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  1. keshav

    My first Axe II recording :)

    No way!! Was it you who compiled the Systematic Guide? That's awesome!! And man, really stoked you enjoyed Blinding so much :) I'd say the newer stuff will be less 'flash' and more 'songwriting', if that makes any sense haha! Dan's slamming it out of the park as well, we should hopefully have...
  2. keshav

    My first Axe II recording :)

    Wow!!! Thank you so much guys! Honestly, having just listened to it again today with fresh ears, there's a bit of mud happening in the low mids - but I didn't really do any post processing of any sort, as I wanted to show just how amazing a tone one can get right out of the box, both for guitars...
  3. keshav

    My first Axe II recording :)

    Hey guys, I've had my Axe II for a couple of weeks now but only just got the time to really have a good sit down with it and dial in some high gain guitar and bass tones. See what you think? Very much a WIP still, any criticism/suggestions/comments are welcome :)...
  4. keshav

    Having a hell of a time with my tone

    You have to realize that's probably a double or quad tracked tone on record, which sounds drastically different from single centered guitars, so trying to get that sound with just a single guitar probably won't work.
  5. keshav

    Any upgrade options for recent purchasers?

    I doubt that's Cliff posting from the Fractal FB page.
  6. keshav

    What can Standard and Ultra owner's expect in future fw updates?

    Same here :lol Frankly, I very much doubt ANY Axe owner uses more than 50% of the available amps on a regular basis. I'm not sure what exactly they expect from future updates. There are no bugs, a lot of the existing features are way more than most folks will ever get around to utilizing...
  7. keshav

    Pretty cool video on audio myths

    What Ethan said at 11:57 made me laugh out loud, I'm sure ALL of us have done that at least once :D
  8. keshav

    Pretty cool video on audio myths

    Not sure if this has been posted before, but thought i'd share it. Bit of an eye opener, especially for folks into sound engineering and production. It's rather long, but I think most guys will benefit from it. YouTube - Audio Myths Workshop
  9. keshav

    Will you buy an Axe FX II?

    I'll probably buy it in a year or so, if I start playing live. Being a strictly studio musician at the moment, my Ultra is all I'll ever need for recording purposes.
  10. keshav

    All The Big Time Artists

    I believe any artist that keeps an open mind towards modelling technology, will eventually convert.
  11. keshav

    Update firmware on the Axe FX Standards and Ultra in the future...

    There are quite a few threads asking this same question now :| I just replied to you in the other one. Cliff has hinted towards more updates in the future.
  12. keshav

    Standard/Ultra firmware 11

    Same here. I never quite liked the Powerball sim, but after FW11 it's sounding a LOT better.
  13. keshav

    Standard/Ultra firmware 11

    Cliff has indicated that there will be updates. You have to understand though that both the Ultra and Std are nearly maxed out, there is only so much more they can do. In any case, updates or not, there's a TON that the 1st gen units can do that people haven't even discovered yet.
  14. keshav

    Applauding Cliff.

    Massive respect to Cliff and everyone at Fractal. Seriously, what you've done for the middle-class musician community (speaking for myself) is absolutely amazing. Can't stress enough how much I appreciate it. I'm about to release an album myself and there's just no way it would have happened and...
  15. keshav

    Give Cliff and everyone at Fractal Audio a break!!!!!

    What scares me more than anything else is the thought that Cliff might stop doing that, if this is the kind of appalling, ungrateful response he's going to get every time a new product comes out. I can understand people's sentiments to some extent (i've had the Ultra only since January myself...
  16. keshav

    Forum Behavior Seems Peculiar

    I believe some search functions along with some other stuff has been disabled to prevent overloading.
  17. keshav

    Am I alone in keeping the Ultra????

    This has to be the best post I've seen on this board. As long as your gear is giving you sounds that are inspirational enough to keep your creative juices flowing, nothing else should matter.
  18. keshav

    Am I alone in keeping the Ultra????

    I'm definitely keeping my Ultra. I've had it about 5 months now and have barely scratched the surface of what it can do. Features like headphone outs, USB etc are nice but unnecessary for me since I don't like monitoring through headphones and I have a nice audio interface and DI box already. As...
  19. keshav


    Link doesn't seem to work :(
  20. keshav

    Countdown 0.5...

    Good point!
  21. keshav

    Countdown 0.5...

    QFT + 10000
  22. keshav

    ICELAND soundtrack made with Fractals!

    Bob, thanks for making my day with this. So amazing, one of the finest pieces of music I've listened to in the longest time. Big respect for you here :)
  23. keshav

    New song featuring Dan Tompkins and Marty Friedman

    Thanks a whole lot you guys, it's very, very inspiring for me that you like it :) Scott, yeah Cynic are pretty much one of the best prog bands ever! And I definitely do feel very blessed to be working with such amazing musicians, part of me even wonders whether I deserve it or not haha...
  24. keshav

    New song featuring Dan Tompkins and Marty Friedman

    Catharsis (ft. Daniel Tompkins and Marty Friedman) by Skyharbor on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free - This works for me, maybe soundcloud was down when you tried?
  25. keshav

    New song featuring Dan Tompkins and Marty Friedman

    Nobody at all? That bad huh? :(
  26. keshav

    New song featuring Dan Tompkins and Marty Friedman

    Hey guys, Thought I'd share a new song with you, this one has Daniel Tompkins (from Tesseract) on vocals, and Marty Friedman on a guest solo. The vocals and the solo might take some getting used to, as they were a bit unexpected even for me haha, but hope you guys enjoy it anyway! Here...
  27. keshav

    Uploaded some album demos, checky plz?

    Thanks so much Scott and wowzers :) Sure thing diggi, if I need some help there i'll be sure to hit you up :)
  28. keshav

    Uploaded some album demos, checky plz?

    Thanks Micha! Well then you'll be glad to know these songs will have almost entirely clean vocals on them :) Glad you approve!
  29. keshav

    Uploaded some album demos, checky plz?

    Thanks diggi, that's awesome of you to say :) I know you guys have very good taste, so your props mean a lot to me. Thanks for the encouragement! :)
  30. keshav

    Uploaded some album demos, checky plz?

    Sweet, glad ya dig! :D
  31. keshav

    Uploaded some album demos, checky plz?

    Haha thanks a lot Kyle! The guitar tone needed a small amount of post EQ (I used the 5105 and Fas Modern, and the latter has a slightly fizzy midrange voicing), but other than a couple of small notches it was pretty good to go. Ears are fried though from mixing for so long, so thought getting...
  32. keshav

    Uploaded some album demos, checky plz?

    Sup guys, Been trying to get my cd completed, thought i'd put up a couple of instrumental demos to get some feedback from you guys regarding the tones and mix and such. Songs are old but completely retracked with the Axe and remixed. Let me know what you think and how I can improve it...
  33. keshav

    Looking for some Tool tones

    Zorran's patch was made on the Ultra, so it might not be compatible with the Standard.
  34. keshav

    Metal song: 5105/FAS Modern + Ownhammer impulses

    Thanks a lot guys, that is really encouraging! I'm just trying to get this tone to fit in the mix better, it's a little too upfront i think. Or maybe my ears are fried :P Cheers guys!
  35. keshav

    8-string short clip

    I like how you built up an almost unbearable anticipation and then ended it :D Awesome tune, can't wait to hear the rest of it!
  36. keshav

    Metal song: 5105/FAS Modern + Ownhammer impulses

    Thanks! I forgot to mention, there's a Redwire Mesa cab in there too! Clark : that's awesome of you to say :) I really dig the Ownhammer impulses, and the Redwirez are fantastic too. They make for super clear high mids/highs, and I found the stock 4x12 German cab very nice for that low mid...
  37. keshav

    Metal song: 5105/FAS Modern + Ownhammer impulses

    Hey folks, Posting for the first time here.. Got my axe fx just over a week ago, and it's pretty much the best purchase I've ever made :D Thought i'd get your feedback on a song I recorded a couple days ago. It's not really the best mix and there's programmed bass which may sound a bit funny...
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