Midi signal from controller to AX8 to controll VSTs on my DAW?


Happy New year, Quick question folks.

I have my Yamaha keyboard controller sending a midi message to my AX8. When I press on the keys, I see the midi indicator light go on, meaning that the control signal is arriving at the AX8. Great! But, the problem is, on my DAW, I have the track set to recieve the input signal from AX8. But, no signal is coming from the AX8 to my DAW, even though it's recognized as a midi device? What gives? I know the AX8 midi doesn't send music information, but it should send a control signal to my DAW...From there, I want to run my soft synths...Same like a digital music interface...Should work right?

My set up is like this

1. Yamaha S08 midi out to midi in AX8.
2. AX8 USB out to PC
3. Reaper DAW set to recieve midi input from AX8 (Omni)
4. USB from PC to digital interface to studio monitors.

When I use the digital interface midi in, everything works fine, but when I use the AX8, nill. What am I doing worng?
I don't have an AX8, but since it has a midi out/thru similar to the old Axe Fx, then I am betting you need to set some option to allow midi thru.

Midi out would only be midi generated by the AX8.
The AX8 Midi-through capabilities are limited by the weak processor handling the interface. You better get a MIDI interface for your PC providing multiple inputs.
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