Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

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I use the Axe-Fx II with stage monitors plugged into the UnBalanced OUTPUT1 connectors and the Balanced OUTPUT1 connectors route to a stereo aux input in my band's mixer. I have one guitar that I play through a wireless system connected to the FRONT input. Everything works fine.

you would be better off using output 2 for your monitors, so that you have independent volume control. the foh mix will then be unaffected if you turn up or down on stage. make sure "copy out 1 to out 2" is enabled in the global menu
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That's a great point. We're still in the rehearsal studio prepping for our first show, so that issue hasn't dawned on my until just now.
UPDATE: Fractal Audio were awesome and provided all the assistance I needed to write the MFC-Edit editor. Subsequently, Fractal Audio has picked up selling the Fractal Audio branded version of it in the Fractal Audio online store.

Can you share the format of the MFC-101 sysex dump file with me? I'd like to write a parser so I can dump it into a spreadsheet that I'll create macros for so that anyone can easily and intuitively edit the contents on any computer type and then send the resulting sysex back to the MFC. That would be for Firmware 2.16. I can probably reverse engineer it but that would make it a lot more work ;-)

Also, are there any plans to make the "Song" name longer than 6 characters on the MFC? (If this question is answered somewhere else you can ignore it).

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Thanks for the pointer to the info :) Now I see why your post had the quotes around "thread" :)
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OK it would be great to see a step by step as to how this windows driver re-sampling is done. In fact it would be great to put it in the Axe FX manual. The 48 KHz spdif frequency really causes a lot of headaches for people who are trying to use it and who are not trained recording engineers. Bottom line - we need 44 KHz. I looked up the Mutec MC-6 hw converter and its ridiculous - for $650 it will do SRC on the spdif port. I really don't want to spend another $650 just so I could use the spdif port. From what I have read, The DAW might be able to resample but to get to the DAW the spdif has to go through an audio interface first (my Focusrite 18i20). The Focusrite must be set to 44 KHz or 48 Khz. If I set it to 48 KHz to be able to read the Axe spdif input, all windows sound applications stop working (e.g. iTunes, can only understand 44 Khz). My DAW can be set to 48 Khz, but I can't play back any music through the Focusrite from other music apps (iTunes, Media Player, VLC, Song Surgeon, etc). Its a huge headache. It needs to be demystified to be able to take advantage of the Axe digital outs, which are really a great feature if they could be practically used. The best solution would be to enable spdif to output at 44 Khz.
OK it would be great to see a step by step as to how this windows driver re-sampling is done. In fact it would be great to put it in the Axe FX manual. The 48 KHz spdif frequency really causes a lot of headaches for people who are trying to use it and who are not trained recording engineers. Bottom line - we need 44 KHz. I looked up the Mutec MC-6 hw converter and its ridiculous - for $650 it will do SRC on the spdif port. I really don't want to spend another $650 just so I could use the spdif port. From what I have read, The DAW might be able to resample but to get to the DAW the spdif has to go through an audio interface first (my Focusrite 18i20). The Focusrite must be set to 44 KHz or 48 Khz. If I set it to 48 KHz to be able to read the Axe spdif input, all windows sound applications stop working (e.g. iTunes, can only understand 44 Khz). My DAW can be set to 48 Khz, but I can't play back any music through the Focusrite from other music apps (iTunes, Media Player, VLC, Song Surgeon, etc). Its a huge headache. It needs to be demystified to be able to take advantage of the Axe digital outs, which are really a great feature if they could be practically used. The best solution would be to enable spdif to output at 44 Khz.

i havent problems with using a focusrite saffire pro with it set to 48khz and sync to spdif. i can hear axe fx if i unmute the input and i can record into logic on a project set to 48khz. can also listen to music or streams without issue. so there must be something up with your setup beside axe fx.

If I set it to 48 KHz to be able to read the Axe spdif input, all windows sound applications stop working (e.g. iTunes, can only understand 44 Khz). My DAW can be set to 48 Khz, but I can't play back any music through the Focusrite from other music apps (iTunes, Media Player, VLC, Song Surgeon, etc).

Windows is your problem, son.

My Focusrite at 48 kHz on OS X works flawlessly for all audio, DAW or otherwise.

Maybe investigate getting Windows to behave when the unit is set to 48 kHz?
This is a simple question I guess, and I didn't think it warranted its own thread but:

I'm in the process of liquidating my pedalboard and outboard rack effects to move to an AxeFx.
I play a lot of high-gain stuff and (at least for the near future) I'll be utilizing the AxeFx as an effects processor more than an amp emulator.

Regarding the noise gating in the AxeFx, would one consider it at least equal to a pair of linked ISP Decimator II pedals? Better/worse/different?

I play in a lot of dumpy joints with lousy power conditioning and noise can be a HUGE issue, especially through my P90's.

Also: I'm having a hard time finding an answer to this one as well: Are there effects in the AxeFx comparable to the abilities of Eventide's H9 and/or Eclipse units? (In the studio I do a lot of really weird crap and don't want to get rid of anything not replaced by the AxeFx).

Thanks guys.
i havent problems with using a focusrite saffire pro with it set to 48khz and sync to spdif. i can hear axe fx if i unmute the input and i can record into logic on a project set to 48khz. can also listen to music or streams without issue. so there must be something up with your setup beside axe fx.


That's great to hear. Can you listen to iTunes and Windows Media Player playing songs through the focusrite (set up for 48 KHz) and out to your monitors connected to the focusrite, while at the same time having the focusrite set up to 48 Khz spdif input so that the spdif can record to your DAW? When I try to do this, iTunes and Media player usually both freeze - I press play and nothing happens and then I have to reboot everything, all hardware and apps. I am on Win 7.

This is my point, if there is a way to make it work, it sure would be nice to have it written down as to the settings of each app. After trial and error failure for over a week tweaking app settings, windows settings, focusrite settings and not actually playing music, it makes you insane. Huge waste of valuable time. Life would be much simpler if everything could just work at 44 KHz.
It would be even simpler if everything worked at the low res crap rate that MP3s are at LOL! Not the direction I want to go with a hi-end audio device. I've played mp3s & 44.1 audio from iTunes thru the Axe on a Mac. No problem at all. Again, Windows is the enemy.

I just started to tweak on my new AXE-FX ll XL (Have also a AXE-FX ll, which I have had for little over a year and a half.)

When I change a volume on one effect block to example +2 and saves, it changes to -1.6 when i reload the preset. I edit through the front panel of the unit, so it´s not an Axe-Edit problem.

Any clue what I am doing wrong? Do not have this problem with my other Axe-Fx ll unit.
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Can I use output 2 for fx loop and out 2 to power amp and guitar cabs
I want to use a loop switcher to switch from amp mesa boogie out slave out,just a straight guitar signal to use AxeFx2 amps, have a pixel line to run through axe acoustic tonematch block
Sorta like vivvan Campbell latest rig rundown
I use out 1 with cab sims to fog and out 2 NO CAB SIMS to matrix and guitar cabs
I love my AxeFx2 thanks gary
Cliff, which combination of amp parameters will simulate the same net effect of using a variac to lower or raise the voltage to the amp head?
It would be even simpler if everything worked at the low res crap rate that MP3s are at LOL! Not the direction I want to go with a hi-end audio device. I've played mp3s & 44.1 audio from iTunes thru the Axe on a Mac. No problem at all. Again, Windows is the enemy.

Nope not windows problem I do the same on all my machines mac and windows.
Thanks for your help in advance. I recently purchased 2 Mission latching switches. What I want to do is attach one of these to the Boost parameter on the Amp block. I want to press the switch repeatedly to turn it on and off. I read all of Yek's help but I cannot get it to work. I went into the MFC setup, set the hardware type to Toggle. I then went into MFC Midi for XS1 and set the CC to #18 (because I want to use the Extern 3 controller) - but the only thing that happens is that it turns it on - pressing the switch will not turn it off - so I can't tell if I have things setup correctly or not. I think I don't understand how to use this functionality. Appreciate step by step instructions. Thanks.
Appreciate step by step instructions. Thanks.

if you are able to come to my live chat in about an hour or so, i'll see if i can get my live video going and walk you through it, assuming i can figure it out after just waking up haha!
Copied From MFC forum (didn't get any replies)
I consider this a technical question/problem, hence moving it here...

I purchased 2 Mission TT-F switches to use with my MFC-101 (orig) for scene increment / scene decrement.
Initially they were set up using a TRS cable in SW1/2 jack. I set up Switch 1 (tip) and Switch 2 (ring) to
use CC#123 / CC#124 (or whatever the 2 CC #'s are, I took them from the manual)

I had to play around with the settings to get the switches to operate with one click. I believe I ended up with
both set on AUT (other 2 options are Tog/Hwr). It worked great! One click on sw1=Scene Inc, one click on sw2
=scene dec.

The next time I used it, however, Sw 1 worked fine (1 click=Scene Inc), but sw2 now took 2 clicks to decrement scene.
I tried all the options (AUT/TOG/HWR) with the same result. Tried physically swapping the 2 switches, same result.
Tried 2 individual mono cables, one in SW1/2, on in SW3/4 (with CC# set accordingly in setup) with same result.

I have no idea what happened, but it's driving my crazy! No matter what switch or what cable, sw1 always works
correctly, and sw2 takes 2 clicks. If I set up 2 IA switches on the MFC itself, the feature works perfectly.
I just didn't want to tie up 2 IA switches for this function.

Any ideas why scene decrement requires 2 clicks to operate? I figured the switch setting in Setup would remedy this,
but it acts the same whether it's AUT/TOG/HWR.

Thanks in advance!
@mods: It may be a good time to close this thread. It's original purpose—Cliff explaining the nuances of the brand-new Axe-Fx II—has been laid to rest, and it's become a home for questions that maybe deserve their own thread.
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