Search results for query: recommend monitors

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  1. Ledvedder

    Desktop powered monitor recommendations?

    Hi everyone! I'm new to the Fractal world, and I'm looking for some recommendations for desktop powered monitors. I'm mostly going to use the Axe for home practice, recording, etc. with my computer. I currently have a pair of Kali LP6 monitors that I've used with my Fryette power station and...
  2. G

    Any recommendations on which monitors to buy?

    I don't currently have a piece of Fractal gear, but I am on the list for the FM9. I'd like some recommendations on what powered monitors might be a good choice to pair with it. I'd want to put the monitors in my living room (an area of around 15' x 12') where I spend a lot of time. I'd be...
  3. Joe_Guitar1

    Another Recommend Studio Monitors Thread

    Room size is 15’ x 12’ with 8 foot ceilings - untreated. Use the speakers to play through the axefx & record. I need the speakers to be front ported as they are against a wall. Currently have KRK Rotokit 6’s that are dying a slow death; the ominous crackle… Have been looking at the Focal...
  4. levipeto

    What sealed studio monitor do you recommend?

    I am looking for sealed studio monitors! Around 1000-1500 a pair.
  5. Pwrmac7600

    Recommendations for power amp for studio monitors?

    I have an older set of passive EVENT 20/20'S that I always liked, but at the time I was in a small apartment and they were just putting out to much low end. So I stopped using them, and packed them away. But now I'm in a much bigger space and would like to use them as a second set, but I don't...
  6. J

    Recommend me a pair of powered monitors for my Axe-Fx

    Apologies if this isn't strictly related to my AXE, but the community here seems pretty clued up. My current setup: Guitars, Bass guitar, Digital Piano and Nord Electro 6D keyboard plugged into AXE FX 3 (my sole audio interface), outputted to headphones and hooked up to my PC as well. Looking...
  7. C

    Looking for a specific monitor recommendation

    Hi guys, I'm looking for a monitor recommendation based on my room space. My room is somewhat small, and not acoustically treated (yet) - it's 9' wide and 15' long, standard 8' ceiling. Right now I'm running a pair of old entry level 8" first gen Behringer truth monitors- while they do the...
  8. McG03

    Recommend Studio Monitors

    Hoping you guys can recommend some studio monitors, I'm hoping to stay under $500 if I can. It seems like the JBL 305s are pretty popular in the lower end, what does everyone like in the middle range? These would primarily be used with the FM3, maybe some light use with Logic playback...
  9. Spongy

    Studio Monitor Recommendations

    Hello! I’m brand new to this Forum. I just ordered my very first AxeFX 3 after many many months on the waitlist. I’ve been playing guitar for 33 years and am excited to start exploring the world of amp modeling. I apologize if this has been asked a million times before but I’m wondering if...
  10. C

    Recommendations for an FRFR monitor for Band Practice and backline for small gigs.

    Hi all, I know this topic has been discussed at length in many posts (I believe I have probably read most of them). To give some background, I have tried the ASC-10 (twice actually) and I am just not happy with the overly present bass and the fact that the presets do not translate well at all...
  11. KenH

    Would like some recommendations for powered studio monitors and headphones to use with the III

    With the current Fractal sale, I finally upgraded from an original II to the III. I am not currently gigging so I mostly play in my home office which is maybe 15'x15'. I am not needing anything as powerful as the QSC monitors I used when I was gigging. Mostly just playing along with music or...
  12. sprint

    Studio Monitor Recommendation

    I'm a home based player using Axefx 3 in a mostly untreated corner of my basement. I mostly play for enjoyment, sometimes along with backing tracs, and sometimes I will jam with other friend/family guitarists. I dabble in recording (Logic) and use guitar based plugins (Bias) from time to time...
  13. fractalz

    Recommendation needed : full In-Ear Monitoring & PA System

    Imagine you and your hard-rocking band can afford to pamper yourselves with a top-quality PA and in-ear monitoring solution, regardless of the fact that you are just playing the local bars. What would it be? I know these very items have been covered in many threads, and I've read a bunch of...
  14. jdiz86

    Help: determining the the right size studio monitors my room

    Greetings and salutations. I'm looking at finally getting a pair of studio monitors. Most of what I have read online emphasizes the importance of room size when making a decision on near-field monitors. I want to confirm if my space is suitable for a makeshift studio environment and, if it is...
  15. T

    Studio monitor recommendations for home usage

    Hi, What studio monitor do you use or recommend for home usage (apartment) ? Thanks !
  16. Ian Minogue-Corps

    Recommend me a pair of Passive Monitors

    Ok, I have my Axe FxII and a Marshall 20/20 rack amp, now to find some decent monitors. Looking at the Forum, there seems to be a lot more choice if you are in the US, however us Brits can't always get the nicer stuff at sensible prices. I'm no hear snob and I'm not fussed with the name on the...
  17. GotMetalBoy

    Monitor Management Recommendations

    I use 3 pairs of speakers and a subwoofer to compare mixes. I've been using a $99.99 Samson C-Control for over 10 years but the main volume knob is starting to go bad, so it's time to upgrade. I bought a $99.99 Behringer Xenyx CONTROL1USB but it sounded distorted, really colored the sound...
  18. V

    Recommend passive (unpowered) studio monitors

    Hi All, I am looking to upgrade my Behringer Truths to a better quality studio monitor for use with my AX8 at home. I am looking to save some money where I can here, and I have a great SLA-1 amp sitting at home I could put to work with a set of passive monitors. Am hoping passives will be a...
  19. D

    Please recommend me monitors for live use

    Looking at using a couple of monitors in front of me for live use. Happy to pay for top quality. I am hoping you guys can point me in the right direction. Also, if I use these in stereo, can I replicate this to FOH? Thanks Rich
  20. GazzaBloom

    What studio monitors do you recommend for playing AXE FX through?

    I have a pair of Event TR8's connected to a focusrite Saffire Pro 14 connected to an iMac running Logic, I have been planning to upgrade for a while and have just ordered an AXE FX so what powered monitors would you recommend to uograde to that can handle AXE playback at reasonably high volume...
  21. G

    In-ear monitor recommendations?

    Hey gang, I'm considering making the shift to in-ear monitors. Anyone here been using them? If so, any recommendations? Thx!
  22. D

    Recommended monitors or amps to practice with the Axe II

    I have the Axe II. Mind blowing. However, I miss playing through an amp. Playing through Sennheiser 650 headphones sounds great. Playing through my Mackie HR824s sounds accurate...but boring. What are other's doing? Using two amps? A PA? For writing and practicing? I write and sing, so head...
  23. K

    What monitors/ speaker cabs are recommended

    For the axe fx Been thinking about making the transition but am really curious about what monitors to use with this unit. The draw back could be having to spend another 2500 on a decent speaker / mini mixer to use with this. I'd like to use the axefx live and in the studio. Any feedback is...
  24. ksmithdc

    Need Recommendation for Studio Monitors

    All, I need a recommendation for powered studio monitors. Doesn't have to be "the best". But I also don't want the basement level either. Prefer something in the middle range...good bang for the buck. Thanks, Kevin
  25. NizarOdeh85

    Recommend a sound card and monitor for home usage plz

    Guys, any recommendations on good sound card and monitors? i have high-end toshiba laptop that will be used in recording, do i need active or passive monitors? and whats the best USB sound card to attach? and for those who have long experience with the Axe Fx, is this setup better or the...
  26. M

    Recommendations for purchasing reference monitors:

    Hey guys, I am looking into buying some reference//studio monitors for my Ultra while I practice at home this next semester. I have read the reviews and am leaning towards these M-Audios: ... sku=600092 However, I could just be jaded so I want some...
  27. A

    High-end FRFR Monitor Recommendations

    Would like some feedback on the following FRFR active monitors: RCF TT08A RCF TT22-A RCF NX M10-A KV2 EX10 KV2 EX12 EAW NT29 Meyer UPJ-1P Tannoy VNET12 L-Acoustics 108P L-Acoustics 112P All of these units seem to exhibit excellent measurements, and rave reviews on sound. Just curious if...
  28. S

    Recommend good quality, under 40lb powered monitor?

    Hello, I just discovered the Axe FX, and will soon be ordering one! I am looking for a wedge type powered monitor with (as good as possible) sound quality, weighing UNDER 40 POUNDS. And preferably, more like 20-30. I have a screwed up back, and that is the weight limit of what I want to move...
  29. M

    Recommend a Decent Passive Monitor

    Can you recommend a decent, but affordable passive monitor?
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