Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Release

Unless I'm mistaken, not unless fullres or room captures (which DCs are not).

I think you have an interesting point, but I would imagine that, even when you cut out reflections by trimming IR length, the frequencies hitting the mics will be different depending on the room or the placement in a room, even with close micing. I could totally be wrong, but that's what I've always thought.
had an odd moment when I updated my FW today...rebooted the AF3 and no sound was coming out. Tuner was frozen also. rebooted again and all is good! I'm loving how my presets are sounding and created a new one today blending the AC30 Brilliant with Cameron CCV 2C with some new Dynacabs. Using my TA Tele today and its sounding superb. @JoKeR III thanks for the idea of using factory cabs 178 & 323. I tried it with the AC30 Brilliant and its perfect.
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Are you guys tweaking your presets after the update? I have 75 presets and would like to know your experience before I update.
I currently only use a couple of amps, Matchbox D-30 EF86 and AC-20 EF86 Treble, and made slight gain and EQ adjustment across several presets. Can't say they were necessary, the presets sounded great before any adjustment. Others may have a different experience, I'm constantly making minor adjustments to presets whether the FW has been updated or not.

The Parameter Batch Set is great for doing this quickly since it works across amp models that have the same parameter(s) being adjusted.
Are you guys tweaking your presets after the update? I have 75 presets and would like to know your experience before I update.
Yes, I do. Can only chime in on what others said that it sounds more open. I reset the amp just to hear how sounds untouched and then with some minor tweaks to get it where I want. I feel that I need to do less and less tweak wise outside the main amp controls. Currently riding the the Rectos and they sound a bit more stellar then the stellar they sounded before 😉
I’ve tried to find the answer for this on the forum… but I just updated from 24.05 - 26.00. All of my presets show “edited.” It was my understanding that the Axe automatically added X-3 processing (see photo) without needing to resave… any thoughts??IMG_1289.jpeg
Fixed pops/clicks can occur when changing Preamp Type in Cabinet block.
I've just had a loud pop when changing preamp from none to Transformer High-quality.

I was using a 4x12 1960TV DynaCab. Simple preset: Plexi > Dyna Cab > London Reverb.

I cannot replicate it again.

Luckily I was not using headphones this time.

Edit: moving the Drive parameter up and down, with Transformer hi-quality, also produces loud pops and cracks randomly.
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I've just had a loud pop when changing preamp from none to Transformer High-quality.

I was using a 4x12 1960TV DynaCab

I cannot replicate it again.

Luckily I was not using headphones this time.

My preset was as simple as this, but replacing the LT cab with a Dyna-Cab

Edit: moving the Drive parameter up and down, with Transformer hi-quality, also produces loud pops and cracks randomly.

Yes, the problem is not solved. I also had it yesterday evening :(
I think it also happens when you change the low cut / high cut slope in cab-preamp section.
Using knobs in front of AXEFXIII.
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It would be great if a system tester could scroll through all the AXEFXIII settings using the device knobs and then hear whether there is a bang. I think they normally use AXEEdit w/o scrolling through settings and w/o this issue.
had an odd moment when I updated my FW today...rebooted the AF3 and no sound was coming out. Tuner was frozen also. rebooted again and all is good! I'm loving how my presets are sounding and created a new one today blending the AC30 Brilliant with Cameron CCV 2C with some new Dynacabs. Using my TA Tele today and its sounding superb. @JoKeR III thanks for the idea of using factory cabs 178 & 323. I tried it with the AC30 Brilliant and its perfect.
I have experienced this for several firmware versions. I have a gate block after the amp blocks. If I bypass that gate, sound comes back. If I reset the gate and dial in the same settings, it works fine for a few weeks.
But there’s no way to “mass save” on the Axe, correct?
Go to manage presets. Highlight all. Right click 'export" save to your computer. Drag them back to the manage window. Highlight all. Move them from left window to the proper locations in the right window. Click save.
Hi folks,

I currently have the following behavior with FW26.

After switching on, the preset selected before switching off sounds very shrill and bright. If the preset is loaded again, everything is back to normal.

The reason for this is that the wah block is activated even without a pedal connected.
After reloading the preset or using the Revert Preset command, the wah block is back in bypass mode.

Another hint is that this behavior only occurs with FC-12 connected.
External 1 Wahwah 1 Control can be seen under Controllers / Modifiers.
Parameters as in the factory preset.

Factory preset 59 Bassguy, 65 Bassguy


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