Update firmware on the Axe FX Standards and Ultra in the future...


New Member
Hi there,

I currently own a Axe Fx Standard and I have a question regarding the updates in firmware in the future for the Standard and Ultra models...

Will Cliff and Fractal Audio Systems continue making improvements with the updates in firmware to these models? or will they come out of date and move forward in just making firmware updates in the new and up and coming Axe-FX II?

Thanks for the replies!
There are quite a few threads asking this same question now :| I just replied to you in the other one. Cliff has hinted towards more updates in the future.
Cliff quote from another thread:

"People wonder why there haven't been many firmware updates recently. The reason is the FLASH is nearly full. I've run out of tricks to find more memory. I'm reserving what little is left for amp models."
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