Should I upgrade my AXE Ultra to 11.0 ?

I ordered Ultra late in 2010. After an obscenely long wait, I finally got it, and then AXEII came out like the next day (what lousy timing). I have not begun to utilize AXE much yet, and am now about to dig in and begin modifying some patches.

Should I upgrade to 11.0 before I begin any shuffling around of presets? Once you upgrade, do your user defined presets get set back to the factory presets? How do people handle this (or do you stick with the same firmware unless there is a major bug?)

I am thinking of move/copying all of the sweeter sounding factory presets up to higher numberes and overwriting weirder presets (therby leaving the lower numbers for my songs). I am reluctant to erase to many factory presets though, as it can be a learning experience to disect them.

does it all get shuffled back to sqare one when you upgrade firmware?

Thanks in advance.
If you're just getting started again, I would upgrade first. 11 sounds great. I still have my Ultra although I also have a II.
You'll need to re-tweak your presets as they will sound different. But they won't be overwritten if you just do a fw upgrade. Make sure to make a backup first though.
You can download the fw11 banks and audition via Axe edit without having to save on the ultra.
If your user presets are relatively few, you could do this:
1. Backup
2. Upgrade to 11.
3. Bulk transfer all fw11 factory presets and try them out.
4. Transfer your user presets over.

Sent from my phone.
thanks tgunn!

for anyone else doing this:

Step 1 : purchase MIDI-USB converter (Fractal recommends MIDISPORT 2X2)
Step-2 download/install MIDISPORT drivers
Step-3 install AXE-EDIT (i guess no drivers are needed for AXE-Ultra but a driver is needed for AXE-II)
Step-4 AXE-EDIT => Settings => Update Firware (or first backup/sycn)

Is this true: Settings =>backup/sycn is used to backup the presets on the AXE-FX and if you want to maipulate them as tgunn suggested, you use AXE-MANAGE ? (still getting the hand of this)

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