Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 3.00 Up

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Just spent an hour playing around with just the Friedman BE preset amp voicings. Holy s@$t! Are you kidding me?! Yet another game changer.
This one is going to make the haters go nuts. Everyone has been saying the axe couldn't be any better and now everyone is saying that this update is a game changer and is remarkably better.

This is a whole new box. All I can say now to the tube and amp snobs is C'ya later!
Well I had been really good about just sitting here living vicariously through everyone else's AxeFXII experiences, but this just put me into full jealousy overload. :D

On a side note there was a lot of speculation about what AVID was going to release for the 11R yesterday since it was 11-11-11 (I mean it can't get any more fitting than that). Nothing. Nadda. Nill. And they've got about 250 suggestions for improvements on ideascale that have been there just piling up. I have a feeling that there will be a new box made before they make an update.

I think that I'll just sit here for a few minutes and glare at that stupid orange box and point to the screen here so that it knows just how dissappointed I am with it's lack of effort to be better.
Guys, PLEASE tell me i am not crazy...just updated to the 3...received my "magic box" 3 days ago so i haven't put that much time on firmware 2.

Please tell me that the firmware 3 gives EXTREME dynamics (which i LOVE, i don't do high gain stuff, i control the clean/semiclean/overdrive transition only by using my right hand, NOT even my guitar's volume).

PLEASE tell me i am not going crazy...


I believe when I was playing the Euro Blue amp last night (bogner ecstasy), it was amazing with how much I could very from really clean to really dirty with just my right hand.
Jupiter on Mars

see below
Guys, PLEASE tell me i am not crazy...just updated to the 3...received my "magic box" 3 days ago so i haven't put that much time on firmware 2.

Please tell me that the firmware 3 gives EXTREME dynamics (which i LOVE, i don't do high gain stuff, i control the clean/semiclean/overdrive transition only by using my right hand, NOT even my guitar's volume).

PLEASE tell me i am not going crazy...

Jupiter, I think you are on Mars, I have no idea what you are asking. You want us to tell you, you are not crazy, ok, well so far Im not convinced I can do this. You love this magic box, ok, this makes the crazy question seem irrelevant or that you truly are, or why would you be asking unless you hated it. Lastly you want US to tell you how what you have in front of you sounds? Confirm DSMIV (coding for psychiatry) you are crazy!
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Jupiter, I think you are on Mars, I have no idea what you are asking. You want us to tell you, you are not crazy, ok, well so far Im not convinced I can do this. You love this magic box, ok, this makes the crazy question seem irrelevant or that you truly are, or why would you be asking unless you hated it. Lastly you want US to tell you how what you have in front of you sounds? Confirm DSMIV (coding for psychiatry) you are crazy!

Hey, that's crazy talk! :mrgreen
I believe when I was playing the Euro Blue amp last night (bogner ecstasy), it was amazing with how much I could very from really clean to really dirty with just my right hand.


Hey symphx, there is a chance i am not (totally) crazy after all... :twisted
I really like the reset EQ in the amp block... But when I reset it, it doesn't actually reset until I move one of the bands... Anyone else seeing that? Also, it would be great if there was an EQ bypass to compare with and without the amp block EQ (I remember someone had made that great suggestion).. Thanks!
Same here. Mine hunbg on verifying, but after seeing your mesg I power-reset. All good.
and if you use AxeEdit to update a 2nd time you will get an "error" message saying the firmware is still at prior version. This is because AE does not check for minor version changes, only major. So re-installing 3.00 will cause this.
I believe when I was playing the Euro Blue amp last night (bogner ecstasy), it was amazing with how much I could very from really clean to really dirty with just my right hand.

"That's what she said"

Sorry, couldn't resist, still waiting for my Axe II and reading all this is killing me!

I need help! This is my first Firmware Update. I've been using Axe-Edit to control the AxeFX ll successfully for over a week. I attempted to use Axe-Edit to control the 3.0 Firmware Update. I went to Update on the AxeFX and pressed Enter so it was waiting for the file. Then I started the update from the Axe-Edit. Everything seemed to going well, the transfer looked good. Here's were the problem started. When the update got to the "verifying mode" front panel lights started going through a test series and started blinking. Then the top eight lights came on. 2 Red 2 Orange and 4 green. The verifying process has stopped. I got the following error message on the Axe-Edit "Updating Firmware...firmware update unknown. (Did not get a response from the hardware) Please check your Midi settings and try again.

I'm using USB to connect my MacBook to the AxeFX ll.

I have no idea what I should do. I know you're not supposed to stop during a firmware update but I also know I need to start the process over. Can anyone tell me what I did that caused the problem and how I should proceed?
Hi guys,

Sorry if this is a stupid question...only got my box yesterday so it's all new to me.

Have upgraded the firmware to 3.00.....that was the easy part.

With the new preset bank i'm not sure if i'm doing it correctly.

I've put the new bankA from the zip file into the banks folder and sent to axe with a right click.

It sends something then everything looks the same.

Does it just write over the old bank A presets and look the same as before?

Are the presets just all the same names,just as before or should i be seeing something different ?

Sorry to be pain

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