Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 3.00 Up

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I'm going slightly mad!


Please return to on-topic.

Move along now.
Nothing to see here.

My keyboard is typing nm everytime I hit the n. Did you ever realise how time consuming it is to have to backspace every time because there's an m where it shouldn't be? Really annoying.

I'm bored. Winter in Europe. Actually just cold, none of the fun wintery stuff, just... colder than it was last week.

I shouldn't even be here. I don't have a II. Yet.

Why are you reading this? Told you there was nothing to see here. Scoot. Move along now.

OK. I'll stop then.
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Where did the 3.0 firmware update go? When I click on it in the first post it goes to some milk carton thing.
To put it another way, forget about 3.0; go the Fractal's web site and download 3.02.
It looks like the link of Fractal's support page points to the old 3.0 firmware. Use the link at the top of this post instead.
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