All The Big Time Artists


Hi Everyone,
Been reading all the posts about the new Axe-Fx II and depsite my disappointment with my own decision of purchasing an Ultra (which I LOVE), it was all about lucky timing and a compulsive urge to own the best modeling of the time. You can't win them all. But back to the main subject which is: What do you all think the Big time artists are going to do at this point? Do you think most will convert or carry on for a while? I supose as well off as some are,they will probably convert over to the new UTOPIA! Anyway I know if you own any product from the FRACTAL FAMILY it is just STELLAR! Good luck to everyone!:|)
I believe any artist that keeps an open mind towards modelling technology, will eventually convert.
It will be interesting to see how many new Fractal artists there are just because of the Axe II. You'll get some existing artists to upgrade I am sure but new ones who may have held out will be the story.
How many bugs have there really ever been that were a real show stopper though? Most were minor at best and corrected relatively quickly in firmware updates. I doubt that would be their main concern. The real concern for most of them will probably be, "Does this thing actually sound like my real amps?" To be honest, I'm surprised that Orianthi hasn't switched over. Her and Steve Vai are really tight. I'm sure at some point he'll make a convert out of her. The same will probably go for other artists and their friends as well.
It will just depend on their schedules and projects and when to find time to make the transition.
Knowing most of them as I do I reckon they are already on the waiting list. There's a picture somewhere of Petrucci hoverring over a PC just waiting to press Buy It Now and Steve Vai was overheard screaming down the phone that he was stuck in an airport and demanding a private flight to his mother ship so he can join what he described as the 'longest queue on earth'. Dweezil was waiting for Guitar Rig 5 but I've had inside information that he's on board for the Axe-FX II. I couldn't get a positive response from Bulb but his face lit up when I mentioned the Axe-FX II. Steve Stevens said he wanted to remain Top Gun so he's going for it. Czajkowski gets you a high score in Scrabble so he is certain to buy one. Greg asked Howe he could get one. Andy said he Wood too. Tommy said he was Shaw going to buy one. Vernon wanted to Reid up about it first. Open and Schut case as far as Will is concerned. Nick thanked Fractal for their Sterling work.

Wrote a song about it...wanna hear it???? it go like this
Knowing most of them as I do I reckon they are already on the waiting list. There's a picture somewhere of Petrucci hoverring over a PC just waiting to press Buy It Now and Steve Vai was overheard screaming down the phone that he was stuck in an airport and demanding a private flight to his mother ship so he can join what he described as the 'longest queue on earth'. Dweezil was waiting for Guitar Rig 5 but I've had inside information that he's on board for the Axe-FX II. I couldn't get a positive response from Bulb but his face lit up when I mentioned the Axe-FX II. Steve Stevens said he wanted to remain Top Gun so he's going for it. Czajkowski gets you a high score in Scrabble so he is certain to buy one. Greg asked Howe he could get one. Andy said he Wood too. Tommy said he was Shaw going to buy one. Vernon wanted to Reid up about it first. Open and Schut case as far as Will is concerned. Nick thanked Fractal for their Sterling work.

haha awesome!
I don't think Slash or Zakk Wylde will ever convert, but that's okay with me. I can't deal with them playing through anything other than a Les Paul & Marshall.
Speaking of artists, why aren't any of the big dogs (Vai, Petrucci, Schon, Brewster,etc...) creating/delivering any presets for the Ultra? Hopefully the II owners won't be the only ones to benefit. That and i'm feeling like the resale value of my Ultra just plummeted. No better off than buying a new car now.
I don't think Slash or Zakk Wylde will ever convert, but that's okay with me. I can't deal with them playing through anything other than a Les Paul & Marshall.

Here's a pic of Slash playing one of his Travis Bean guitars then, just to mess with you. :p


Here's his guitar collection. Top row center and top right corner, Travis Beans. :p

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