Rectifier ✅ , now let’s talk about the noise gate

I’ll find my ISP if you guys want. I’ll just write the results down though.

One of the things I wonder is did I actually have less noise before or was it the fact I was playing through a guitar cab cutting half the treble off the sound compared to using SM57 IR’s and that gives the illusion I had less noise due to the pedal.
ok ok and this will be my last post about it, because after 10+ testimonies that confirm my feelings + all the hours I've spent about it, I think that now this wish is in Cliff's hands.


this is the guitar I own with less noise (musicman JP7), this are the best settings I have found to shut the ground noise.

as I expected, the sound starts to be bad from the D string, the sustain is eaten, and when you play you feel like you have a stick in your ass. In the end of the video I desactivate and activate it to show the difference

I hear the sustain die for sure. not sure about the stick in the ass tho lol. check your seat 😂
I hear the sustain die for sure. not sure about the stick in the ass tho lol. check your seat 😂
To be clear, it kills sustain if it is set to have no noise (or a very very small amount of) but since forever with the axe I set the gate in a way that it don’t touch the signal. So with a little bit of noise . As rev said, in a mix or band, you doesn’t t hear it , but while playing alone 😔
I may have missed it, but which type of noise gate do you use in the preset?
Thanks, I should check them out. The pickups in my new vintera strat are good, but bridge is a bit shrill, and it’s pretty noisy. I haven’t gotten around to it because I tend to want to find the EXACT PERFECT thing and it’s too stressful! (Although that perfectionism did lead me to Fractal…)
I have the Fender Noiseless hi gain pickups in my strat and love them. I heartily recommend them for anyone that likes the character of strat pickups but wants less noise.
I may have missed it, but which type of noise gate do you use in the preset?
I use the intelligent input noise gate for everything normally . And then I have tried all the other ones of the unit, with 1, 2 or 3 gates in every position possible in the row. in the video it is the gate block with the downward expander mode
For those who never owned a kemper and are curious (I owned a poweramp and a stage)
The gate in the head version works exactly the same as the isp decimator : One knob, one set, done .

And huge disclaimer once again, I m not here to do commercials about isp or kemper, the axe 3 is the best modeler I ever owned. Just trying to say that something better exist in the gate area, and just hoping that cliff can do it as he is a wizard.

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Guitar Noise - Noisegate OFF

here is a clip with noisegate threshold OFF. I still dont hear noise like Muds clip while the note is ringing.

My normal noisegate settings are intelligent, -45, 2, 5ms, 20ms, which I think is fairly mild for a high gain metal preset.

Imo people are having an EMI/bad shielding/noisy pickup/bad power problem, not a "noise gate" problem.
@Feflicker Man, you are playing with a Led zeppelin tone … put an od in an high gain amp and do the same

By the way noise gates are made for this

Me too if I do a preset with gain at 3 with a muffled sound and a high cut at 7000hz I wont have problems really.

But we are talking about extreme settings here, metal music .
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Guitar Noise - Noisegate OFF

here is a clip with noisegate threshold OFF. I still dont hear noise like Muds clip while the note is ringing.

My normal noisegate settings are intelligent, -45, 2, 5ms, 20ms, which I think is fairly mild for a high gain metal preset.

Imo people are having an EMI/bad shielding/noisy pickup/bad power problem, not a "noise gate" problem.
That's not exactly a definition of a "high gain" tone, we are talking about something similar to Euro Uber with gain settings between 6 and 7 or Energyball (personal opinion).
I was trying to emulate the sound of muds clip, and I have to pick it lightly, otherwise you just hear a loud note that rings forever. My tone is similar to a7x, how much more metal does it need to be lol...
Full "Led Zeppelin" Tone Clip

Heres the led zeppelin tone. The other clips were palm muted and light attack to hear the "noise" at the end of the decay before the gate closes. I thought I read specifically that OP heard more noise while palm mutting... I dont know what to tell you guys. If my tone isnt metal enough for a valid test, then it is what it is.

The noise in that video mud posted was worse than an old Krank amp I had with a bad preamp tube, so I dont know how he even plays guitar like that. I currently have 7 guitars, none of them make noise like that.

IMO the gate is a very good gate. I think this request should be in the wishlist as a noise/hum reducer. The only commercially available product I know that does this halfway decent is the hum debugger, but at the sacrifice of some fidelity in the highs. Great for single coil strats that need taming, but id never use for anything else personally. I still think its a nice idea for the Fractal platform so maybe since so many of you have noise issues he'll consider it. Good luck.
Man please … in your previous sound test you have no gain and the sound is eaten up ( and your second sample without a gate, we can here the mess it is before you start)
Now you play at 100 db in your room without a silence .. what a noise gate test ! 😅

i don’t play with the sound of the examples , these are examples of noise non filtered while playing .
you miss the point there.

with a metal tone you need a gate if you want no noise between staccatos or whatever . They are no guitars that aren’t noisy with the amount of gain we are talking about. I have most of the famous brands and models at home with all the pickups models you have in mind… some of them are a little bit less noisy yes. It don’t change the fact that the axe don’t filter the noise like other product does
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Full "Led Zeppelin" Tone Clip

Heres the led zeppelin tone. The other clips were palm muted and light attack to hear the "noise" at the end of the decay before the gate closes. I thought I read specifically that OP heard more noise while palm mutting... I dont know what to tell you guys. If my tone isnt metal enough for a valid test, then it is what it is.

The noise in that video mud posted was worse than an old Krank amp I had with a bad preamp tube, so I dont know how he even plays guitar like that. I currently have 7 guitars, none of them make noise like that.

IMO the gate is a very good gate. I think this request should be in the wishlist as a noise/hum reducer. The only commercially available product I know that does this halfway decent is the hum debugger, but at the sacrifice of some fidelity in the highs. Great for single coil strats that need taming, but id never use for anything else personally. I still think its a nice idea for the Fractal platform so maybe since so many of you have noise issues he'll consider it. Good luck.
Totally irrevelant... Sound is continuous, has not a lot of gain and does not stop...
More than that it's a room sound, so totally out of topic
Man please … in your previous sound test you have no gain and the sound is eaten up ( and your second sample without a gate, we can here the mess it is before you start)
Now you play at 100 db in your room without a silence .. what a noise gate test ! 😅

i don’t play with the sound of the examples , these are examples of noise non filtered while playing .
you miss the point there.

with a metal tone you need a gate if you want no noise between staccatos or whatever . They are no guitars that aren’t noisy with the amount of gain we are talking about. I have most of the famous brands and models at home with all the pickups models you have in mind… some of them are a little bit less noisy yes. It don’t change the fact that the axe don’t filter the noise like other product does
Excuse me for attempting to help. I forgot how the internet works for a second, thanks for the reminder. 👍
Totally irrevelant... Sound is continuous, has not a lot of gain and does not stop...
More than that it's a room sound, so totally out of topic
Not really, when the post is saying "THERE IS NOISE WHILE PLAYING NOT JUST IN THE STOPS". So I was trying to show I dont hear that kind of noise while notes sustain. How else do you recommend going about that?
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