Anyone Interested in IoT?

I decided to try out another IoT platform. As you can see, in just two months, I've made a bit of progress! :)

yes...i’m an embedded sw controls engineer and our team is on a new wifi translator design, based on mqtt.
if i was a hobbiest, i would have fun, but i couldn’t describe this as a fun journey...productive, :)
I setup HomeBridge on an RPi3 last weekend and finally have a system that’s HomeKit based that works well and feels more “magic” than it did when I was using separate, manufacturer-specific apps to control everything.

I have it all sequestered in a pretty locked down VLAN but I still worry about what bad can get into my network via my light switches now.
I have it all sequestered in a pretty locked down VLAN but I still worry about what bad can get into my network via my light switches now.


I work for a major home/business security organization. These IoT devices are like a leaky bucket for security holes (it's nearly impossible to get the device manufacturers to plug these things while hurrying to get them onto the market.) That being said, I'm a little interested in setting things up in my house.

Keep us updated!
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I work for a major home/business security organization. These IoT devices are like a leaky bucket for security holes (it's nearly impossible to get the device manufacturers to plug these things while hurrying to get them onto the market.) That being said, I'm a little interested in setting things up in my house.

Keep us updated!

One of my colleagues kept saying : "The 'S' in IOT stands for security" ;)
One of my coworkers (I'm in IT) told me a story a while back about these "smart" light bulbs (on/off, dim, change color, etc) that creates a wide open bridge to your home network as soon as you connect one :(
Jokes aside, I feel like I’m living in the future when I tell my car, “Mama I’m coming home” as I round the corner and my garage door opens, door unlocks, lights on the house turn on and my stereo in the living starts playing Kind of Blue at the precise volume I like.
Jokes aside, I feel like I’m living in the future when I tell my car, “Mama I’m coming home” as I round the corner and my garage door opens, door unlocks, lights on the house turn on and my stereo in the living starts playing Kind of Blue at the precise volume I like.
That’s precisely the reality we’re being sold. And it’s pretty seductive, as long as you don’t think too hard about the dossier that someone has to have on you to pulled it off.

Reminds me of the Sirius Cybernetics tagline: “Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with.”
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