"Tone Matching" Preview

Cool. Tone matching, a feature at the top of my wish list (well maybe next to the polyphonic tuner), is coming to the Axe-FX. Very, very excited.
Does anyone know what we will need to do this ie, microphones, or anything else, will it be like IR capture? What would be a good mic to get for this I want to be ready!
Good question, it would be cool if you could do the capture via USB.
Sounds handy - the axe fx II just gets more mind blowing all the time and is a reminder of why we pay £2k for these units when your best mate is happy with his rooted in time line 6 pod hd.

I will be interested to know more as this unfolds. The logistics, quality & tweakability of these features will be key. Tone matching obviously involves intense eq'ing and often some crazy boosts (10db+ etc) take place. Those boosts arent usually very musical, so its good to match a captured curve sometimes up to 50% or something along those lines (you see what i'm getting at). Hope it has that kind of functionality. Im sure it won't be an ozone beater (if it does beat ozone i will eat a dunlop jazz III), but will end up being useful to those without that plugin.

This amp matching/kemper stuff is interesting me lately, certainly has me wondering. I don't get 100% how that works yet, but if its nothing more than a glorified impulse of an amp i'm not sure how useful that is?
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The gravity of this addition is beyond overwhelming. We're talking INDUSTRY STANDARD. One of the few times where the sum of the componets are exponentially exploding. Truly unbelievable....

P.S. Are FAS Stocks open to the public?
My sincere thanks to Cliff as well for working on this! Very cool!

I have a dumb question though. When an amp is profiled, is it just the settings it's currently at? Or is it like a the current models where you can adjust anything you like? I understand the EQ match thing, but the amp profiling not so much. Either way, these are exciting times we live in :D
No quote but he is right.
Okay, thank you.

To extrapolate from this...
We *should* be able to mic a cab, send a signal through an amplifier (as set by the user), and a "new amp/cab combo" would be produced? Or is this (simply) *manipulating* the settings of an existing amp model to (attempt to) match the sonic characteristics of said amp/cab? End result for the process ("Amp Matching"?) being a new Block? Or a "saved block set" utilizing the Amp and Cab Blocks?

I am very curious, as my primary source of failure thus far has been in replicating the "cab" portion of my rig. I have been investigating other options (as full fledged replacement scenarios, or appending gear I have), but this now provides pause. I have no interest in EQ matching type solutions, but if something can "match" my cab... and my favorite amp... I would be quite overjoyed :D
I am so happy you did decide to add this. I started a matc heq thread before it even seemed t obit this forum. Thank you so much for always comsidering our requests and working so hard to make them a reality.
Originally Posted by themaidenmaniac
if it does beat ozone i will eat a dunlop jazz III
You heard it here, folks...

That's not going to feel good, when it comes out the other end.
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Electric Gypsy or The Prayer/The Answer... Can you hear the wind blows - Whitesnake... Endless list :)
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Could you give us some details about how this works? is this a new mode for the Amp block, meaning that you can choose between the traditional mode and this new one? Or it is just a new feature for the amp block, where you would have to first try to approximate the tone you are looking for by creating a patch as you usually do and then refine it with the matching feature?
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OK, WOW, speechless......................take a deep breath. At first I thought the "profile" thing wouldn't be for me as I don't have anything to "profile" then it hits me, lots of other people do, and they can share their work. speechless again................
So, that coupled with "tone match" means that I can recreate tones that changed my life and share them at our shows and take them with me back to that time is..........wow. I think that 50 user cab slots is not going to be enough any more?
OK, I'm curious too, but it seems silly to ask too many questions about functionality yet. But what I WOULD like to know is: Is there an estimate you'd be willing to give as to when this might be available and what form it might take? Time frame?

I'm not one of those who have been clamoring for "profile" features. I'm not so interested in sounding like "X", but it sounds fun nonetheless.
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