Ultra Version 9.01 Firmware Available

Had an issue with updating the firmware using the latest editor that I havent seen before.
Everything went as normal right till the end. Editor said checking and AX reboots, then editor kinda blanks out for a split sec like its looking to reconnect to the AX then still dispays ver 9.00.
Then a scary message, update failed, please check your midi interface.
The AX unit says 9.01 and the BB and New Compressor parameters are there.
Everything seems fine.
Tried it again after powering off AX, same exact thing happend as above.
Must be an issue with editor.
Havent had any problems with updating before.
Awesome - bring on the Standard version!!! (EDIT: Awesome in general - not awesome that your update didn't work out Dramelot!)
(chants) We want reports! We want reports! We want clips! We want clips!

Anyone know much about the Carol-Ann OD2 - is it a dumbly one?
LOL thanks.
Well the BB preamp sounds awesome paired with my slightly dirty Wrecker, Its gonna replace the Tube overdrive i used there before. Hoping to cook up some Andy T patches, should be no reason i cant get close now.
Still playing with the compressor.
Its late my ears were tired when i was alerted to the update.
Gonna plug at it more tomorrow.
Thanks Cliff!!
Your the coolest kid on the block!

Scott Peterson said:
Tomorrow I have a date with my Axe-FX. Might not be as fun as Valentine's, but should be just as sweet. :D

From what I've read I think you're going to get lucky.
Axe FX and Cliff just blow me away completely. Downloaded 9.01, but yet to install. Over the moon that there is a BB Preamp in there (and I have a feeling more drive pedals may be on the way in the not too distant future).

Cliff, thank you!

I added the Carol-Ann, new Amp names and the BB to the wiki.
Dramelot said:
Had an issue with updating the firmware using the latest editor that I havent seen before.
Everything went as normal right till the end. Editor said checking and AX reboots, then editor kinda blanks out for a split sec like its looking to reconnect to the AX then still dispays ver 9.00.
Then a scary message, update failed, please check your midi interface.
The AX unit says 9.01 and the BB and New Compressor parameters are there.
Everything seems fine.
Tried it again after powering off AX, same exact thing happend as above.
Must be an issue with editor.
Havent had any problems with updating before.

Same thing happened to me. Got Good Checksum from Axe FX, flash installing and rebooting successfully, but the editor said that the update failed. Went to the Utility-Firmware window on the Axe FX, and there it said 9.01. All the updated stuff is in there but not in the editor. I'm using the latest version.

Other than that it sounds great. I'm going to have alot of fun today.
Updated to 9.01 via MIDI-OX and it went totally flawless as usual. Only played about ten minutes because it is way late and I gotta get some sleep. BB Preamp into Deluxe Verb with 2x12 Black cab sounded real good.
tried to update using my echo audiofire 4 (works perfectly for every thing else) and axeedit, got to the end and got a failed message "check your midi hartdware settings"

any clues to help out would be great
Mine did that too. I was watching closely while it finished and the Axe-FX went through the motions just fine. Just Axe-Edit started the "checking" early and didn't finish. Also the firmware line in Axe-Edit still says 9.00 and the Axe itself says 9.01.

I'm quite sure the Axe-FX is good to go, but Axe-Edit needs some work and we shouldn't worry about it. Here's to getting an updated Axe-Edit soon!

BTW. HOLY... ermmm... GUACEMOLE, CliffMan!!! This update is worthy of a .10 moniker at least, not a meager .01! This is some major work!

Replugging MIDI cables as I type!
I had the same issue, axe-edit said it failed and the axe-fx said everything was ok, oh well as long as it works lol
rickboot said:
Scott Peterson said:
Tomorrow I have a date with my Axe-FX. Might not be as fun as Valentine's, but should be just as sweet. :D

From what I've read I think you're going to get lucky.

Tried it. But it won't fit. Really.
Just for "grins" ..., I used the old editor for updating. FLAWLESS !

Now just can't wait for my wife and daughter to wake up, so I can give it a spin ....
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