What can Standard and Ultra owner's expect in future fw updates?

200 amps!!! Are you serious??!!

I've had the Ultra for 1 and a half years and I haven't gotten to half of the amp models.

Where would you get the time?

2+ years here and still haven't really investigated more tha 1/2 the amps. I use mesa's and Fenders most all the time. Getting into the Shiva and Brown also.
Hopefully nothing. The focus should be on the II. The ultra and standard are mature products that stand on their own as is.

Utter BS there my Brutha. Tell that to the guy that just spent his hard earned $$$$ on a Standard or Ultra with out having any idea that the II was about to burst on the scene. Its not like those customers had the oppurtunity to decide between the models. The Standard and Ultra customers deserve the oppurtunity for updates up and unitl the device's capacity for updates has been reached.
Utter BS there my Brutha. Tell that to the guy that just spent his hard earned $$$$ on a Standard or Ultra with out having any idea that the II was about to burst on the scene. Its not like those customers had the oppurtunity to decide between the models. The Standard and Ultra customers deserve the oppurtunity for updates up and unitl the device's capacity for updates has been reached.

I just purchased an Ultra two weeks before the countdown and I received everything I paid for (1 Axe-FX Ultra & warranty). Beyond this Fractal owes me nothing. I am entitled to nothing more. FAS didn't owe me v11.0 - that was a freebie just like every update that preceded it. Just because Cliff provided updates in the past does not mean he was obligated to. If you paid for your Axe-FX and you received your Axe-FX then you have everything that you paid for. The only remaining obligation that FAS has to you is to honor whatever warranty came with your purchase - that's it. This sense of entitlement stuff has to stop. You're not a victim. You purchased a high tech device. That's always a risk if you're looking to retain resale value or you're concerned about owning the best & newest. You just ended up buying near end of life for the Axe-FX. That's life. Deal with it and move on.

Cliff has already stated that the RAM is nearly maxed out on the Axe-FX, that he's run out of tricks to squeeze more memory out of what's physically there. He stated that what little is left is being saved for new amps. So that pretty well settles the future updates question. We may receive a few amps from time to time. This is actually a good thing from a productivity perspective. V11.0 is the Axe-FX fully realized. It's the best that the Axe-FX has ever been. It sounds more natural than it ever has. It feels better than it ever has. It's bug free and proven reliable / roadworthy. The Axe-FX II has yet to prove itself as reliable, roadworthy, or bug free. Regardless of the improvements that the Axe-FX II offers the Axe-FX still sounds extraordinary. It's a finished product. It's among the best built and best sounding signal processors ever and it's the best modeler ever produced (except perhaps the Axe-FX II, but they've not yet been offered to the public). Enjoy the product you purchased. It hasn't ceased to be extraordinary just because FAS is due to release a new version.

I hope you take this constructively. You have an amazing musical device limited only by the users imagination. Enjoy it! :)
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2+ years here and still haven't really investigated more tha 1/2 the amps. I use mesa's and Fenders most all the time. Getting into the Shiva and Brown also.

+1 on the Shiva. After we got that one, I didn't really play with it at all for a while. Just did my usual brief testing of the new amps and went back to my usual sounds. Gave it another try a few months later though... both Shiva amps are great! Nice cleans, and sweet fat lead tones. Has become one of my favourite gainy models. :)

Utter BS there my Brutha. Tell that to the guy that just spent his hard earned $$$$ on a Standard or Ultra with out having any idea that the II was about to burst on the scene. Its not like those customers had the oppurtunity to decide between the models. The Standard and Ultra customers deserve the oppurtunity for updates up and unitl the device's capacity for updates has been reached.

You have to understand though, the reason why there are firmware updates is because Cliff finds new things to add or finds ways to improve things. If someone bought an Axe last month, they've bought it after however many years of improvements have already been made to the thing. The people who bought an Axe-FX last month are getting the exact same end result as I am from my 2.5 year old unit, just that they're getting it right now whereas mine gradually got to the point it's at now (actually, a new user probably has a newer firmware than I do, seeing as I'm still back on 10.something :lol).

A couple of years ago we were getting firmware updates quite frequently, coz Cliff was simply going apeshit finding ways to improve it. For the last however many months though, it's been fairly dead. Updates have largely been about small tweaks, or bug fixing, or implementing changes for the MFC and whatnot. The frequency dropped dramatically compared to what it was, and the content of the few updates we got was nothing at all like what we saw a couple or so years ago, because Cliff was simply running out of room to improve the thing. That'd be the same for a new user or for someone who has had one since they first came out.

The first gen Axe-FX as it is now, is essentially fully mature. Users seem to have fallen into the assumption that continual firmware updates are always a given, but they only happen because Cliff constantly strives to improve on his work. He now has a new product that's a more powerful platform to work with though, where he can actually improve things and not just add new amp models (with the old modeling tools), and naturally that's where his attention will go.

With the huge number of amps we have, not to mention the tonestack swapping and all the other adv parameters, plus the essentially infinite possiblities when you add user cab IRs on top of that... I'll never get anywhere near experimenting with even a small percentage of what's really possible with the current Axe.

And I'm saying all this as an Ultra owner, not a future Axe II owner. I'd like to get a II one day, but my bank account says if it ever happens, it won't be for a long time. :(

Mind you, I've basically only talked about the amp block. WTF is the megatap delay all about? I'm not sure I've ever even used it, beyond selecting the block, looking at the parameters, and just going, "WTF?" and changing it to something else. I think I looked at the Wiki about it once and it just gave me the same block diagram as in the manual. :lol
Mind you, I've basically only talked about the amp block. WTF is the megatap delay all about? I'm not sure I've ever even used it, beyond selecting the block, looking at the parameters, and just going, "WTF?" and changing it to something else. I think I looked at the Wiki about it once and it just gave me the same block diagram as in the manual. :lol

Same here :lol

Frankly, I very much doubt ANY Axe owner uses more than 50% of the available amps on a regular basis. I'm not sure what exactly they expect from future updates. There are no bugs, a lot of the existing features are way more than most folks will ever get around to utilizing...
I just purchased an Ultra two weeks before the countdown and I received everything I paid for (1 Axe-FX Ultra & warranty). Beyond this Fractal owes me nothing....


I took so long writing my post that by the time I was done you'd pretty much already said it all. :lol
The one thing I would really like to see updated is the ability to make the % on the wah autoengage have a minimum value of 1%, vs the 5% minimum now. I'd just like to be able to match how my Bad Horsie kicks in as soon as you move the pedal. I'm using an Art X-15, and it is calibrated. Other than that my Ultra is awesome! 8)
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