Is there "Best practices for setting relative volume"?

I see that there are many places where you can not only set the volume of an effect, but set the level going into the next block in the chain. Master volume in the AMP seems to not be overall volume (as is the case on a real amp) but rather, another way of coloring the sound (similar to gain or "preamp" on a Marshall)

What is best practice for adjusting the relative volume of the patches? I know there are infinite possibilities, but I do not see myself as someone who will ever test out all of the myriads of combinations possible on this thing. I want to have a cookie-cutter methodology for building patches and was wondering if there was a best practice.

(to be perfectly honest: I may be able to build out my entire working library using just presets…the only issue I have with them is their relative volumes need to change (and they are also spread across almost 400 preset locations, so I may shuffle them around).

I can see that everyone is saying that building our own patches is the true power of this device, but mine seem thin compared to what has been created on the factory presets.

Thanks for reading.
Use either the Level control in the amp block, or the Main parameter in the Output section of the Layout menu.
I only use the amp block level to adjust relative volumes. I used to have presets where changing the amp volume affected the effects after it, so only then did I use the main parameter in the output section of the layout menu.

If you see "Level" multiple times in the amp block, it's the same parameter just in multiple places.
Set up your clean presets first then your dirty. The clean presets always seem to need to be set lower and I'm also in the camp of using the level in the amp block to set levels between presets.
I always throw in a filter block at the end, and use that to adjust the volume. They're cheap CPU-wise, and there are 4 of them. This way when I pull up a patch and I need to adjust the level, I would know where to go always. I have bad memory, so I don't want to hunt for it.
These are all good systems. Thanks everyone. It is helpful to know that when I see the same parameter on multiple pages that it just might be the same thing redisplayed for convenience (LEVEL in the AMP block).

To recap what her been said here:

AMP BLOCK MASTER VOLUME: This colors sound - do not use this as a volume pedal

AMP LEVEL - This is a potential place to change relative volume on patches - but it buried in each AMP block.

FILTER BLOCK - This is a potential place to change relative volume on patches and if one has proceduralized their patches, this locations stands out as a separate block which can be standardized onto all of ones patches.

Main parameter in the Output section of the Layout menu: this I have to investigate as I have not gotten into the OUTPUT Block yet.

Sounds like the key is to pick one method and stick to it for all patches. Thanks everyone!
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