Any upgrade options for recent purchasers?

I think I got you guys beat - I bought a used Standard before the announcement and I won't receive it until tomorrow. I think mine lost value before I've even tried it! But you know what? If it's as good as it's supposed to be, it won't matter. The money's spent, I've still got enough left over for food & bills, and I'll enjoy using it.
I am having a hard time understanding the marketing psychology behind how this new product was introduced with a 10 day countdown and such mind blowing ballyhoo.

Can anyone help me understand?

Basically the AXE II means that every current customer's unit has now been devalued by at least 33%.

In fact, the entire owned product base is now obsolete.

And we're supposed to be happy??!?!!?

Cliff told a guy recently on his facebook wall to stop jonesing for an ULTRA and "save your dough"....

I wish I had been told that when I bought mine in February!

Along with the big announcement, absolutely no info for existing customers on availablity, trade-in options, etc.

The only happy people today are those who've been on waiting lists at G66 and have been re-assured that they're now on the AXE II list.
Well my 2 cents are this- I have and Ultra since Version 3.1 and have still only scratched the surface. The ultra is my main rig, and I still am using the patches I created around version 5. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my Ultra, and will probably (due to GAS) try to buy a Axe-FX II. and keep my Ultra as a backup if I can afford to do so.

I just bought a Roland GR55 to replace my GR33 which I've had for years and use far less, but I wanted the new features, so you got to Pay to Play.

I do feel sorry for those who just bought, and could have waited for a few more weeks to get the latest and greatest. I think Fractal should offer a 'comp' to those who bought in the last 45-60 days if they want to buy a FX-II or give them a credit towards a MFC-101 or Atomic item. I wouldnt expect Cliff to take back returns on products outside the 15 day trial, but some sort of comp like a 10% discount or something of that.
I remain hopeful something will be offered. I don't typically invest this heavily in musical equipment but felt comfortable in investing in the Fractal gear due to their reputation with existing customers on this forum and saw several stories of them making customers happy in other situations. The Axe-Fx II has things like USB that I was really missing in the Ultra, but I went ahead with my purchase as I didn't see any hints of an upgrade on the horizon (and I scoured the forum prior to purchasing), so I figured we still had quite a while with the current hardware. And the "free upgrades" was really appealing to me in keeping the hardware going for quite a while. Learning that there won't be significant upgrades to the Ultra now is actually the biggest shock.

But everyone really has high regard for Fractal's customer service - I've read the praise all over this forum, so I'm going to remain positive and hope that they have a plan for people in my situation.
This is from the Axe-FX II info page on :
"Whereas the Axe-Fx Standard and Ultra are …almost… mature in terms of their capacity for further development, the Axe-Fx II is well equipped for a future of free upgrades and updates in the tradition that established our commitment to product evolution."

Cliff stated a couple months back that the Ultra was pretty much full. It was a where we were discussing the standard and somebody refereed us to a post where he stated the Ultra was almost full (for lack of better term).
I never said that. I don't even post on our Facebook page.

well, the search function is not working since this board was moved last night to a new server, so I can't find the post that I read here with my own eyes where somebody stated this, so at this point all I can say is, his word against yours at this point... Just sayin...
Cliff told a guy recently on his facebook wall to stop jonesing for an ULTRA and "save your dough"....

That is a warped rewrite of history, Andre. It was I who made that post, and you are reinterpreting it with distorted hindsight.

Mike: Tax return just came in today, you should get some more units in stock so i can give you my money.

Fractal: Hang on to that dough...

Mike: hurry... its SCORCHING a hole in my pocket

You can believe me or not believe me, but I will tell you something. I had NO IDEA that the Axe-Fx II would be announced so soon after that post. My point was simply that a dollar amount as large as a tax return should not be whittled away when you can't immediately have something you want. In fact, that was April 21st. Ultras were expected in the store at any day. Some units were then added and sold.

I will add as the forum admin that your tone in this discussion needs to lighten up.

well, the search function is not working since this board was moved last night to a new server, so I can't find the post that I read here with my own eyes where somebody stated this, so at this point all I can say is, his word against yours at this point... Just sayin...

I think this is what people are referring to. He never said to stop jonesing for an Ultra. Sounds like he saying hold on to your money as more units will be in stock.

I am sorry if I have offended you. When will info for existing customers on availablity, trade-in options, etc be posted?

Edited to add: thanks for digging that up Jack... I guess in the midst of the 10 day countdown it as pretty easy to let one's imagination run wild?

FWIW - I had placed my ULTRA and MFC-101 on ebay a few days before the countdown was announced. The auction had 35 bids and was nearly at $2,700 after just two days on a ten day offer. A dozen ULTRAs sold on ebay for around $2,400 leading up to that point, just to give you an idea of their saleability at that moment. After the COUNTDOWN was announced I pulled my auction to wait and see what the BIG announcement would be... Today I seriously think it would be hard to get $1,500 for an ULTRA on ebay.
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Firmware 11 proves that FA keeps enhancing the now 'vintage' ;-) Axe-Fxs.
All Axe-Fxs still share the same processor, so the vintage Axe-Fxs can receive as much of the new algorithms as possible in the future.
Soundwise the Axe-Fx II will not be that much ahead, therefore.

I don't necessarily agree that fw11.0 and the fact that they both use the TigerSHARC means that the old Axe-FX will continue to see updates.

I do agree that soundwise, the Axe-FX II won't be that far ahead anyway though. I think we've reached a point now where any improvements, even if the design side is significantly more complex, will only be minor at the end result. Better it may be, but it'll be more like slight changes in the feel and response and whatnot, rather than say the jump from a POD XT to the Axe-FX. I'm just guessing of course. But I know my Axe-FX already sounds amazing, and while there might now be a newer and better unit out, it doesn't make my Ultra sound any worse.
Today I seriously think it would be hard to get $1,500 for an ULTRA on ebay.

To be fair though, that's simply not FAS' problem. Pretty much any time you buy a product, it has a lifespan and at some point there'll be something better released. We might have had great service and support from FAS, especially with all the free firmware updates over the life of the Standard and Ultra, but they're not a charity. I don't expect Ford to take my car back when they release a new Falcon, just because I'd spent however much on it and expect them to sympathise. If I want the new one, I can sell it at a bit of a loss compared to what I paid and buy the new one, or I can stick with what I've got. (maybe a slightly misguided comparison... too busy to think of something better)

I'm not sure what people are expecting they'll do with a whole bunch of "trade in" Axe-FXs. If everyone's complaining that suddenly their Axe-FXs have dropped in value, how are FAS going to move a shitload of essentially B-stock Axe's without taking a big hit on them? I also imagine any units returned would also have to go through checking/testing to make sure they're fine to resell anyway, seeing as they provide a full warranty on B-stock units, so there's the added cost of some one spending their time doing that (also while they could be doing something else... like shipping new Axe IIs).

Personally I bought my Axe-FX without resale value in mind at all. If I eventually get an Axe-FX II, it'll be racked alongside my Ultra.
i would just like to hear fractals opinion on the matter. i love my ultra, but i would love an axe ii even more, and i would definitely send in my ultra and pay a restocking fee etc... perhaps send it in and pay for shipping and an extra 400 bucks or whatever.... just my 2cents

i got my ultra 2/17/11 and it's just been chilling in a rack case on my dresser untouched. also haven't used the thing since march... because i've been waiting for my new amp to arrive. anyway i'm not pissed at fractal, i love em! i think people need to stop low balling their ultras as well, the price is only dropping so much because all of a sudden everyone is selling.... anyways i would love a trade in program that is profitable for fractal and favorable to both parties if possible :D
This is why you should buy things when they come out . People say don't be an early adopter because of bugs etc... but wait too long and you buy just before the new one comes out.
Keeping the attention of guitarists who buy gear is like a war for companys, so by that definition the people who bought late and got hurt are considered collateral damage.
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You guys have to realize that it's not so much the Ultra has been rendered "worthless" with the new announcement, but that we were spoiled by unusually high resale value of Standard/Ultra in the past, due to the limited supply vs. the demand. Typically a 20-25% depreciation for a used guitar or tube amp in mint condition is not unusual (after all, new gear comes with return policy and warranty), and prior to the announcement Ultras were selling for $1,800 used (mere 10% depreciation), and much higher overseas. After all the dust have settled from the panic sell-off, I'd imagine the Standard/Ultra should go back up in price a bit, back inline with what a "typical" piece of equipment would be.
Keep the light on

This is why you should buy things when they come out . People say don't be an early adopter because of bugs etc... but wait too long and you buy just before the new one comes out.
Keeping the attention of guitarists who buy gear is like a war for companys, so by that definition the people who bought late and got hurt are considered collateral damage.

Look at it like this "if today you do the same thing as yesterday, then tomorrow you might not exist anymore"; ie : any company, in order to get stronger and/or survive, has to keep pace with progress.

Otherwise : If FA wouldn't have developped a new product, someone else would have - as vacuum is not existing in our actual world.

Therefore please acknowledge and thank FA for having developped the AXE II as it is a major milestone for the adventure to continue.

For those that are only reflecting in dollars instead of thinking in terms of artistic and musical capabilities of Axe FX whatever the number, imagine what your "vintage" (i tend to hate that word) module would have been worth if another company would have brought an Axe II on the market or if due to lack of innovation FA would simply have stopped to exist in a year or two...

BTW : yesterday I redid my major patches with the V11; and I'm sure as ever that the ULTRA still has a long lifetime ahead, I consider myself a lucky ass to have one.
I agree with Lauke-lux. I have had my Ultra for 20 days. Dont think of it as... damn I should get a refund or free upgrade to the AXE II. Instead, think of when you recieved the Ultra
or Standard in the mail, hooked it up and put you tube amp on ebay 'cause you know it's just gonna collect dust. I am just happy I did not have to wait 3 or 4 months for my Ulta like some users did. Or, just look at the AXE II as a way to satisfy you GAS when you save the money. At least this way you know your getting something good. When I do buy the AXE II, it will go in the rack right next to my Ultra. Thank you Cliff for an amazing product!
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