Give Cliff and everyone at Fractal Audio a break!!!!!

I have to say that Fractal/Cliff really listens to the customer base and their wants/needs/wishes.

What scares me more than anything else is the thought that Cliff might stop doing that, if this is the kind of appalling, ungrateful response he's going to get every time a new product comes out.

I can understand people's sentiments to some extent (i've had the Ultra only since January myself and paid a CRAZY amount for it, well over retail price), but the way people are PMSing all over the forums is ridiculous.

All I can say is, Cliff keep doing what you're doing and don't let the negativity get to you!
My sentiments exactly! Cliff actually listened to us and developed something to better what we can do at home with digital modeling. Everything we ever complained about has now been fixed and added to the new version. My 3 month old Ultra is now for sale. Does it stink? Sure, but its no ones fault. I could keep it and be happy with the sounds, but I'm choosing to invest the difference to have an even better product. No ones forcing us to upgrade :)

MY ONLY HOPE is that supplies are going to be high. Since I'm selling my Fractal I will be rigless until I can get an AxeFX II. I understand the demand, I just hope it can be reshelved quicker.
What scares me more than anything else is the thought that Cliff might stop doing that, if this is the kind of appalling, ungrateful response he's going to get every time a new product comes out.

I can understand people's sentiments to some extent (i've had the Ultra only since January myself and paid a CRAZY amount for it, well over retail price), but the way people are PMSing all over the forums is ridiculous.
All I can say is, Cliff keep doing what you're doing and don't let the negativity get to you!

Keep doing what u do cliff! ;) And for all the whiners out there - you don't go whining to steve jobs every time a new mac or iphone comes out do u? :/
I'll get an axe II when I can afford it, but my ultra is AWESOME (yea I only recently got mine too), but I have no intention of bashing cliff and fractal for DOING HIS FANBASE A FAVOR by releasing the PERFECT axe fx for a STEAL OF A DEAL!!!

That's're complaining about getting a steal of a deal.... :/
Riff Chase and Steve Chops jammin

I purchased an Ultra and a new 27" iMac last month ago and both have since been replaced with a "new/better/faster" model. Do I feel that Apple and Fractal owe me anything?? Hell no!!!

I am waiting for the next "special event"


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So soon do the same guys that have been praising Cliff turn around and bite him because he expands his product line and comes out with a "new and improved" version of what most of us already called and deemed as "perfect"!!!!!

The way I look at it is that Cliff owes us nothing! He has given multiple free firmware upgrades that have expanded the amp sim's significanty along with added more features all for FREE!

We could all be in the same boat as the AVID Eleven Rack group with having one firmware upgrade in 3 years and having to pay $99.00 for it. I came from that group and we all lined up and gladly paid the $99.00 to get some more amp sims, cabinet emulations and a few effects that should have been there from day one! Cliff seems to provide us with awesome upgrades every six months for free! Spoiled is the word that comes to mind!

This is going to be the same group of guys that will be complaining that they hurried up and sold their so-called "vintage" and "obsolete" Axe FX Standards/Ultra's and now have to wait a few months because of the high demand for the AXE 2.

Yeah it kind of stinks that your AXE FX Ultra is no longer the best FX processor on the planet but there are still ton's of guys out there that would give their arm to own a Ultra or a Standard unit in their current form!

I purchased an Ultra and a new 27" iMac last month ago and both have since been replaced with a "new/better/faster" model. Do I feel that Apple and Fractal owe me anything?? Hell no!!!

I am 40 years old and since owning the Ultra, I am finally able to generate the tones that I have been dreaming and searching for and that have been in my head since I started playing guitar over 30 years ago! To me the Ultra is my "Holy Grail" of tone! To me that is priceless.

So continue on with driving down the market value of the current units down and down as is currently witnessed on Ebay and the Classified sections of this forum! The tone of some members acting like this is a stock forum and that we are all shareholders and that Cliff owes us something because the current units are going to drop in value is outright ridiculous!

All I have to say is thank you Cliff and that I will continue to love my current Ultra and one day I am sure will love my AXE 2!

One happy customer!

I can understand why those who bought an AXE FX just recently feel frustrated. However, several things to keep in mind:
1st, no one said there won't be any more updates for the current products. It's true that their focus will probably be AXE II but still... I suspect (and hope) that whenever something developed for AXE FX II will be applicable, it'll find its way to the current line.
2nd, I can't think of a possible way for Fractal Audio to announce a new product without some people get frustrated. Even if they pre-announced the product, those who bought the current products just before that would have complained too.
Possible resolution (and I'm not trying to tell Cliff what to do) might be to offer some sort of a discount to recent Byers.

All in all, I believe we should be thankful for products like AXE FX. I've been following the amp modeling market for years now and never felt it was quite there until I tried the Ultra. Finally a real tool I can work with. My guitar recordings never sounded better. The thing I mostly grateful for is that Fractal Audio raised the bar and set the standard for other companies showing all of us what can be achieved with digital modeling. This made other vendors start moving as well.
So soon do the same guys that have been praising Cliff turn around and bite him because he expands his product line and comes out with a "new and improved" version of what most of us already called and deemed as "perfect"!!!!!

The way I look at it is that Cliff owes us nothing! He has given multiple free firmware upgrades that have expanded the amp sim's significanty along with added more features all for FREE!

We could all be in the same boat as the AVID Eleven Rack group with having one firmware upgrade in 3 years and having to pay $99.00 for it. I came from that group and we all lined up and gladly paid the $99.00 to get some more amp sims, cabinet emulations and a few effects that should have been there from day one! Cliff seems to provide us with awesome upgrades every six months for free! Spoiled is the word that comes to mind!

This is going to be the same group of guys that will be complaining that they hurried up and sold their so-called "vintage" and "obsolete" Axe FX Standards/Ultra's and now have to wait a few months because of the high demand for the AXE 2.

Yeah it kind of stinks that your AXE FX Ultra is no longer the best FX processor on the planet but there are still ton's of guys out there that would give their arm to own a Ultra or a Standard unit in their current form!

I purchased an Ultra and a new 27" iMac last month ago and both have since been replaced with a "new/better/faster" model. Do I feel that Apple and Fractal owe me anything?? Hell no!!!

I am 40 years old and since owning the Ultra, I am finally able to generate the tones that I have been dreaming and searching for and that have been in my head since I started playing guitar over 30 years ago! To me the Ultra is my "Holy Grail" of tone! To me that is priceless.

So continue on with driving down the market value of the current units down and down as is currently witnessed on Ebay and the Classified sections of this forum! The tone of some members acting like this is a stock forum and that we are all shareholders and that Cliff owes us something because the current units are going to drop in value is outright ridiculous!

All I have to say is thank you Cliff and that I will continue to love my current Ultra and one day I am sure will love my AXE 2!

One happy customer!

So on point!
I didn't read through this whole thread because my eyes are burning from so much reading and I'm sure this was already said........

anyway, I'm thrilled that Cliff continues to push the technology to the limit to get as close as technically possible to modelling a real tube amp. Obviously AXE-II had to come out to accomodate these technical improvements as well as improvements and options everyone has asked for.

I don't think there is any way to please everyone. The goal is to please as many as possible and some people get a shorter end of the stick in these situations.

I'm bummed because it will be quite a while before I can afford to update...but I will and it'll be an awesome ride all over again.
+1 to OP
Many thanks to Cliff & the whole FAS team.
I've only had my Ultra for a month and a half and have barely scratched the surface of what it can do. Theres so much in the ultra I would feel ungrateful if I started complaining about not having the new toy... beside if I got the new toy now, my wife would put me on a thorazine drip:D
Let's see...I may be wrong on a couple of these but here goes:

axe-fx released -- people whine that they can't get one fast enough

ultra announced with limited production -- people whine about the waiting list, can't get one fast enough, etc

MFC announced before production -- people crucify Cliff about production delays (I even whine about it), can't get one fast enough, etc

axe-fx II announced after production & before final shipping -- threats to sue Cliff, endless whining, demands for refunds/trade-ins

May 10, 2011 -- Cliff realizes he has singlehandedly converted the sex of his customers to either cruel bitchy women permanently on their periods or the most whining, scrawny, most beat up junior high nerds in existence.

What is it about the axe-fx that brings all the left-the-band-for-my-bitch-girlfriend musicians out into the open air?
Let's see...I may be wrong on a couple of these but here goes:

axe-fx released -- people whine that they can't get one fast enough

ultra announced with limited production -- people whine about the waiting list, can't get one fast enough, etc

MFC announced before production -- people crucify Cliff about production delays (I even whine about it), can't get one fast enough, etc

axe-fx II announced after production & before final shipping -- threats to sue Cliff, endless whining, demands for refunds/trade-ins

May 10, 2011 -- Cliff realizes he has singlehandedly converted the sex of his customers to either cruel bitchy women permanently on their periods or the most whining, scrawny, most beat up junior high nerds in existence.

What is it about the axe-fx that brings all the left-the-band-for-my-bitch-girlfriend musicians out into the open air?

Friggin funny and (to me) absolutely accurate. Lots of people over night turned into "Yoko Onos" destroying the magic that once was... ;)
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