Having a hell of a time with my tone


So I've been trying to dial in my sound for awhile. Trying to get that machinehead "blackening" tone or a bullet for my Valentine tone. And I'm always coming up to bassy or to sizzly, and I turn the gain down like everyone says to then I think my sound is not as Sharp or the attack is not as tight. Any ideas would be helpful. I already put a peq before the amp, and tried drive pedals etc. Thanks

send from Droid
Maybe PEQ after the amp. I was debating for a long time as to where to put the PEQ. I had more success with it the closer to the end of the chain, and definitely after the amp. Smaller adjustments had a greater impact putting it there. But I was also going for a different sound than what you are doing.
I'll try that I have a Geq at the end of my chain all I really use is peq,drive,amp,cab,and Geq.

send from Droid
Are you running Firmware version 11.0? I've found my approach to tone shaping changed quite a bit when I upgraded from 10.05 to 11.0.
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You have to realize that's probably a double or quad tracked tone on record, which sounds drastically different from single centered guitars, so trying to get that sound with just a single guitar probably won't work.
I just want a nice tight powerful high gain sound that cuts live but sound very heavy

send from Droid
Back off on the gain. It is tighter that way. Or use a drive in front. That allways makes it tighter
Just a quick question, on the basics - are you doing your tone-tweaking at gigging volume levels?
That has always been my problem with modelers. I've just never got one at stage level that has that same "alive" tone as a tube amp. But now after years of bonecrushing stage levels and the hearing loss and tinnitus I now suffer from because of it, I'm more interested in this type of unit. I still hope this will get me a good stage level tone as I am going to be playing out again soon but now with my musicians ear plugs that work great. Wish I had them 10 years ago!
You have to realize that's probably a double or quad tracked tone on record, which sounds drastically different from single centered guitars, so trying to get that sound with just a single guitar probably won't work.

Yup, if your chasing a guitar tones that was borne in a studio you need to know what they did in the studio to get it to sound that way. Multi tracked tones are very deceptive, try listing to one side of the track and see what you hear. Chances are it will sound different then the other side providing it isn't multi layered on left and right sids of the track. Ether way you only be able to get close but not dead on.
Thanks for all your help, I get a good tone up loud.just not quite there, I like some bass in my sound, just afraid ill blend in with bassist and kick drum

send from Droid
BTW so what drive pedals and settings do u guys use the most . I like the od808 and peq before or after cab block, and if after do u still put a Geq at the end of your chain, no reverb I assume any other tricks for high gain I should know like enhances etc. Thanks I'm just trying to "gain"some knowledge
send from Droid
also try a compressor in front of the amp block.not to squash it,just even out the levels and then bump the output of the compressor 2 or 3db to push the front of the amp.it sharpens the attack but be careful,can thin the sound.
You could always use a Highpass Envelope Filter in front of the amp block. Add a filter right before the amp block, set it to highpass, then put an Envelope modifier on the frequency parameter. Set the scale to around 40 and the offset to around 22. Should tighten up the bass a bit without thinning the tone.
You can also download some really good user patches and see what they did to get their tone. That's what I did and I've built my patches similar to how he did them.
Also, try to make a patch without putting a Mic on the cab. This is working for me so far. Unless you are using an external cab.
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