Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

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Can there be a driver that is only for axe edit, interface and fw updates and not for audio interface. so that it does not interfere with audio i/o when i fire up the axe
Thanks iaresee! I guess if I would have thought about it, it's the same as creating FOH. Has anyone personally used the ixtone passive wedges with the matrix GT800,and would that be a good match for trying to keep more within a tube dynamic. The ELX112Ps sound great but still trying to get a little more dynamic rounder sound.Don't know if i need to get further global&preset adjustments. Does anyone have any specific adjustments to recommend? I'm not sure were the EQ should be set in either place. Mostly working with Freidman BE. FW VER-8.01. Or do I need to go to a higher FW VER.
Can you please tell me how the stock cab IRs is working in axe 2.

As I understand IR is the sound of the cabinet + recording mic. How does this work in the axe since we have the ability to change different microphones? Does the axe change from different IRS internally or does it emulate the actual mic?

Thank you :)
the mic used to make the ir is a reference mic that in theory doesn't colour the sound of the cab. the mics available in the axe fx can then be added on top of the cab ir to impart their own sonic footprint onto the sound
the mic used to make the ir is a reference mic that in theory doesn't colour the sound of the cab. the mics available in the axe fx can then be added on top of the cab ir to impart their own sonic footprint onto the sound

Thank you for the information.

One more question: When we look at different pictures from IR capture , I always see more than one microphone? Do Fractal use all the mics to get the reference mic sound?

Best regards - Nidhogg
no, that's slightly different. there are two types of cab ir - one with a pure reference mic, which are like the first generation ir's in the ultra and the original stock cabs in the II. then there are other ir's that include the mic, like the third party ir's from ownhammer and redwirez. the mic type and position are clearly labelled for each file, so you know what you're using.

the new "producer" ir's from fractal also include the mic(s) and you should use them without a mic sim in the axe fx. several mics were used to create a "mix". fractal have also made the individual mics available to purchase from the shop if you want them
Thank you for the information.

One more question: When we look at different pictures from IR capture , I always see more than one microphone? Do Fractal use all the mics to get the reference mic sound?

Best regards - Nidhogg

I'm guessing the pictures you're referring to are from recent IR capture sessions. The IRs they produced with this method (For FW10 and the Producer packs) are not 'flat', they are a blend of the different mics and are as such labeled 'Mix IRs'. You generally don't want to use the mic sims in the Axe along with these IRs, since they already have some color in them.
100%. Seriously.

Cliff, I'm not asking this to get any hints on future new versions of the product. If you believe you are at 100%, then you can maintain everything with firmware updates (new algorithms perhaps) and don't need more memory or processing power going forward? In other words, the digital world has not caught up to analog and no new power is required for the human ear?
It's 48kHz and it's an extremely common rate for recording. Your DAW can convert to any rate you like.

Logic Pro keeps telling me I have to change it to 48kHz. I keep getting popups until I go into preferences and change the rate to 48. I didn't know I should be able to set it any any rate. How do I do that? thx.
Logic Pro keeps telling me I have to change it to 48kHz. I keep getting popups until I go into preferences and change the rate to 48. I didn't know I should be able to set it any any rate. How do I do that? thx.

Axe is 48k only. If you want another rate, run into another interface via Axe analog out.
I use the Axe-Fx II with stage monitors plugged into the UnBalanced OUTPUT1 connectors and the Balanced OUTPUT1 connectors route to a stereo aux input in my band's mixer. I have one guitar that I play through a wireless system connected to the FRONT input. Everything works fine.

What I would like to do is also utilize my Axe-Fx II as a multi-effects processor in the effects loop of another guitar/amp rig I use live. I am wondering if I can use IN2 and OUT2 for that purpose? It seems like those connections are meant ONLY for connecting an outboard effects processor to the Axe-Fx II.

What I would like to do is also utilize my Axe-Fx II as a multi-effects processor in the effects loop of another guitar/amp rig I use live. I am wondering if I can use IN2 and OUT2 for that purpose?
You can do that. Check the Connections section of the manual for ideas on what to do.
Is there a way to go 'under the hood' as far as programming an amp model? (I'm referring to amps not cab models)

The reason I ask is that I would like to be able to dial in parameters that you can't get in standard tube amps - or dial in something that has never been heard before. But to do that, I would need access to everything you have access to.

My guess is that you are using some sort of custom programmed 'snapshot' software available to only you when you 'model' an amp. That's my first technical question.

The second is this:

As far as I can tell, there is basically only ONE amp software code that is configured in all of the various ways an amp can be configured programmed to sound like different amps using your custom 'amp modeling' software available only to you.

If that is true, are ALL of the parameters available for user tweaking via the front panel?

BTW, thanks for all you do. It is an amazing sounding box.

All the best.

Is there a way to go 'under the hood' as far as programming an amp model?
While we're waiting for an authoritative answer, here's what I've gleaned so far.

Not all parameters are exposed to the user. You can find some previously-hidden parameters that we were turned loose on by searching the release notes for the word "expose."

Cliff does use recently-developed "snapshot" software when modelling (see his MIMIC white paper included in firmware released in the last month). Earlier releases were made without the benefit of MIMIC, because it didn't exist.

I have no idea whether there is only one code set, but the common set of parameters suggests that there might be.
Is there a way to go 'under the hood' as far as programming an amp model? (I'm referring to amps not cab models)

The reason I ask is that I would like to be able to dial in parameters that you can't get in standard tube amps - or dial in something that has never been heard before. But to do that, I would need access to everything you have access to.

Everything you have access to, which is very much "under the hoods" in comparison to a real tube amp, is listed here: AMP (block) - Axe-Fx II Wiki

You probably want to ingest the ADV page details: AMP (block) - Axe-Fx II Wiki

If that is true, are ALL of the parameters available for user tweaking via the front panel?
Your other guesses about how the modelling algorithms work are...out in left field. But yes, all the parameters you can adjust are available to be adjusted from the unit itself. There's no additional tweaking possible by hooking it up to a computer. The links above detail all the parameters you can tweak.
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