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  1. ChristThePhone

    Saving Pedal effects issues..

    Are you creating/editing your presets on the unit or via AX8-Edit ?
  2. ChristThePhone

    Fractal Audio Social Media Advocate

    So how does your role relate to the forum ? Is it a separate communication channel or are you going to act as the FAS spokesperson within this forum ?
  3. ChristThePhone

    Tech is great, but let's still use our smarts

    Playing in a cover band the new tech allows me to reproduce the original sounds in a way that wasn't possible before. This also means that every song is potentially based on an entirely different preset. Of course, the average audience won't give a damn whether I play through my AX8 or pod-bean...
  4. ChristThePhone

    Are you into Metal, or not?

    Classic metal over here. This means it's usually the good old JCM 800 and a drive pedal. Too old for thrash, djent, doom, and nu-metal and never liked the HM2 buzzsaw sound either. Can't stand metal-growls, always prefered the high-pitched clamped-balls vocals that makes me wonder if the guy up...
  5. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    Just report in the the bugs forum even if you cannot repro. Somebody might hit it in the future and then it would good to know it wasn't the first time. If it happens to hit more users this might drive corresponding development actions.
  6. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    I suggest to open a new bug report in the bugs&wishes forum. If possible add a video.
  7. ChristThePhone

    Any tips for simulating an E-bow?

    Honestly : I wouldn't mess too much with effects in this case. Just use the neck pickup, turn down the guitar treble and use a civilized high gain amp (maybe plus compressor). Glue things together with reverb and delay. Nobody will notice if you will have to pluck a string every now and then. I...
  8. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    What exactly do you mean by 'switching banks' ? On the AX8 you select a bank and then switch to a preset within that bank, you don't switch banks.
  9. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    No. If there's no looper block in the preset there shouldn't be any sound coming from the looper. I thought you were switching between presets that all had a looper block.
  10. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    That's the expected behavior. One should be able to use the looper and still be allowed to switch presets.
  11. ChristThePhone

    AX8 MIDI Power Spec Question

    It's the reference implementation but technically not ideal as it is not a true current loop. Did you notice the resistor between the 5V source and pin 4 ? The current loop will draw power from there if a 0 level is sent across the data line and this will cause the voltage at pin 4 to fall below...
  12. ChristThePhone

    AX8 MIDI Power Spec Question

    Have to correct myself: the hw interface spec describes a 5mA current loop. Using the opto-coupler in your schematic it takes 3 220 Ohms resistors to achieve 5mA at 5 Volt. If the circuit was using 3.3V the resistors would have to have smaller values. The spec doesn't say which voltage should...
  13. ChristThePhone

    AX8 MIDI Power Spec Question

    The MIDI h/w interface using the DIN 5-pin connector doesn't support sourcing power for connected devices. Afaik the spec describes a current loop that should drive 20mA on the data line. That's different with USB-MIDI where the USB standard defines the limits.
  14. ChristThePhone

    "Eye in the Ax8" Ca3+ preset

    Sounds nice but afaik the original solo was played using PU position 2 (bridge+middle PU).
  15. ChristThePhone

    Humbusters used with FRFR?

    TRS, but humbuster, not balanced.
  16. ChristThePhone

    MIDI 2.0

    So, this means MIDI 2.0 talks about the extension of the MIDI protocol specification only. The hardware interface is not discussed in this context because the assumption is that most devices are connected via USB. The usage of the old 5-pin DIN connector is considered legacy, future h/w...
  17. ChristThePhone

    Wish Adjustable boost, like the Axe-Fx III

    If all that's needed is a clean boost to drive the input stage of the amp block then why not just use the pre-EQ and the input gain to achieve what a drive pedal with gain set to 0 and level set to 10 would do ? If the input gain is not sufficient just place a null filter block or a volume block...
  18. ChristThePhone

    Wish Adjustable boost, like the Axe-Fx III

    As it's nothing but an EQ and some volume boost which both are comparatively simple algorithms there's no reason it can't make it's way into the AX8 from a CPU resource perspective.
  19. ChristThePhone

    Humbusters used with FRFR?

    If your FRFR speaker has unbalanced inputs the humbuster cables will work well. If they're balanced TRS inputs you better avoid using humbuster cables.
  20. ChristThePhone

    First gig without IEMs

    Never liked my sound on IEM either, I can work with it but not really enjoy it. But as long as there's no alternative given the microscopic venues we play I have to limp along.
  21. ChristThePhone

    MIDI 2.0

    Well this time they have setup a test lab where prototype implementations of the various manufacturers will get hooked up together to test interoperability. Sounds to me like this is more than just wishful thinking.
  22. ChristThePhone

    Hexagon stamp marks on foot controllers?

    Alien landing zones ;) Probably a hexagon nut on the inside.
  23. ChristThePhone

    MIDI 2.0

    We'll see. No details about the h/w interface specification. MIDI 1.0 is slow but extremely cheap and easy to implement. I hope it's not going down the USB route.
  24. ChristThePhone

    Hello all.. new inspired member here..

    The day I started playing electric guitar was the day the quest for a better sound began. I wasted years on crapy DIY hw and still recall the first day I lay my hands on a decent amp/FX. It was such a huge motivation boost. This said I would never underestimate the importance of decent gear for...
  25. ChristThePhone

    Hello all.. new inspired member here..

    Crazy ? No. Optimistic ? Maybe. Pretty late in the game but it's never too late to learn something new. Nothing wrong with using a modeller to learn. My parents would have loved the idea of me playing through headphones instead of having to endure the annoying squeal coming out of my stereo.
  26. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Pitch ;-)

    Nice. :) Almost made me forget how bad the pitch block tracks low notes and the lag which makes it almost unusable for dropped tunings. ;)
  27. ChristThePhone

    Legacy Presets MASTER THREAD - AustinBuddy DREAMRIGS 1000+TonePack for AX8 and Axe-FX Mark II/XL/XL+

    Wah and volume control are separate things. Delete the wah block if you don't need it. If you need a volume control then either add a volume block and have it controlled by an external pedal or follow the manual on how to setup a global volume control using an external pedal.
  28. ChristThePhone

    AX8 suddenly loses all low end

    That's a problem only in case the wah block is setup to auto-engage.
  29. ChristThePhone

    AX8 suddenly loses all low end

    I might be mistaken, but isn't ext1 configured to be connected to pedal 1 by default (likewise ext2, 3, and 4 are connected to pedal 2, 3, and 4) ? At least the default configuration should be a little less prone to this problem to make the AX8 beginners life easier.
  30. ChristThePhone

    AX8 suddenly loses all low end

    Just take a TRS plug, connect the ring to the sleave pin, and plug it into the ext port. That would be the equivalent to a wah in heel position and disable the blocks with auto engage set around 5%.
  31. ChristThePhone

    Bug? LFO loading to different tempo than the one stored in preset

    Sounds like the 3rd bug around LFOs. What exactly do you mean by not being in sync ? In sync with what ? Is it this one ?
  32. ChristThePhone

    Expression Pedal - Decrease Gain, While Increasing Volume

    No, I was talking about the level dial in the amps master section on the right hand side. In order to compensate the volume loss for low gain settings the level needs to be increased and decreased as the gain is decreased. This requires the start value to be higher than the end value. Set the...
  33. ChristThePhone

    Cool to leave AX8 turned on and switch on/off at wall?

    Makes no difference. The AX8 power switch acts the same way.
  34. ChristThePhone

    Expression Pedal - Decrease Gain, While Increasing Volume

    Connect the same external controller to the amp level modifier and adjust the modifier curve appropriately.
  35. ChristThePhone

    Bug? Tone changes some time after switching to a preset

    Not attaching an external controller delivers the same value to the software as a controller in toe position.
  36. ChristThePhone

    Bug? Tone changes some time after switching to a preset

    Ist there a wah block in the preset ? If yes it's probably configured to auto engage. If no external controller is connected then this would be the root cause
  37. ChristThePhone

    Help: 4CM real amp + "specular digital rig" to this possible with the Axe-Fx ?

    Yes, if you don't need the amps preamp you can ommit the FX loop block. Edit: Make sure out 2 is not configured to mirror out 1 in the system setup.
  38. ChristThePhone

    Help: 4CM real amp + "specular digital rig" to this possible with the Axe-Fx ?

    Actually 4CM always involves using the FX loop block, without the FX loop it would be 2CM ;). It allows you to use your amps pre-amp section by turning the AX8 FX loop on or bypass the pre-amp by turning the FX loop block off (assuming the FX loop blocks mute mode was set to 'Through'). If you...
  39. ChristThePhone

    Buying from Thomann?

    Thomann is to us europeans what Guitar Center is to you US folks. The only difference is that Thomann doesn't run any local stores (with the exception of the one in the small town where the company is located). Their online shop is stellar, shipment very fast. The Harley Benton stuff is mostly...
  40. ChristThePhone

    Anyone Interested in IoT?

    One of my colleagues kept saying : "The 'S' in IOT stands for security" ;)
  41. ChristThePhone

    Bug: abrupt volume drop when changing presets (intermittent)

    Don't jump to conclusions. Just because it's very hard to reproduce it doesn't mean it's a hardware bug.
  42. ChristThePhone

    Bug: abrupt volume drop when changing presets (intermittent)

    First time I read about this specific bug was after Q9 was released. Just found out the OP was on Q8 so nevermind.
  43. ChristThePhone

    Bug: abrupt volume drop when changing presets (intermittent)

    I might be wrong but I had the impression that stability declined starting with Q9
  44. ChristThePhone

    Bug: abrupt volume drop when changing presets (intermittent)

    Maybe it's time to think about adding a 'flight recorder' to start gathering data from users experiencing the issue rather than waiting for someone to come up with a procedure to reproduce it which might never happen.
  45. ChristThePhone

    Midi signal from controller to AX8 to controll VSTs on my DAW?

    The AX8 Midi-through capabilities are limited by the weak processor handling the interface. You better get a MIDI interface for your PC providing multiple inputs.
  46. ChristThePhone

    Newbie with some questions

    Yes. And it supports an SPDIF input too (which in contrast to the analog inputs will require the usage of a DAW to monitor).
  47. ChristThePhone

    AX8 looper does not stay in sync with the click/metronome

    That's a known issue which has been reported before but so far hasn't been fixed. Either try to use a single preset only (using scenes instead if possible) or use an external looper pedal.
  48. ChristThePhone

    What are forum "Trophy Points"?

    I would trade mine for some Karma-points ... :rolleyes:
  49. ChristThePhone

    AX8 looper does not stay in sync with the click/metronome

    Did you turn on quantization ?
  50. ChristThePhone

    Talkbox Options?

    I wonder why nobody ever came up with alternatives to sending the teeth-shattering amp signal through a speaker-mic combo to measure the resonance characteristics of the oral cavity. I mean, with todays technology available wouldn't it be possible to use a low-power test signal sender/receiver...
  51. ChristThePhone

    Send output to only FX Send Left/only FX Send Right per scene or preset?

    Should be no problem using a volume block and a scene controller attached to the pan modifier.
  52. ChristThePhone

    Pop noise on start up/shut down

    There are solutions to the problem but it comes with a price tag most people wouldn't be willing to pay as long as they can avoid the pop by simply turning off the speakers first.
  53. ChristThePhone

    Any plans for a small stomp AX4?

    The hardware doesn't matter with the exception of the input stage. The real difference is in the modelling algorithms used so it's the firmware.
  54. ChristThePhone

    Glassy Clean Test

    Sounds to me like DI, compressor, and EQ. Similar to what Vai did back then.
  55. ChristThePhone

    Loop record directly into overdub?

    Would be a cool option
  56. ChristThePhone

    How long should cold electronics acclimate before opening?

    Afaik consumer electronics semiconductors have a storage temperature which is the same as the operating temperature. That range is typically 0 to 70 degrees C. In contrast the military spec requires -20 to 125 degrees C. The real problem are LCD and TFT displays that are better kept at room...
  57. ChristThePhone

    AX8 New Owner

    Are you talking about this one ?
  58. ChristThePhone

    [VIDEO] Ax8 tutorials, tips and tricks - compiled list

    Ok, here's the link : Should we put things below the 'Tips and Tricks' section ?
  59. ChristThePhone

    Is there a negative to using Cab block Level for solo boost? How do you create your boost for solos?

    As long as there aren't any non-linear effects like drive, amp, or compressor blocks following the cab block there's no difference between using the cab output level and a dedicated null filter block boosting the level. I just find it more obvious and convenient using a dedicated filter than...
  60. ChristThePhone

    [VIDEO] Ax8 tutorials, tips and tricks - compiled list

    What about a structured wiki full of pointers to the various posts ?
  61. ChristThePhone

    Recording Video & Direct with Android Phone + AX8...?

    Seems to me like audio and video are not quite in sync.
  62. ChristThePhone

    Help in figuring out which system......

    Honestly, no offense meant. I think the OP falls into a category of users that FAS never thought of. He might not be the usual customer, though.
  63. ChristThePhone

    Help in figuring out which system......

    So the expectation was to get somebody from FAS to explain to you what's documented in the manual ? I can understand that this was a disappointing experience. I never expected anything like that but I have to admit that I'm a professional IT nerd and many if not most users around here have a...
  64. ChristThePhone

    EVH Cool Interview

    I'd say he had to compensate for not being able to play at a face melting volume level.
  65. ChristThePhone

    Bug? AX8 suddenly sending input1 signal to OUT1 Left

    Chris, that's exactly why I once suggested to start thinking about ways to collect data that would eventually allow development to perform a post mortem analysis. Something like a flight recorder storing important system events. The FAS devices are not cheap and customers can expect them to be...
  66. ChristThePhone

    I don't normally try to predict things but.....

    Uhm, I like the small form factor of todays AX8 and adding sockets would most likely require a bigger housing. If push comes to shove I'd prefer to have more in- and outputs instead.
  67. ChristThePhone

    First AX8 Recording went well :)

    Attach the preset or it didn't happen ;)
  68. ChristThePhone

    Eric Clapton- Happy Xmas

    Sounds like sh.. to me but will definitely cut through the mix ;)
  69. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01
  70. ChristThePhone

    Wish Better spring reverb

    Put the reverb in front the cab block if you want it to sound like a pedal in front of an amp. Play with the high-cut / low-cut dials.
  71. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Wishes

    Absolutely. There's a flow of constant updates. It just doesn't necessarily mean they will fulfill your wishes anytime soon.
  72. ChristThePhone

    Basic question re: Block Path

    The signal follows the wires between the blocks. It's split and merged accordingly.
  73. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Wishes

    Keep your fingers crossed. :cool: My personal impression based on 3 years with the AX8 is that you better not rely on FAS ever providing it.
  74. ChristThePhone

    Bohemian Rhapsody movie - Final Trailer

    I don't believe that any real recording session of that era was ever caught on film. It's more likely some sort of made up making-of rockumentary stuff so fans believe to have some sort of glimpse behind the curtain.
  75. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Wishes

    It's more likely a question of available AX8 firmware development manpower.
  76. ChristThePhone

    AX8 ....can't store cabs from SCRATCHPAD after saving??

    When importing a preset from a bundle the cab block is always kept in the scratchpad. Afaik when saving the preset AX8 Edit prompts you to choose a cab preset number where the scratchpad content should be stored. You might need to change the preset to make it point to that cab slot chosen.
  77. ChristThePhone

    Help in figuring out which system......

    Afaik @Moke provides online help. Not sure he deals with the FX8, though.
  78. ChristThePhone

    Wish Unaffected blocks by scene change

    +1 Sounds usefull
  79. ChristThePhone

    Mic preamp for singing through Axe-Fx?

    Don't own a MIC2200 but I have an X32 board and a 1U rack mixer from Behringer that never failed.
  80. ChristThePhone

    Wish AX8-Edit - Default Scene and Tempo

    You can set the preset tempo in AX8-Edit
  81. ChristThePhone

    Bug? AX8 suddenly sending input1 signal to OUT1 Left

    It's very unlikely a hardware problem.
  82. ChristThePhone

    Tempo menu in AX8-Edit?

    There's no tempo menu in AX8-Edit
  83. ChristThePhone

    Mic preamp for singing through Axe-Fx?

    Behringer MIC2200
  84. ChristThePhone

    Bug?LFO in flanger block
  85. ChristThePhone

    Tempo menu in AX8-Edit?

    With an AX8 in standard footswitch setup just tap F3 once to enter the tap tempo menue.
  86. ChristThePhone

    Just received the black Friday email from Fractal and..

    To us non-US/Canada based folks that mail was close to mockery :(
  87. ChristThePhone

    Audio interface, how important to tone?

    Please forgive my ignorance, could you elaborate on what you mean by 'clocking' ? I could understand that software would make a difference when used for MIDI time code which has no effect on sound quality, but the clock used for digital signal processing is hardware generated so how would...
  88. ChristThePhone

    Audio interface, how important to tone?

    Where in the manual did you read that ?
  89. ChristThePhone

    Bug? AX8 suddenly sending input1 signal to OUT1 Left

    Similar but not exactly the same. The box froze and send a loud a direct input signal to the output. In fact it was clipping. Power cycling the unit fixed it. Happened once during rehearsal (without any interaction with the AX8) and never again. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  90. ChristThePhone

    Bug? AX8 suddenly sending input1 signal to OUT1 Left

    Had that once with Q10. Never happened again (yet).
  91. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    What is speaker compliance ? Did you mean speaker compression ?
  92. ChristThePhone

    Help in figuring out which system......

    Sounds like the FX8 would be what you want. However, there's no way around learning how to program it unless you find someone doing it for you.
  93. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01
  94. ChristThePhone

    AX8 Firmware Version 10.01

    It would be great if all bugs would be eventually fixed. The way I view it FAS puts its focus on new features to keep the platform vital rather than trying to fix problems.
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