Any danger in conncting the AX or atomics to power strip

I just got them and I put them on a cheap power strip, but it ocurs to me that this is high end gear and perhaps I should have a high end power conditioner.

I am a new ultra owner and have yet to get a controller. I have the AXE-FX + 2 atomic cabs.
A good high end conditioner would certainly offer a lot more protection from power surges during lightning strikes etc and also sound SLIGHTLY better but I don't think you need to go too high end (in the town where I live there is a company who manufacture power conditioners and there top model is about £4000) I would think around £300 should suffice for a very good power conditioner. By the way the power supply inside the axe must be very good because of all the equipment I own the axe benefits the least when fed through kimber signature power cables and an isotek mains cleaning device that I use for my stereo ( I a/b'd the axe between straight mains and the mains conditioner and hardly notice any difference whereas my cd player shows a marked improvement, lower noise floor, more relaxed presentation that could be turned up louder and still cosset your ears.
spider1967 said:
By the way the power supply inside the axe must be very good
I hope so... It's the one thing that some electrical engineer(?) somewhere ever commented on (that I know) as seeming "too cheap [or something] for a unit of this quality." Since that day I wonder about it :mrgreen:
A high-end conditioner will not affect the sound at all because of the switching supply. All you really need is protection from surges in a unit that doesn't allow additional surges through after failing. That'll cost you around $8 (and up) for one that must be repaired or discarded after tripping (and for example APC units are replaced free of charge). Ones that don't require maintenance start at about $200 (e.g. Furman units with SMP+).

There are a lot of power strips with "surge protection" that is nothing more than an MOV soldiered in between the hot and neutral legs. These are pretty much useless because in most cases the strip continues to work after the MOV has been blasted by a surge--and you don't know the difference.
Marshall30thAnn said:
Thanks guys! I may get a one-space furman since I have the AXE-FX + 2 Atomics. I dont want to jeprodize this stuff.

Are you getting one of the standard Furman 'power conditioners' like the PL8?
They are basically just glorified power strips in a rack unit.
There isn't a whole lot of 'power conditioning' or voltage regulation going on but they do help with surge protection (a bit).
There is a lot of marketing rather than engineering brilliance about those products- don't get me wrong, I use them- but mostly to keep the cabling neat.

It isn't really until you get up to products like the "P-2300 IT E" and "P-6900 AR E" that you are getting any real benefit but they are serious money, very heavy, installation situations only.
octatonic said:
Marshall30thAnn said:
Thanks guys! I may get a one-space furman since I have the AXE-FX + 2 Atomics. I dont want to jeprodize this stuff.

Are you getting one of the standard Furman 'power conditioners' like the PL8?
They are basically just glorified power strips in a rack unit.
There isn't a whole lot of 'power conditioning' or voltage regulation going on but they do help with surge protection (a bit).
There is a lot of marketing rather than engineering brilliance about those products- don't get me wrong, I use them- but mostly to keep the cabling neat.

It isn't really until you get up to products like the "P-2300 IT E" and "P-6900 AR E" that you are getting any real benefit but they are serious money, very heavy, installation situations only.
Yep. I bought one of the Furman rackmount 'conditioners' because of the surge protector and to organize stuff, but in terms of really doing anything amazing for overly dirty power it won't do much if anything. I got a great deal on one of the ones with the little pull out lights though and it's worked flawlessly for me. I'm only worried about lightning strikes and these things have guarantees on damage to gear. I have no idea how good they are in terms of honoring it, but it makes me feel a little bit better.
octatonic said:
Are you getting one of the standard Furman 'power conditioners' like the PL8?
They are basically just glorified power strips in a rack unit.
There isn't a whole lot of 'power conditioning' or voltage regulation going on but they do help with surge protection (a bit).
They are just power strips in a rack unit, but the pull-out lights are cool. The power conditioning (i.e. high-frequency filtering) is the same as a good power strip. There is no voltage regulation going on; for that you need a voltage regulator. All TVSS (transient voltage surge suppression) units must pass the same UL testing.
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