Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 3.00 Up

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Hi guys, .....

Are the presets just all the same names,just as before or should i be seeing something different ?

Sorry to be pain


I can't say for sure there are no changes to preset names etc. but generally when they update a bank like that it is because the parameters have changed and/or new parameters are you won't necessarily see different names but they will sound better and be full of all the new mojo if you update them.

I use bank C (and B eventually if I need more space ) for all my custom built presets because bank A has so many basic examples of each amp type so I like to keep them factory fresh. I just copy one of them over to bank B or C as I need them where I can then tweak it to my own taste without disturbing the factory example of it. That makes these kind of updates easy because updating bank A doesn't require any other tweaking in that bank.
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Damnit, I'm about 85% recording guitars for an album with my Axe II (firmware 1.02) guys are really making want to update to 3.0 and and start from scratch. Lol.

Damnit, I'm about 85% recording guitars for an album with my Axe II (firmware 1.02) guys are really making want to update to 3.0 and and start from scratch. Lol.


Thats what reamping is for :D
Thats what reamping is for :D

I kind of wish I had gone that route, but when I was first comparing recordings via the AxeII USB vs. Line out from the AxeII into my interface (192), the latter sounded ever so slightly better to my ears so I went with that. Oh well, I'll just use 3.0 as extra motivation to finish up the recording ASAP. :)
This new version sounds great. Love the Plexi Treble!

Where is the New pentode model with adjustable hardness located, I can't find it.
I really like the reset EQ in the amp block... But when I reset it, it doesn't actually reset until I move one of the bands... Anyone else seeing that? Also, it would be great if there was an EQ bypass to compare with and without the amp block EQ (I remember someone had made that great suggestion).. Thanks!

Yes I´ve experienced it too, it looks like a bug.. anyway it´s a great update!
This new version sounds great. Love the Plexi Treble!

Where is the New pentode model with adjustable hardness located, I can't find it.

Pentode is the system behind the curtains. It's not a specific amp model.
Hardness is the POWER TUBE HARDNESS param. in the advanced page.
Pentode is the system behind the curtains. It's not a specific amp model.
Hardness is the POWER TUBE HARDNESS param. in the advanced page.

So the Pentode feature is incorporated into the specific amp model if needed and not adjustable? I saw the TRIODE HARDNESS and the POWER TUBE HARDNESS and thought I was missing something.
My axe II says it has the 3.00 firmware in it.All the patches sound like they are coming out of a transistor radio.I reinstalled the update but it sounds the same.All the A bank sound very thin and trebley.Should I install the 2.00 and then the 3.00? The only patch that sounds updated is thors hammer? #C-308 Any Idea's?

Hey symphx, there is a chance i am not (totally) crazy after all... :twisted

ok so your question which was incredibly hard to follow really was just this: "I am Jupiter, I love axe 2 3.0, am I crazy for loving this because it sounds too good to be true" ? next time just say I am in crazy love with a black box, and my wife or hand are jealous. :lol
Damnit, I'm about 85% recording guitars for an album with my Axe II (firmware 1.02) guys are really making want to update to 3.0 and and start from scratch. Lol.


Resistance is futile!
Turn it off. *Edit* *Bypass* Done. Seriously, though, I find that pretty much every preset need some tweaking here or there. Few people have the same taste, even in the same genre. Personally, I wouldn't consider settings inconsistent with personal taste cause for a gripe at all. :)

Well, I know I can manually turn it off in every preset. I just think a major effect should be defaulted to off.
ok, weighing in after about 6 hours with the upgrade. cliffster does it again! i have a top boost preset that i use 90% of the time. it's basically the amp demo from the previous bank A inserted into my effects chain, so i was very careful with it. it sounded better out of the box. i auditioned the new top boost in the new bank A and decided I liked it better - there's an additional voxy chime in the top end - (and you can see it on the speaker tab graphic). i copied it over my existing preset and now i love it even more. spent the next few hours auditioning the new bank A from the bank file. yep, some seriously yummy improvements here! i especially like the new Brit 800, and the 1987x which I previously thought was unusably dull - so sweet now. so far i haven't messed with the voicing or the new amps at all and i'm just feeling so glad i have this box. thanks again cliff!!!
I normally read through a thread before posting, just in case the topic has already been mentioned. You'll have to excuse me this time as v3.0 does not allow me the free time to do much forum reading.

When I set up different user cabs in X and Y and switch between them using an IA on my MFC ("CAB1 XY"), I often get this thump sound that isn't that loud, but gives me the feeling that something big just happened. I can hear it in the reverb tails, but if I pull my volume pedal back it doesn't occur. I'm guessing it is mostly subsonic. Anybody else hearing this? It also happens when I change presets, so its not an XY thing specifically.
Output taper Question


I know we have been driving you nuts with the output taper and I apologize in advance. 3.0 seems a lot smoother than 2.0; however, it seems that the overall output (at full bore) seems lower in dbs. Is my observation correct? Usually I have the main output vol knob at around 12:00 and t is plenty loud through the Atomic, but now, I have to turn the knob to 5:00 to get the same level. Not an issue whatever way it is, just curious.
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