezel vhx has no problem in same location.
I dont ever hear noise WHILE playing with any of my instruments. If I did that would be a huge problem. Does someone have an audio clip of this noise?

Here they are 2 examples . One with one gate, one with 2 . The preset was attached in one of my previous post. It just show that when the note is played, the noise is not filtered, as confirmed with 10 people in this topic ☺️
By the way, if some of you can record themselves with a high gain tone, just doing 3 palm mute in one string and let them flow, I m not against hearing a “dead silent noise while playing”. I just got serious doubts as me and my girlfriend got 20 guitars at home and have done several tests already. But I’m not against proof that proves me I’m wrong .
Noise gate will never fix a noisy environment. I'm dealing with some pretty harsh noise that is external to all of my equipment and neither the axe fx or the hum extractor get rid of it.

I will say though, the noise gate does tend to have some weird filter/aliasing noise applied to the tail end if you apply too much. It only happens on the axe fx. I'm assuming it's just the noise gate applying too much combined with the actual noise that's there.
Noise gate will never fix a noisy environment. I'm dealing with some pretty harsh noise that is external to all of my equipment and neither the axe fx or the hum extractor get rid of it.

I will say though, the noise gate does tend to have some weird filter/aliasing noise applied to the tail end if you apply too much. It only happens on the axe fx. I'm assuming it's just the noise gate applying too much combined with the actual noise that's there.
Just see my 2 previous videos in this topic. It is technically possible that’s why I wish it. When I owned a kemper or a isp and many others gates with my tube amps, in the same environment, there was zero noise. You don’t imagine the pleasure to have a total noise free product. If cliff does it, you will all be super happy.
Oh trust me, I would love to have a completely super noise free environment. I moved to a new house that is spewing with stupid noise. You wouldn't believe the lengths I've gone to try to resolve it.

To be fair though, noise is noise. I think it's a tough problem to solve when you could argue that your guitar is just noise as well.

Here they are 2 examples . One with one gate, one with 2 . The preset was attached in one of my previous post. It just show that when the note is played, the noise is not filtered, as confirmed with 10 people in this topic ☺️

Whoa. Id lose my mind. Ill try and record a clip later, thats the worst noise Ive heard in years. Thats worse than my old tube amps.
Oh trust me, I would love to have a completely super noise free environment. I moved to a new house that is spewing with stupid noise. You wouldn't believe the lengths I've gone to try to resolve it.

To be fair though, noise is noise. I think it's a tough problem to solve when you could argue that your guitar is just noise as well.
Yes noise is noise but it seems competing products manage to handle it...
@Feflicker also I Choose my most noisy humbucker guitar for this . With the others is a little bit less but it’s still there. The guitar with emg is the one with less noise. But none are filtered in the end . Maybe I will redo one with 5 different pickups in a row, even if it isn’t the question really
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Having suffered similarly with noise over the last year or so myself, are you sure this is an Axe FX issue?

I didn't find my own answer completely yet, except that the noise is completely independent of what amp/modelling rig I am using, so nothing to do with the Axe FX. I figured that part out very early by trying a few other amps and effects at similar gain levels.

It is related to the HVAC system in my studio in my case, and I need to get a lot more experimentation done with power supply to outdoor and indoor heat exchangers, as well as air conditioning remote controls. It has been painful so far, and I could easily have bought a spare Axe FX III with what I have spent with electricians over the last year trying to figure it all out.

The electric guitar is unique in acting as an aerial for RFI, and for poor EMC in general. In your instance, @My name is mud, I'd make sure I tried turning a few things off around the room I am playing in (for some reason I'm thinking lighting dimmers from what I have heard so far), taking anything "switch mode" power supplied out of circuit that I can, and trying to find the source of the noise rather than a way of suppressing it with a noise gate.

I may be wrong, but I think you need to find the source, rather than a way of suppressing it.

Just see my 2 previous videos in this topic. It is technically possible that’s why I wish it. When I owned a kemper or a isp and many others gates with my tube amps, in the same environment, there was zero noise. You don’t imagine the pleasure to have a total noise free product. If cliff does it, you will all be super happy.
I know that the request is to incorporate a more effective gate into the box, but you can use the ISP quite effectively with the Axe. I'm not typically a real high gain player, but I've tested it - and it appears to be more effective than the existing Axe gate options. Just set up an Out on Channel 3 Left (between Amp and Cab blocks, with Cab input set to Left), for example, into the Dec In and the return from Dec Out into Channel 3 Left in. Functions similiar to the effects send/return with the ISP. Works pretty well.
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