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  • Also, I think my Tri Axis needs new tubes. Pretty much everything sounds lifeless. To get the most versatility from it, from classic rock tones, clean-ish 80's (ala Police), to tight crunch (Pull Me Under), to creamy leads (solos like Pink Floyd's "Time"), what tubes would you recommend? Thanks!
    That song we've posted about, I'm not sure he's following. When I saw that another person spotted the same thing I heard, I felt it was ok to add my comment. But even though he asked a few questions, he hasn't changed anything in the melody (maybe in the production, but that seems ok to me.) I think I'll leave it alone. Tom
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    Yeah, I tried to be honest and not sound like a downer. I'm going to leave it alone unless he asks, as well. Hopefully he'll hear the resolution issue with it. I'll pull out my triaxis and take a pic of the 12Ax7's. They really helped with making the mid freqs a good type of punchy.
    Yeah, I also came to the same conclusion. Without sitting down and figuring an alternative out for him and tabbing it out I don't think there's much any of us can do for's just that one part too. It's like trying to explain to someone their bends aren't to pitch and ruining a lick. If they can't hear it...they just can't hear it.
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