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  1. M

    Imbedding MIDI commands onto “backing tracks” - Anyone doing this?

    blueherdim7 (Jon)-do you have an open laptop onstage, or do your tracks and midi data come out of an applinace of some kind? It sounds like a great setup wth the GCP being used as an overide for guitar as well as kicking off songs.
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    Adjusting settings for FOH vs Atomic Cabs vs using both

    Thanks Guys. This is what i was hoping to hear. I imagine someone using a traditional guitar amp + FOH would need have a separate output (or create separate patches), but it sounds like from what you are all saying the atomics blend nicely with FOH.
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    Adjusting settings for FOH vs Atomic Cabs vs using both

    I know with a guitar amp, it is recommended to omit the cab/mic block as this coloring will be redundant. Although they are tube amps, the Atomic cabs seem to definitely benefit from "AXE cabinets and mics”. I may sometimes use AXE with just Atomic Cabs, or sometimes just FOH, or sometimes both...
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    Is there "Best practices for setting relative volume"?

    These are all good systems. Thanks everyone. It is helpful to know that when I see the same parameter on multiple pages that it just might be the same thing redisplayed for convenience (LEVEL in the AMP block). To recap what her been said here: AMP BLOCK MASTER VOLUME: This colors sound -...
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    Can AXE be changed to respond to different MIDI codes? TCH Voiceworks is controller

    Thanks everyone. Looks like no way to bump up AXE-EDIT so I may just toggle the offset when in AXE-EDIT and toggle it back for live.
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    Imbedding MIDI commands onto “backing tracks” - Anyone doing this?

    Thank You both : bobbo_x88 and NothingButInitials ! I have ultra AX-FX so I had to get "MIDISPORT 4x4 Anniversary Edition" to use AXE-EDIT, so hopefully this is my USB to MIDI. Sounds like I need to come up to speed on all these DAW's before plunging in. It looks like liquid tracks makes...
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    Is there "Best practices for setting relative volume"?

    I see that there are many places where you can not only set the volume of an effect, but set the level going into the next block in the chain. Master volume in the AMP seems to not be overall volume (as is the case on a real amp) but rather, another way of coloring the sound (similar to gain or...
  8. M

    Should I upgrade my AXE Ultra to 11.0 ?

    thanks tgunn! for anyone else doing this: Step 1 : purchase MIDI-USB converter (Fractal recommends MIDISPORT 2X2) Step-2 download/install MIDISPORT drivers Step-3 install AXE-EDIT (i guess no drivers are needed for AXE-Ultra but a driver is needed for AXE-II) Step-4 AXE-EDIT =>...
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    Imbedding MIDI commands onto “backing tracks” - Anyone doing this?

    I play to backing tracks, and use the TC Helicon Voiceworks to control my AXE-FX. Synchronizing the vocal and guitar processors has greatly reduced the tap dancing I do with my feet, but my dream is to put my backing tracks into some software with a timeline, and then add a 3rd track of...
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    Can AXE be changed to respond to different MIDI codes? TCH Voiceworks is controller

    Thanks chrisallen8888 ! Worked like a charm! now to be completly do oyu do the same offset in AXE-EDIT?
  11. M

    Should I upgrade my AXE Ultra to 11.0 ?

    I ordered Ultra late in 2010. After an obscenely long wait, I finally got it, and then AXEII came out like the next day (what lousy timing). I have not begun to utilize AXE much yet, and am now about to dig in and begin modifying some patches. Should I upgrade to 11.0 before I begin any...
  12. M

    Can AXE be changed to respond to different MIDI codes? TCH Voiceworks is controller

    I use the TC Helicon Voiceworks to control my AXE-FX . I would like to synchronize the presets, but AXE begins with preset ZERO (so when Helicon is on PRESET-1 then AXE is on Preset-ZERO …when HELICON is on 8 – AXE is on 7 etc….) is it a trivial thing to bump it up by one? Or am I looking at...
  13. M

    can AXeFX be controlled via midi data from a digital audio tape?

    Second half of the question: Could AxeFx and vocal midi processor be controlled by same foot pedel? In other words midi setting 136 brings up AxeFx-Patch36-SweetHomeAlabamaChorusGuitarSetting while simutaineously pulling up VoiceLive2-Patch100-SweetHomeAlabamaChorusVoiceSetting ? In stead of...
  14. M

    can AXeFX be controlled via midi data from a digital audio tape?

    I have backing tracks. Could I add a track with data to control the AxeFx settings as the song proceeds? I also want to get a midi vocal effects unit, and and would not like to keep stomping on pedles. My idea is to control both via midi, via a track of data going along with the backing tracks...
  15. M

    what is so powerful about creating patches - arent there enough presets?

    i am just asking. there are so many (all be it sometimes weird) the work worth it to make patches? Im just a cover band guy. I do need a variety of sounds ,but am not trying to redfine the way the guitar sounds like steve vai or any of those guys. Is it a matter of...
  16. M

    If I upgrade firmware - what do i lose?

    I have not made any custom patches (I only toggle thru presets at the moment) . when you upgrade, do you save off your personal patches and the upgrade and then import them back in? otherwise wouldnt the new image overwrite your patches with the new potergist pig (or whatever) :) I am going...
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    Good FOH System for one-man-band with 2 Atomic reactor Cabs

    This post is slightly off topic because I am not looking for a system just for the AXE-FX. I have 2 Atomic reactor Cabs and am looking for a versatile FOH system to run backing tracks as well as vocals as well as a bit of the AXE-FX (just for that wall-of-sound) I would like something...
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    Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China?

    Re: Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China What an honor. Tom King answering my post! and what an educational reply. I never thought about any of that manufactoring stuff that way. It does make sense. And this is a VERY unique cabinet indeed. Your guys are visionaries and...
  19. M

    Any danger in conncting the AX or atomics to power strip

    Thanks guys! I may get a one-space furman since I have the AXE-FX + 2 Atomics. I dont want to jeprodize this stuff.
  20. M

    Why so many bizzare presets? (I am a newbie)

    Thanks everyone. In all fairness, there are some very good presets on this unit as well. (now hat ive herard more of them) the brown sound, is bascally something that can be utilized "as is" and alot of other "normal" patches are very practical. I am keeping a notebook of the ones that I can see...
  21. M

    Any advice for a newbi on playing live

    Thank you everyone. Sounds like there is "no free lunch" and you get out of it what you put into it I suppose.
  22. M

    Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China?

    Re: Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China This SANSAMP tech21 product is the only thing I know of that is close to what the Atomics functionality is: ... ine60.html I wonder what a line6 modler would sound like out of the atomic...
  23. M

    Had my ultra for 2 days now

    Thanks shasha and everyone. I am sure I speak for the op as well as myself when I say that it is good to sound so good when playing, but the task of harnessing this and getting it organized for real-life, can be daunting. This forum is GREAT. Thank you everyone.
  24. M

    Any advice for a newbi on playing live

    I am a newbie and am following alot of threads regarding people playing the AXE-FX by itself isolated in a room. When I do that far...this thing makes me sound better than I actually am. I would be curious as to how things changed for any of you cover band guys when you tired to apply...
  25. M

    Help me before I do a stupid thing like selling my Axe...

    Re: Help me before I do a stupid thing like selling my Axe.. I am a newbie (just got the ultra) but I think I know what the op means. There is a point where I am playing and this thing makes me sound better than I am, and then if I stop a note short or try to sustain a note, There is this...
  26. M

    Had my ultra for 2 days now

    " the MIDISport 2x2 seems to be the best working for the price IMHO" So if I get a midi floor controller and small laptop, i still need a MIDISport to get the computer connected to the AXE? I have been perhaps going about this the worng way. I have been going thru the presets looking for...
  27. M

    Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China?

    I don’t mean to be disrespectful, I am just curious. I figured that like al boutique type gear, or high end stuff, allot of individual work goes into them in the USA which drives up the price (like Mesa, Rivera, etc...). I got mine today and they are made in China, so how can the $800 dollars be...
  28. M

    Any danger in conncting the AX or atomics to power strip

    I just got them and I put them on a cheap power strip, but it ocurs to me that this is high end gear and perhaps I should have a high end power conditioner. I am a new ultra owner and have yet to get a controller. I have the AXE-FX + 2 atomic cabs.
  29. M

    Why so many bizzare presets? (I am a newbie)

    I am a new ultra owner and have yet to get a controller. I have the AXE-FX + 2 atomic cabs. I notice that like line6, and all my rackmount effects units, the AXE-FX has about 3 weird sounding patches for every "useful patch". (movie sound effects patches) Is this becase these companies always...
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    Had my ultra for 2 days now

    I am also a new Ultra owner and it sounds like each patch is independent and the worst case scenario is that we could wreck 1 patch at a time...or are there global things we could screw up that would mess up everything?
  31. M

    Why not just use the cheapest MIDI contoller available?

    Anyone know of one with built in pedels, tap tempo, and TUNER?
  32. M

    How do the Atomic Cabs and wedges measure up?

    Thanks Matman! I get what you are saying about the wall of sound thing. When you can get the sound reenforced from as many places as possible - Do you recommend the wedges or regular cabs? the wedges seems ot have some versitility, but the cabs would give more of a traditional presentaiton...
  33. M

    How do the Atomic Cabs and wedges measure up?

    I am surprised to see so many combinations of power amps, speakers and powered monitors with little mention of the atomic speakers. I saw one thread where it indicated that FRFR 50W was just not loud enough, but if a feed is going to the mains, plut the reenforcemnet of the atomic cabinets...
  34. M

    Why not just use the cheapest MIDI contoller available?

    Ive been trying to come up to speed on the Fractal + the best power-amp/speaker as well as controller. If the MIDI controller is just pulling up presets, then what is the advantage of the MFC-100 or GCP? Is it the rugged housing? Becase I could just by 2 or 3 generic controllers (spares) and...
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