axefx 3

  1. S

    Finally Fully FRFR

    After years of trying every imaginable permutation or running my rig--AXE -> FOH and Matrix Power with real cab; AXE in 4CM with my real JP2C amp; AXE in FX only mode with real JP2C amp and cab; AXE into the the FX loop only of my JP2C amp, and fully FRFR--I have finally settled on the using...
  2. A

    Stephen Carpenter (Deftones) Adrenaline Cab IR Question

    This is one of the cab IRs released by Stef and Kevin (Knife The Glitter). With a modded Marshall amp model the chuggy stuff is pretty good but the single note stuff sounds strange. Is there something off about this cab IR? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  3. C

    Wish Bass Amps, Cabs and Effects

    Would like to see some more amp heads and cabs like mark bass, dark glass, etc and more bass centered effects. Stuff that doesn’t require as much tweaking. How hard is it to give us a sans amp?
  4. JoeW-NC

    AFIII AXEFX III Live for BASS and IEM Mixing

    My band finally had its first performance over the weekend, which gave me a chance to break in the new IEMs. in this band I play bass, so, not needing a wah pedal, I repurposed my 2nd expression pedal as a crossfader between my direct signal and the monitor mix, and it worked like a charm. I...
  5. Sylosis

    Need help routing pedals please!!

    Hey everyone i'm still pretty new to using the Axe. If someone could help me out I'd highly appreciate it! I have two Strymon pedals that I love (the Timeline and the Big Sky) and i would like to route them through my AxeFx/Axe-Edit kind of like an FX loop. Instead of using the reverbs and...
  6. Axelman8

    Share your DIY controller project based on MIDI for 3rd Party Devices | AXE3 | FM3 | FM9 |

    Hey there, This thread is for sharing information about your DIY controller project, using a micro-controller of choice and possibly also using the @tysonlt AxeControl library. If you are planning on building a controller yourself or you already build one, do chime in and share your project...
  7. J

    QC, ToneX and the future of Fractal

    Hi! At the moment with the Quad Cortex, which is very portable and powerful in DSP, and with the upcoming launch of the ToneX Pedal, which way do you think Fractal will go? Personally, I would love to see an "FM6", compact like the Quad Cortex, and with as much DSP as an AX FX3. Although I love...
  8. Roby Rocks

    AFIII Presets AXEFX3 New Preset Bundles - Special Offers 25% Off

    From today for a limited time, there are two Mega Packs for Axe-Fx III available on my site: 6 presets: RR DARK MOON RR PINK WALL RR RED PULSE RR GREEN ECHOES RR BLACK ANGUS RR SUHRVIVAL 6 presets: RR BONNIE GREEN RR BONNIE BLUE RR...

    AFIII I Just Play #13 - Princeton / JC 120 / Friedman BE / Rev Shimmer / Looper - Charvel So-Cal HSH 🎸😊

    🇺🇸 HAPPY NEW YEAR to all ! Love, peace, health, success and ... music ! 🙏❤️😊🎸 The first live shot of the year with the latest arrival, the beautiful Charvel Pro-Mod HSH and its Seymour Duncan pickups. For the sound, the Fender Princeton, JC-120 and Friedman BE models of the Axe-Fx III with the...
  10. siin82

    Tone Match Question

    Tone Match question/problem (for me): I followed guides on how to tone match and I think I'm doing it right. I'm trying to match a sound I previously recorded -it's a clean amp using a phaser and delay (maybe flanger too). The reference curve changed (when I started reference) and the local...

    AFIII 🎸 Les Videos du Lundi #49 - Every Breath You Take (full guitar cover) 😉🎸

    🇺🇸Cover of "Every Breath You Take" by The Police, one of the best band ever ! The Axe-Fx III for all guitar, bass and acoustic sounds. Cygnus 16.05 firmware. 🇫🇷 Reprise de “Every Breath You Take” de The Police, l’un de mes groupes préférés ! L’Axe-Fx III pour tous les sons de guitares, basse et...
  12. Shock410



    🇫🇷 LES TUTOS DE NICO #12 - AXE-FX III & FM3 - Le bloc AMP dans le détail ! 2° PARTIE 🎸

    🇫🇷 LES TUTOS DE NICO #12 - AXE-FX III & FM3 - Le bloc AMP dans le détail ! 2° PARTIE La Simulation d’ampli dans l’Axe-Fx III et le FM3. Passage en revue des paramètres du bloc AMP. 2° partie : page POWER AMP - page POWER SUPPLY - page SPEAKER - page SPEAKER DRIVE.
  14. Spongy

    AFIII Dream Theater 'The Big Medley' - Pink Floyd, Kansas, Queen, Journey, Dixie Dregs, Genesis

    I decided to do a cover of one of my favorite medleys of all-time, Dream Theater's 'The Big Medley'. This song is very nostalgic for me growing up and I couldn't find a great full video version of it anywhere surprisingly. This is track 5 off the 1995 EP release, 'A Change of Seasons' and it...
  15. Roby Rocks

    Which firmware made you say WOW the most?

    Hi! What is it, in your opinion, the most relevant firmware updates for axefx3 from the first to the last? For "relevant" I intend the firmwares that has improved the sound (or better "the simulations"), which firmware made you say WOW the most? I would like know this because I want to do an...
  16. Roby Rocks

    AFIII Presets David Gilmour - Echoes Sound V3

    Hi People!!! For "The Sound of Gilmour" series, one year ago I tried to recreate the sound of David Gilmour from the album Echoes, with my AX8. A few months ago I've re-make it also for Fractal Axe-Fx III. That's a really new version (named V3 version), not a FracTool conversion! ...and it...
  17. Roby Rocks

    AFIII Presets AC/DC - Angus Young Preset V3

    Hi People!!! One year ago I tried to recreate the Angus Young' sound from AC/DC. In these days I've re-make it also for Fractal Axe-Fx III. That's a really new version (named V3 version), not a FracTool conversion! ...and it sounds really much better! In first track I had to delete the backing...
  18. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Joe Bonamassa Inspiration Preset

    Hello friends! 😊 On YouTube, for the uninitiated, you can activate english subtitles. Hi! 😊🎸

    🇫🇷 LES TUTOS DE NICO #7 - FC-12 - Pédalier de Contrôle Ultime pour Axe-Fx III ou FM3 ! 🎸

    🇫🇷 Découverte et prise en main du FC-12 avec un Axe-FX III. 🎸😉 Branchement et passage en revue rapide des Layouts d’usine et des nombreuses fonctionnalités. Branchement et calibrage d’une EV-2. Utilisation du Looper. Utilisation de l’Axe-Edit 3 pour programmer le FC-12.
  20. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Metallica - "Enter Sandman" Guitar Solo

    Hey friends! :) Here my Metallica attempt :) Enter Sandman Solo Section. Here I used my MESA/BOOGIE IIC+ Preset. Hope you enjoy! :)

    AFIII Les Videos du Lundi - Torrents d'amour - (Hymn)

    🎸 Les Videos du Lundi - Torrents d’amour (guitar cover) 🎸 🇺🇸 My very first song on guitar … and my favorite hymn! 😌 🇫🇷 Mon tout premier morceau à la guitare … et mon hymne préféré !
  22. L

    Re-amping Midi Bass Tracks W/ Axe Fx 3 Question

    Forgive me if there is already a forum somewhere that will answer my question, but I couldn't seem to find one. So I'm looking into purchasing a midi Bass DI plugin, and after reading through the my Fx 3's manual, I couldn't figure out if there was a way to take the midi track and Re-amp it...
  23. Roby Rocks

    Acoustic Guitar Tone Match - Profiling an Acoustic Instrument

    In this video I'll show you how to use the Tone Match function of Axe-Fx3 to "profile", or better "capture the impulse response" of an acoustic instrument, in this case my Takamine Limited Edition 1999 acoustic guitar. Usually the Tone Match is used to capture the tonal characteristics of a real...
  24. Roby Rocks

    AFIII Presets David Gilmour - The Wall Preset V3

    Hi People!!! For "The Sound of Gilmour" series, one year ago I tried to recreate the sound of David Gilmour from the album The Wall, with my AX8. In these days I've re-make it also for Fractal Axe-Fx III. That's a really new version (named V3 version), not a FracTool conversion! ...and it sounds...
  25. Valdolopezz

    AFIII Fusion/rock Diesel Herbert lead with two Zilla cabs

    Hi guys 🎸🤘 Got an idea of lead patch from Richard Hallebeek preset for Axe Fx 2 based on Diesel Herbert emulation. I tried to recreate it on my Axe Fx 3 but changed cabs to pair of stock fractal Zillas (121 and 57 miced versions). This cabs are so versatile buy the way. Highly recommend :)...
  26. MattBowman

    AFIII Trans-Siberian Orchestra - "O' Come All Ye Faithful / O' Holy Night" - Guitar Cover

    Hey everyone, so a couple years ago I did a cover of this using my AX8 and I just recorded over the actual recording. Well I came across a backing track the other day and decided to re-record this cover again for the holidays using my Axe-Fx III. The preset was the same one I used on my...

    AFIII Guitar Jam - Mesa Boogie Triaxis from the Axe-Fx III ;-)

    A cool jam with the models Clean, Lead 1 Red and Lead 2 Red from the Triaxis of the Axe-FX III (firmware 10.01). 🎸😉
  28. MattBowman

    AFIII Kickstart My Heart - Mötley Crüe - Guitar Cover - Audio only

    So after downloading Leon Todd's @2112 fantastic Molecular Tone Match(see the link below), I decided to record a cover of Kickstart My Heart as it was just too fun to play on using the latest firmware 10.02. All the guitars here are me (I got the backing track from youtube), and I actually...
  29. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Dio - "Killing The Dragon" FULL COVER w/vocals

    Remembering the great Ronnie James Dio (R.i.p.) FULL COVER with friends! 🤘Hope you like it! 🙏 Here I used my Marshall JCM 800 Mod preset.
  30. Roby Rocks

    Morningstar MC6MKII and Axe-FX III

    MORNINGSTAR MC6MKII AND AXE-FX III TUTORIALS ALL 10 TUTORIALS Hello guys! I've made a series of 10 video-tutorials about MIDI configuration of Fractal Axe-Fx III and Morningstar MC6 MKII (although the same concepts are valid for any other MIDI controller). In this thread I've collected all...

    AFIII Funky Bass Party ;-)

    Funky ! 😉🎶
  32. MattBowman

    AFIII Incredible Dream Theater cover by 15 y/o phenomenon Owen Davey

    In case you didn't see the posts on our Fractal Audio Instagram or FB, check out this absolutely ridiculous cover of the Dream Theater song This Dying Soul by 15 year old Owen Davey using his Axe-Fx III. It would be one thing for someone his age to play this song on any instrument, but Owen...

    AFIII "Monday's Videos" - Ep.23 - Hymne a l'Amour" ;-)


    AFIII "5mn with an Axe-Fx III" - EP#7 - the 9 first factory presets !

    "5mn with an Axe-FX III" - EP#7 - the 9 first factory presets ! 🎸😊
  35. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy 80's Preset

    Has 5 Scenes.

    AFIII "Monday Videos" Ep. 21 - Wonderful Tonight ;-)

    A lovely ballad for the return of the "Monday Videos" ! 😉🎸
  37. MattBowman

    AFIII An attempt at Shawn Lane's tone

    I've always wanted to be able to play like Shawn Lane, but I know that'll never happen, so I'd at least like to try and get in the ballpark of his tone. There's not much info out there on what he used for amp settings, I know he used Gjika amp, a Holmes Bluesmaster and I believe a tube driver...

    AFIII Atmospheric Guitars #3 - Axe-Fx III

    The 3rd of the "Atmospheric Guitars" series ! 😊👍🎸


    A guitar jam with 4 basic sounds : Fender, Vox, HiWatt and Soldano and with the effects on the Axe-FX III from Fractal Audio Systems (firmware 6.04). 😊🙃
  40. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Marshall JTM 45


    AFIII Atmospheric Guitars #2 - Axe-Fx III

    Atmospheric Guitars - the 2nd video of this series with the stunning FX of the Axe-Fx III ! 👍😊

    AFIII One expression pedal can do it all ! ;-)

    With an EV-1 and an Axe-FX III, I have an expression pedal that can do it all! I switch from a clear arpeggio sound to a big lead disto sound just by moving the pedal ! 👌😉

    AFIII Atmospheric Guitars #1 - Axe-Fx III

    The effects of the Axe-FX III are just gorgeous ... with EMG pickups ... enjoy !👌🎸☺️

    AFIII EMG SLV vs SAV vs SA vs 89 (single) with the Axe-FX III of course ;-)

    A comparison of the EMG SLV / SAV / SA / 89 (single) single coil pickups with an Axe-Fx III for the sound ! ;)🎸
  45. Roby Rocks

    AFIII My new song "Per Ilenya"

    Hi guys! Today is the anniversary of my engagement. So I took my Eko, I made a simple preset with Axe-Fx III ... and this song was born ... I liked it so much so I wanted to record it. Then with Logic I added the bass and drum parts. I hope you like it. The Guitar is an EKO MIA IV NYLON EQ...
  46. MattBowman

    AFIII Joe Satriani "Summer Song" solo cover

    If you’re old enough like me, you might remember back in the early 90s that a commercial for the Sony Walkman used to have the Joe Satriani song “Summer Song” as the background music. I got a guitar for my 13th birthday(that’ll be 27 years ago in a few days), and Joe was a huge inspiration to me...

    AFIII "Monday Videos" Ep. 18 - "Parisienne Walkways" ;-)

    For today, a sublime song from a wonderful guitarist! ;)

    AFIII "Monday Videos" Ep. 17 - Le Ciel Ouvert ;-)

    For this Monday, a composition made a few years ago that I really like: "Le Ciel Ouvert". I hope you will like it too! ;)
  49. ProgressiveRocco

    AFIII TOP 5 ROCK/METAL AMPS (free patches)

    Hey guys! In this video I'm going over some of my favorite amps in the Axefx III for rock and metal! What are your favorite amps for the high gain stuff? Looking forward to try out some new models! :) PATCH DOWNLOAD

    AFIII "Monday Videos" Ep. 16 - So What ;-)

    As we are still Monday, a bit of jazz ... but not too much ! ;)
  51. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Steve Lukather Modern Preset

    Steve Lukather Modern Preset. Here is the new Steve Lukather presets for Fractal Audio AxeFx2 AxeFx3 and AX8. I was inspired by his new gear that he has been using for several years now based on the Bogner Ecstasy. Has 6 Scenes. NO Post Processing, NO Post Production. Just the Preset.

    AFIII "Lion King" strat went back to EMG's ;-)

    Switching pickups for the 1985 Fender Contemporary Japan strat "Lion King" and back to EMG with a SA/SA/81 kit from the 90s! The background music comes from one of my instrumental album (all guitars/bass sounds from an Axe-Fx II) and the final test is made with an Axe-Fx III ! :) Enjoy ! ;)
  53. J00McG00

    New Jams

    Sup dudes, made some new music with the AxeFxIII! Check it out! @ccroyalsenders I hope I make you proud with my shitty lead playing!

    AFIII "Monday Videos" Ep. 15 - Joyful ;-)

    A "Monday Video", it's been a long time ! ;) Just a little composition to make you feel energized ! :)
  55. Dale LeClaire

    Vai Academy 5.0

    Anybody here going? I just registered last week and the lineup looks killer. I'm particularly excited about Devin Townsend and Plini. This is the first one of these big clinic/camp things I've had the opportunity to go to. For those who've been before, any helpful advice to make the...

    AFIII 30mn with an Axe-FX III ! (6 x 5mn ;-)

    6° of the séries "5mn with an Axe-Fx III" with the factory presets ! ;););) The full series, this way :
  57. MattBowman

    AFIII Dream Theater - Home solo and full cover

    Ok so it's taken awhile haha, but I finally finished recording the whole song Home from Dream Theater using the JP2C yellow. I've made a quick playthrough video of the solo and I'll post the soundcloud and youtube links for the entire recording(didn't make a playthrough) as well. You can find...

    AFIII Jamming with "Jamming" in the "Videos du Lundi !"

    Jamming with "Jamming" in the "Vidéos du Lundi !" ;)

    AFIII Hendrix in the "Videos du Lundi" ! ;-)

    A great one from Hendrix in the "Vidéos du Lundi "! ;)
  60. MattBowman

    AFIII Guthrie Govan Regret #9 Solo Cover

    Continuing on with my Guthrie attempts, @patrickrussell and @creativespiral asked in my other thread to do a cover of Guthrie's incredible solo on the Steven Wilson song Regret #9, so here's my "attempt". This one took awhile to both learn(I know it's by no means perfect), and record. I did...
  61. LordGold3

    AFIII Dreamy Clean (Magnetic/Piezo Split)

    This preset is designed for a Piezo equipped guitar running a split TRS cable (using both magnetic and Piezo pickups) for an amazing dreamy clean/acoustic sound. I used my Musicman Majesty JP 7 (Magnetic pickup set to middle single coil mode) Let me know what you think...
  62. LordGold3

    Metal Preset 5153 + FAS 6160 Rhytm/Solo

    Hey guys, here's a preset I made using my Musicman Majesty JP7, give it a try and let me know what you think. Description: Dual 5153 100W red and FAS 6160 Adjust Parametric EQ's frequency controls to remove mud or unwanted high frequencies. Rhythm and Solo Scenes Included (Scene 1+2)

    5 avec un Axe-Fx III (5 min with an Axe-Fx III)

    The first video of a new series :) Only factory presets here ! ;)
  64. MattBowman

    AFIII Big Wreck "A Million Days" solo cover

    I first saw Big Wreck open for Dream Theater back in Atlanta in 1997 when I was a student at the Atlanta Institute of Music (and ironically the next time I would see them would be 20 years later on the 20th anniversary tour for In Loving Memory Of). I had no clue who they were but Ian was a...
  65. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Whitesnake "Bad Boys" Guitar Solo (My Version)

  66. H

    Axe3 Tonematch IR won’t appear for Ax8 use

    I made an acoustic guitar tone match on my Axe Fx3 and exported it as a user cab. I then exported the user cab as a .syx file. In Ax8 cab browser, this file can not be seen in the directory. In AxeFx3 cab browser, it can be found as expected. Is there a compatibility issue here, and perhaps...
  67. Strizzwald

    STL Tones Will Putney Error

    Just purchased this pack(already own a few others from them) and none of the presets load into the preset browser when navigating to the correct folder.Dragging the presets doesn't work either and when trying with Fractool it says they cannot be loaded. Has anyone else purchased this pack and...
  68. Strizzwald

    Axe-Fx 2 to Axe-Fx 3 Tone Match

    Hey everyone So I have some presets that from the Axe Fx 2 that I want to use on my Axe Fx 3 however they feature the tone match block, and when I used Fractool to convert them onto/into the 3 everything carries over except the tone match block. Its there on the layout but the actual profile...
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