AX8 looper does not stay in sync with the click/metronome


New Member

I have this issue with my Ax8 that the looper does not stay in sync with the click/metronome. I have tried to play something slow and short loops to be really precise on my playing, but after 10 or so repeats the looper will get off sync. This is really irritating, naturally. Is this common issue for Ax8 users? How can this be solved?

Did you turn on quantization ?

No I didn´t. Set it to "eight" and it helps indeed, BUT when changing the preset then there is major out off sync with the metronome and the loop. I wonder can this be "cured" somehow through setups..? My tempo setup is Global in all presets and all the presets have looper "on" and quantize setup the same......but the change of preset has that nasty lag anyway so I think this looper issue there cannot be fixed with setups...or?

EDIT: Quantize helps, but it seems to get out off sync now also, it takes just longer (=more repeats) to do so.....interesting...
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