Ultra Version 9.01 Firmware Available

I have not posted very much, primarily because there are so many very knowledgeable people here providing such great info that I find myself behind the curve and playing catch up most of the time. However, I just have to say that it is unprecedented for a company to operate as Fractal Audio does...continous upgrades to their products offered to their clients for free... that just speaks volumes about the character of this company. I only know of Cliff and just want to say that your dedication and continued great work will become historic. It has already started with many great professionals switching from their tube amps to this little black box and it will continue. I predict that one day 'Fractal tone' will be spoken of with the same reverence as Marshall or Fender... Haven't treid 9.01 yet, but if its better than 9.00, then wow!

I am a commited Fractalite; great company, great product, great work ethic, great character, and an obvious love affair with great guitar tone.
Cliff, thankyou for being Cliff.

Wow, thanks Cliff. In a past life I was really into boutique Blackface-inspired amps. In more recent years I haven't used those tones as much, but I'm still familiar with them. That was one thing I wasn't able to really pull off on the Axe-FX historically was coping the tones of those souped up Blackface amps. But with the rework of the Tweed/Deluxe Verb model, now I'm getting some really organic round chimey sounds ala those amps I used to love. Just about when I starting thinking the technology is incapable, bam. More great tones. Really cool improvement. Plus the BB sounds great as well. Thanks again.
I keep getting the Bad Checksum error. Tried multiple times with both Axe-Edit and SysEx Librarian. I'm on an Intel Mac, System 10.6.2 with plenty of Ram, Firmware 9.0, Midisport 4x4 interface with the latest drivers. I've had no trouble updating firmware in the past. It's weird because Axe-Edit says I'm connected and since I'm able to send, receive and edit patches with Axe-Edit, it doesn't seem to me that it would be a problem with bad cables, or cables not connected tightly, etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Bob
Bob, I'm on a Mac as well and I've never had any trouble updating with the Sysex Librarian - it always works - promised!

Norbitt said:
I keep getting the Bad Checksum error. Tried multiple times with both Axe-Edit and SysEx Librarian. I'm on an Intel Mac, System 10.6.2 with plenty of Ram, Firmware 9.0, Midisport 4x4 interface with the latest drivers. I've had no trouble updating firmware in the past. It's weird because Axe-Edit says I'm connected and since I'm able to send, receive and edit patches with Axe-Edit, it doesn't seem to me that it would be a problem with bad cables, or cables not connected tightly, etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Bob
I'm sure you tried re-downloading the file?
No USB-hub or midi-merger anywhere in the chain?
Although, some have had problems with having a USB-hub in between, others have found they had to have one for it to work. If you can, try both.
It happens that sometimes suddenly some firmware will just refuse to load. I had two in a row around 5.7-ish, then one worked and then it refused again. And since then, all have gone well again. I had to use another interface, I had a UNO lying around. Maybe try using another pair of ports on the Midisport?
Cliff - thank you very much on the new update .. I am really digging the improved feel and chime in the amp models.

However I noticed a strange bit with v9.01 - gain knob on amps has this zipper-like clicking when adjusted in real time. It makes it unusable to control it with the expression pedal or attaching it to an envelope controller just makes high-pitched whining noise.

Is that intended behavior or a possible bug perhaps?

This sounds like a great update. I'm looking forward to doing A/B comparisons of 9.0 and 9.01 with the same patches this weekend on two separate AXE-FX units to listen to the differences.

I have to admire the hard work and dedication of Cliff Chase. The look-ahead feature on the compressor is a great addition. I'm dying to hear the reworked models. I'll have to wait until Saturday though.

Thanks again for all the hard work!
:shock: This update is HUGE- every amp sounds great- the Fender models are right on- i am just about to go to the Carrol Ann, very excited about that.
I am blown away by this update- cant believe it's a .01

Another incredible leap forward if you ask me.
mik said:
Cliff - thank you very much on the new update .. I am really digging the improved feel and chime in the amp models.

However I noticed a strange bit with v9.01 - gain knob on amps has this zipper-like clicking when adjusted in real time. It makes it unusable to control it with the expression pedal or attaching it to an envelope controller just makes high-pitched whining noise.

Is that intended behavior or a possible bug perhaps?


That's a side-effect of the drive pot calculations. You simply need to add a little damping in the Modifier.
Are the releases always staggered like this?

The anticipation of the standard firmware is killing me!
If you read about some dude standing over the WoodrowWilson bridge , repeating the words "new fender models"....that was me! :p
I dont mean to be a bummer guys but I keep noticing things with the new firmwear. Very loud poping noise whe swithching my higher gain patches at high volumes. Can anyone else confirm? thanks
I'm not a Fractal historian, but..

Are the releases always staggered like this?
Sometimes. Sometimes Standard hits first, sometimes both at once.

I dont mean to be a bummer guys but I keep noticing things with the new firmwear. Very loud poping noise whe swithching my higher gain patches at high volumes. Can anyone else confirm? thanks

There have been several firmware releases with small issues, usually not serious bugs but little things that don't quite work or that some people don't like due to un-anticipated useage scenarios. The great thing is how Cliff pays close attention and fixes things like that within days, sometimes hours. 9.0 had no such quibbles at all afaik.. but if there ARE any readily fixable flaws in 9.01 we can be assured 9.02 is around the corner.

I usually wait a few days just to see what all you guys have to say before I download.
marvinx said:
Are the releases always staggered like this?

The anticipation of the standard firmware is killing me!
If you read about some dude standing over the WoodrowWilson bridge , repeating the words "new fender models"....that was me! :p

2-3 days and you will have it... maybe sooner

AndrewSimon said:
marvinx said:
Are the releases always staggered like this?

The anticipation of the standard firmware is killing me!
If you read about some dude standing over the WoodrowWilson bridge , repeating the words "new fender models"....that was me! :p

2-3 days and you will have it... maybe sooner

mmk, i guess i can survive till then. I really want to be playing random jazz chords with no apparent musical meaning for the sake of hearing those poppy fender tones by the end of the weekend tho :mrgreen: .

Geeze i must say , this whole firmware thing feels like ups showing up with a new amp! Very excited..!
marvinx said:
AndrewSimon said:
marvinx said:
Are the releases always staggered like this?

The anticipation of the standard firmware is killing me!
If you read about some dude standing over the WoodrowWilson bridge , repeating the words "new fender models"....that was me! :p

2-3 days and you will have it... maybe sooner

mmk, i guess i can survive till then. I really want to be playing random jazz chords with no apparent musical meaning for the sake of hearing those poppy fender tones by the end of the weekend tho :mrgreen: .

Geeze i must say , this whole firmware thing feels like ups showing up with a new amp! Very excited..!

You could always order an Ultra on next day shipping and have it tomorrow ;)
marvinx said:
AndrewSimon said:
marvinx said:
Are the releases always staggered like this?

The anticipation of the standard firmware is killing me!
If you read about some dude standing over the WoodrowWilson bridge , repeating the words "new fender models"....that was me! :p

2-3 days and you will have it... maybe sooner

mmk, i guess i can survive till then. I really want to be playing random jazz chords with no apparent musical meaning for the sake of hearing those poppy fender tones by the end of the weekend tho :mrgreen: .

Geeze i must say , this whole firmware thing feels like ups showing up with a new amp! Very excited..!
UPS did show up with a new amp, a boutique one that cost 3000... and the UPS guy was like screw it and came in and touched everything you own with a magic wand and made it sound better, he dropped a high quality drive pedal by the door as he left then he said you don't have to pay one red cent... Cliff makes it Christmas like 20 times a year, only less relatives
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